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dzhastin t1_iybs0l1 wrote

Sodebergh probably fell asleep during the original and missed the point. It’s a classic movie, but man, does Tarkovsky take his time. The scene where they seemingly spend 90 uncut minutes driving through tunnels in Japan hypnotized me and put me to sleep. When I woke up the same driving scene was still going on!

I still prefer the Tarkovsky but the soundtrack in the Sodebergh version is phenomenal.


eventhegreyscant t1_iydng2b wrote

> but man, does Tarkovsky take his time

He literally called his entire philosophy "Sculpting in Time"


dzhastin t1_iydr9vs wrote

I can still do without the 90 minutes of driving through Japanese tunnels.


warpus t1_iyc6z4o wrote

The movie is technically based on the novel though and not the older movie adaptation, although to be fair that adaptation is a pretty good one, if missing some of the Lem like nuances.

I bet what happened was the studio said “Uh that won’t sell, focus the story on the wife instead”


Neckwrecker t1_iycxnew wrote

>Sodebergh probably fell asleep during the original and missed the point. It’s a classic movie, but man, does Tarkovsky take his time. The scene where they seemingly spend 90 uncut minutes driving through tunnels in Japan hypnotized me and put me to sleep. When I woke up the same driving scene was still going on! > >I still prefer the Tarkovsky but the soundtrack in the Sodebergh version is phenomenal.

I'm gonna be honest, I started nodding off during the original in the 3rd act. I did enjoy it though, I just had to rewatch some of it.


Abba_Fiskbullar t1_iydg91f wrote

Tarkovsky can be hard. I love Stalker, it's some kind of hypnotic cinematic bliss for me, but I just couldn't stay focused on Tarkovsky's Solaris and I've never finished it.


dzhastin t1_iydp4p7 wrote

Stalker is an all-time great. Solaris picks up and becomes a great movie once they get off the Earth, but they fart around for a long time first.