Submitted by atclubsilencio t3_zxinol in movies

I never watched this because I thought it would be too upsetting (it definitely is still) and my uncle happened to be there when it happened. I thought it would be exploitative and I'm not really a fan of Mark Wahlberg. But for some reason I decided to watch it the other night and was actually shocked by how good it is.

I didn't know half of this story, apparently. I knew about the bombings, yes, and the brothers, and that was about it. But from the bombing scene on this film is an anxiety machine. The Watertown shootout is probably one of the best I've ever seen put to film. I was freaking the fuck out. I can't imagine being in my house and then suddenly grenades and machine guns are going off.

The interrogation scene with the wife was also great. The score by Reznor and Ross is also great. The carjacking scene gave me so much anxiety I almost couldn't watch it. But that dude was a hero, seriously. When they >!shoot the cop in the face!< to steal his gun actually made me feel ill.

And then of course I was left sobbing by the end. This film deserves way more attention, it's surprisingly not as 'jingoistic' as I thought it would be. And Wahlberg actually gives one of his best performances. Also the boat scene. This whole movie is a rollercoaster. Such a tragedy and scary as hell. But the editing, direction, and acting are all impeccable.



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cheekybeeboo t1_j20kay0 wrote

I feel this is not just Wahlberg's best film in a decade, but the filmmaker Peter Berg's best ever. Genuinely a great film and fantastic example of merging dramatized recreations of events with the real life footage via those security cameras in the gas stations, etc. And of course Wahlberg's character is fictional but using him as a vehicle in which to tell the story is brilliant. I love this movie.


TheCosmicFailure t1_j20xevm wrote

Most of the time Berg knows how to bring the best out of Wahlberg. Lone Survivor and Deepwater Horizon are their other collabs and they are both really good. They also have Spenser Confidential and Mile 22 which are pretty bad though.

It might be Peters best. But I would also say Friday Night Lights and Lone Survivor are up there as well.


garrisontweed t1_j20z47g wrote

I will give Mark Wahlberg credit for showing in this and Deepwater Horzion that his characters aren’t tough guys,but show emotion.When he cry’s in Patriot Day or comforted by a family member near the end of Deepwater Horzion.There would be a lot of actors wouldn’t show that vulnerability.


atclubsilencio OP t1_j21houu wrote

other than that one with The Rock which I only saw as a kid, it's definitely the best of his I've seen.


mickeyflinn t1_j20n414 wrote

Patriot's Day is excellent. It hits so many points for me.


cake_piss_can t1_j225yfj wrote

This movie is actually way better than it has the right to be.


drewisawesome14 t1_j20st6s wrote

I recently went to Boston and decided that’s where I want to go get my masters when I graduate.

I went to the bombing site and it’s just unbelievable that something like that happened right there in such a normal looking part of the city.

I never was interested in seeing Patriots Day because I thought it was just another Hollywood cash-grab with Wahlberg, but after visiting the site I was interested in seeing the film. Now after reading your post I’ll be watching it tonight when I’m off my shift.


BingBongtheArcher19 t1_j20hdcd wrote

Interesting. I dismissed it when it came out because it just didn't look good to me, but now you've piqued my interest. Is it streaming somewhere?


Cbomb101 t1_j20qzci wrote

I liked it the movie it had good intensity to a short kinda dull story .Im Australian so I never heard of the paritots day March terrorist attack. Poor people just trying to be a community which we don't have much anymore .


orangemaroon25 t1_j216rv0 wrote

Except for the part where Wahlberg is playing a "composite character" of a bunch of the real life cops and investigators because they just needed to make a lead for the movie, which takes away from the "true story" part of it.


TelephoneCreepy2518 t1_j20zuub wrote

Can't stand how he makes up characters and inserts himself into historical events. Dude is a tool
