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Few_Needleworker_801 t1_j155o0y wrote

The majority of this movie was shot in 2019!

Does anyone have any other examples of movies shot long before release?


SanderSo47 OP t1_j156fyf wrote

The Cabin in the Woods wrapped filming in May 2009. It didn't release in theaters until April 2012. It was held back as MGM was the distributor but it was going through financial problems. It was later sold to Lionsgate.


fruitporridge t1_j156k9i wrote

It's a white saviour movie.

White man comes in and shows indigenous people how to play a sport and teaches them to "believe in them selve"

We've seen these type of movies many time


TimoteoLaSala t1_j15843o wrote

How much Korg will he cram into this one?


hatramroany t1_j159939 wrote

Disney must be very happy with this movie for them to delay it to a prime Oscar spot


WeDriftEternal t1_j15a5mb wrote

The Red Dawn remake I believe sat around for a few years. It was supposed to be a quick turnaround but didn't get release for like 3ish years

I know Fanboys was delayed as well, but I don't think it was delayed that long, it did however basically get =recut into a fairly different movie


Revolutionary_Box569 t1_j15bk8e wrote

Yeah it doesn’t tend to be a good sign, other than Top Gun which was largely due to covid anyway it’s hard to think of examples of movies that have had that and not been clusterfucks (I think Terence Malick takes a long time editing his movies and most of them are good)


Fantastic_Deer_3772 t1_j15e7ch wrote

True, but this is based on a documentary that had approval from the team (they'd turned others down) and its directed by a polynesian guy.

The blind side is still based on a white guys book, and the Disney were more racist daydreamers.

I could be being too hopeful but I'm not writing it off without watching. If I'm wrong I'll be wrong.


jak_d_ripr t1_j15fm8u wrote

I was so confused for so long by that movie because I read that Hemsworths performance in it was the reason he got cast as Thor, but the movie came out a year after Thor. It wasn't until I did more digging that I understood where the confusion was coming from.


ackinsocraycray t1_j15grwk wrote

That's... right on my birthday. Guess I have to watch it.


Nick_Lastname t1_j15j511 wrote

I recommend everyone watch the documentary before it comes out, its great!


smackbauer t1_j15jy74 wrote

Sounds like we've got our first lock for TIFF 2023.


hatramroany t1_j15kp7q wrote

It is a touch early from a more traditional October date but as the article points out the date likely points to a TIFF (or maybe Venice Film Festival) debut which is a big launching point for awards season


hatramroany t1_j15mf5j wrote

You mean October/November. Since 2005 (excluding the 2020/21 covid Oscars) the only Best Picture winner released in December was The Shape of Water which came out commercially on December 1st but debuted in August at the Venice International Film Festival and had industry screenings throughout September, October, and November. December is far too late to release a movie for serious awards contention anymore.


tetoffens t1_j15opjh wrote

It's a different kind of example but The Other Side of the Wind by Orson Welles began filming in 1970. It only released in 2018, so 48 years. Welles never made a complete cut but he did edit quite a bit of it together and the rest was compiled together from the 96 total hours of footage Welles left behind, with his notes and some creativity. A few simple things were added but it's still 99% footage Welles shot in the 70s.

It's a very weird and experimental film, really cool cast, and I'm not sure if it is good or bad but the history of it made it worth watching. There's also a good documentary about the production, They'll Love Me When I'm Dead.


cosmicmanNova t1_j15orx2 wrote

Thor Love and Thunder is Waititi's Wonder Woman 1984


garrisontweed t1_j15qvyt wrote

I just read a interview with James Cameron and he said he "Didn`t want The Stranger Things effect,"of the kids getting older.So he filmed everything with them at once.


Also read that Eddie Falco thought the Movie had came out already.Since she filmed everything back in 2017.


poland626 t1_j15w4eu wrote

Everyone forgets Red Dawn! Filmed right BETWEEN Cabin and Thor. I only remember it for this one scene where Josh Peck shoots a window out and jumps a whole story landing on the ground like nothing and keeps running but the rest was meh.

Still, Red Dawn was filmed also before Thor but came out AFTER Cabin in the Woods and Thor. Weird releases at the time


phatboy5289 t1_j15xjyt wrote

It’s pretty funny to me that they wanted to avoid having the kids age too much… but Kiri is played by Sigourney Weaver in her 70s. Though I suppose Jack Champion being live action makes it tricky, as does their voices going through puberty.


Smallest-Yeet t1_j1601fu wrote

I’m sure a directors cut would be on par, but I’m sorry I just personally did not like L&T even close to how much I liked Ragnorok. In fact I would almost say I don’t care for L&T and wouldn’t watch it again. Pretty much the consensus with everyone I went to see it with and most people I’ve heard from online


Accomplished-Pear809 t1_j167g7k wrote

Who did they replace arm eatin hammer with?

Looks like Will Arnett maybe?


protantus t1_j168bwj wrote

Hmm, no one going to mention there is a (fantastic) original documentary about the American Samoa team.


DrKurgan t1_j16d4ic wrote

IMO Ragnarok is the best Thor, the first one is boring, the 2nd is even more boring (one of the most boring movie I watched, even the actors looked bored). I haven't watched L&T since I heard it's terrible.


RecoveringHeights t1_j16kz81 wrote

Isn't September usually indie season and a minor dump month? Granted, it's not as bad as January-Feburary, but most low budget movies usually get thrown there while Oscar-worthy indies are released just before horror season in October.


cosmicmanNova t1_j16pgio wrote

Did doing the show and going through these experiences focused on longevity change the way you plan your own future?

One hundred percent. I'm just at the point of my life where I'm meeting with different directors and [people say] “Oh yeah, look, he's a mad genius. He's mad, but he's a genius and he'll make great films.” I'm like, “Is that who I want to spend my days with?” Four months, five months of shooting and then you've got press and possible reshoots and so on.


hambamthankyoumam17 t1_j16rhvf wrote

this movie was shot in 2019, wtf is going on? did it have horrific test screenings?


Ry90Ry t1_j16ui2d wrote

Kinda feeling over saturated in the taika department rn

But this being fassbender and 2019 has me intrigued


dashauskat t1_j16vfyh wrote

I've been waiting two years to take the women's soccer team I've been coaching to this movie. I showed them the documentary already.


usethe4th t1_j17bp6r wrote

The most egregious example I know of where there was active development the entire time was Kenneth Lonergan’s Margaret. It began shooting in 2005 and was finally released in 2011. It was originally supposed to release in 2007. There are four separate edits, one of which was overseen by Martin Scorsese. I remember critics remarking over just how much younger some of the cast members looked, Matt Damon specifically.


FxHVivious t1_j17clt1 wrote

Love and Thunder was not good, and it's def the worst thing Waititi's done, but it doesn't even begin to compare to WW84. I can't even remember the last movie I saw that was as bad as that dumbster fire.


Kyloyoshi t1_j17med7 wrote

I feel like I’m alone if having had enough of waikiti. There was a point I felt he could do no wrong but now I feel like he’s over-saturated.


schleppylundo t1_j17nbu4 wrote

Yeah everything I’ve seen is that he got along with Taika great on the day to day, the Love and Thunder production looks like it was a lot of fun for most of the cast and crew (especially since their kids got to come along and take part in it) possibly to the detriment of the movie.

Hemsworth is explicitly talking about directors who make “masterpieces” but are difficult to deal with day to day. Which seems like the opposite of Love and Thunder.


DLuLuChanel t1_j17oo1j wrote

On the recasting: Can they go back in time and replace Will Arnett in every Arnold Hammerstein role? Even the dramatic ones. The thought of Call Me Be Your Name but with Will Arnett’s voice?


BillFireCrotchWalton t1_j17qxrc wrote

It's so weird how it's this talking point now that Taika is washed up because of Thor 4. It's definitely the worst thing he has ever made, but there are legendary filmmakers who have had bigger duds. 99.9% of filmmakers have had multiple films worse than Thor 4.


FxHVivious t1_j17rltr wrote

Agreed. Everyone who's ever made a movie has at least one bad one. It's stupid to suddenly assume he's a hack because he had one kinda crappy movie.

Same for Patty Jenkins frankly. She doesn't have as many wins in her column as Waititi, and WW84 was way worse, but she could knock it out of the park on her next project.


crashbandicoochy t1_j17t2op wrote

It's what you get when you attach yourself to the disney/marvel brand where seemingly everything they put out ends in some kind of culture war that keeps the name of the movie in everyone's mouth for so long after release. Everything is either the best or the worst, underrated or overrated, everyone us washed up or a rising star.

It's why I find the Eternals so fascinating because, to this day, it's one of the only high profile Marvel/Disney movies that people reacted to like "yep, that was a movie" and then there was no discourse. It was refreshing. I miss it.


Josh100_3 t1_j183z5v wrote

The Love and Thunder hate confuses me. It’s obviously not even in the same ball park as Ragnarok but it’s insulting to compare it to WW 1984.

Movies are allowed to just be “ok”. They don’t have to all be 10/10’s or complete dumpster fires.


[deleted] t1_j188tr2 wrote

Oh god A Thousand Words. I remember renting that on Redbox a decade ago. Total piece of shit. Unfunny and overly preachy and uninspired. Talk about forgettable I literally forgot this film existed. Total garbitch.


RecoveringHeights t1_j19a2fu wrote

True, us poor common folk just have to see the early reactions on Twitter and Letterboxd before getting to see the Oscar films in November-December. And then that one movie that gets an early release in January before voting closes.


FxHVivious t1_j19pt09 wrote

I thought the first WW was good. Yeah it was equivalent to one of the middling Marvel movies, but compared to the rest of the DC movies that's a fucking homerun.

Ans didn't she do Monster? I never saw it, but I thought it was suppose to be good.


Confident_Can_3297 t1_j1ak53a wrote

I don't remember the name of the movie, but Olivia Coleman made an appearance on Graham Norton awhile back and (hilariously) Graham gave her shit because she couldn't remember the name of her own character from the movie she was promoting and she said it was because she filmed it so long ago.


toe_and_hole_analyst t1_j1aqxqw wrote

I think I'm in the minority of people who see Love and Thunder as a critique and parody of Marvel films. It's not that I want to say Taiki was a supreme genius in doing so, but rather that he is disillusioned with the whole thing. When you can bang Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson at the same time, why does making Marvel movies seem important?

EDIT: majority to minority