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arctander t1_ixz36qa wrote

It was not the traditional style of tale that I look forward to at Christmas. It doesn't feel re-watchable. I skipped ahead on some of the songs.


Knife2MeetYouToo t1_iy09cu0 wrote

I found the entire plot to be offensive for a Christmas film.

Also the whole 'Ghost of Christmas Past' running joke that she sexually harasses Ryan Reynolds because he is attractive is disgusting to include in a kids movie, especially a holiday film.

Overall really disappointing.


adamwho t1_iy0axrf wrote

You're watching a movie with Ryan Reynolds maybe that's a clue that there will be cussing and sex jokes.

Did you think Deadpool was a kid's movie too?


dennythedinosaur t1_iy0a3g4 wrote

It's rated PG-13 so not exclusively a kids movie.


Knife2MeetYouToo t1_iy0alwe wrote

Are you seriously going to tell me it isn't being made and marketed to primarily children?
