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madman84 t1_ixmie9r wrote

That to me is the defining feature of most Coen brothers movies. On first watch they strike you as kind of funny/strange but nothing special. But something sticks with you and if you watch it again it really opens up and then gets better with each subsequent rewatch.


scrubjays t1_ixmir4m wrote

This happened to me with No Country for Old Men. I was so busy watching LLewelyn and the sherriff I did not really pay attention to Anton Chigurgh, who is really the, for lack of a better word, 'heart' of the movie.


NonuTheGOAT t1_ixo6nph wrote

+1. Saw No Country and Lebowski when I was a teenager and fucking hated them. Now they're two of my faves. They're art films disguised as studio movies.


traindodge t1_ixtp47s wrote

I’m a big Coen head now but that was my experience with A Serious Man. All these years later I can’t get that movie out of my head and it holds up each time.