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riegspsych325 t1_ixmaeyy wrote

Big Lebowski. I either didn’t understand it or felt like I was left out of several inside jokes when I first watched it. It almost left a bad taste in my mouth until a few months later when I had an itch to watch it again. And when I did, everything just clicked


madman84 t1_ixmie9r wrote

That to me is the defining feature of most Coen brothers movies. On first watch they strike you as kind of funny/strange but nothing special. But something sticks with you and if you watch it again it really opens up and then gets better with each subsequent rewatch.


scrubjays t1_ixmir4m wrote

This happened to me with No Country for Old Men. I was so busy watching LLewelyn and the sherriff I did not really pay attention to Anton Chigurgh, who is really the, for lack of a better word, 'heart' of the movie.


NonuTheGOAT t1_ixo6nph wrote

+1. Saw No Country and Lebowski when I was a teenager and fucking hated them. Now they're two of my faves. They're art films disguised as studio movies.


traindodge t1_ixtp47s wrote

I’m a big Coen head now but that was my experience with A Serious Man. All these years later I can’t get that movie out of my head and it holds up each time.


ZebraBorgata t1_ixmkfll wrote

That was true for me too. I lightly enjoyed the movie the first time around but definitely didn’t react like others were reacting to it. But now I’ve seen it many many times and just love it!


Agitated-Fig-2343 t1_ixn8ig6 wrote

I saw the movie at the theater in 98 ,I was like What the hell am I watching? 5 years later a buddy from work tells me that he was on the floor laughing watching the big Lebowski ! What ? How ? Why ? Ok get a grip ! So got a DVD of the movie and holy crap it was hilarious ! 😂 ! It is now among my favorite movies !


Content-From-Reddit t1_ixmdv3z wrote

I had a very similar experience. They showed us a sneak preview of it while I was in college and when it was over I wondered what the hell I just watched. I didn't think it was funny, I didn't think it had a story, it was just 2 hours of my life.

A couple years later for whatever reason I decided to give it another try and I liked it a little bit more, but I still didn't think it was good. It took about three viewings for everything to click and then I thought it was a masterpiece.


skonen_blades t1_ixo3oir wrote

Word, me too. I'd seen Miller's Crossing, Blood Simple, Barton Fink and Fargo and was expecting another taut, tight, beautiful, complex, layered plot that would blow me away and what I got (to me that first time) was an aimless mess that meandered hither and thither before sort of petering out and just grinding slowly to a halt and then some credits. Silly characters and set pieces but it seemed slapdash and dumb. Random. Like they rolled the dice and failed. Like the magic had left their creative powers. SUPER disappointed.

Then two years later after listening to everyone rave about it, I was like "Man, what am I missing?" and watched it again only to go "OOOOOOHhhhhh, I get it now. Right. Great film." It's probably the only film I've had that experience with, I think. Or at least the one that I did the biggest 180 on.


NomadicDevMason t1_ixnd6i6 wrote

The first time I watched it I got it from blockbuster because it was on a promotional rack and I watched it alone sick while in bed. My dad came in to check on me because I was laugh coughing so loud he got scared.


LarsUlrichIsHere t1_ixmbyde wrote

Overrated stupid movie


ClarkDungaree t1_ixmdpaw wrote

You human paraquat, to use the parlance of our times.