Submitted by Rx74y t3_10orwdo in movies

I need a zero to hero film starring a Female Lead. It can be set in highschool or college but it doesn't have to be (bonus points if it is).

Examples of films that fit my criteria are:


Easy A

Rogue One

Hunger Games


Hidden Figures

Nightmare on Elm St

The main character must be female and discover something within herself that allows her to do something she didn't think was possible at the beginning of the film.

Recommendations such as Mulan, where a female tries to be someone they aren't but discovers that being themselves is enough are exactly what I'm looking for.



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Nord4Ever t1_j6iltor wrote

Run Lola Run one of my favorites


Rx74y OP t1_j6im2ka wrote

All the likes. This film was so much exciting and different. Do you javelin any recommendations for other films like this?


Nord4Ever t1_j6l4phq wrote

German films or more lead female roles?


Rx74y OP t1_j6l6gcn wrote

Female lead films that capture the feel of Run Lola Run


Nord4Ever t1_j6nihqr wrote

Hannah has some of that intensity with a different scenario


Rx74y OP t1_j6nj3sh wrote

OK. Thanks for the rec


scooterboy1961 t1_j6gmg7x wrote

Bend it Like Beckham


Rx74y OP t1_j6gmvwx wrote

Props. You didn't say something silly like She's The Man. It has Kiera? I'll watch it.


Rx74y OP t1_j6gtkv4 wrote

I'm looking for a specific type of film. Another Easy A, but it can be more serious. It could be arthouse too but nothing graphic like I Spit On Your Grave or Ms45. It doesn't have to be serious or arthouse, it can be a comedy that enjoys itself like Easy A (as long as it has a heart of good), it can't play itself off as a joke.


[deleted] t1_j6gmq8w wrote



Rx74y OP t1_j6gmxuo wrote

Dumplin isn't the style I'm going for. I'll check out Whip It.


Backabeyond77 t1_j6gngp5 wrote

I Spit On Your Grave


Rx74y OP t1_j6go2ap wrote

Very intense. Do you have any less extreme examples? I'm not looking for a Ms45 or anything that makes me uncomfortable.


Tasty-Dale t1_j6kleo0 wrote

Harsh statement, but tell us your movie suggestion now.


[deleted] t1_j6gq2qv wrote



Rx74y OP t1_j6gtidn wrote

I'm looking for a specific type of film. Another Easy A, but it can be more serious. It could be arthouse too but nothing graphic like I Spit On Your Grave or Ms45. It doesn't have to be serious or arthouse, it can be a comedy that enjoys itself like Easy A (as long as it has a heart of good), it can't play itself off as a joke.

The main character must be a female


TyrelUK t1_j6ifeba wrote

The Long Kiss Goodnight


NoHandBananaNo t1_j6k25mi wrote

Seeing Red

The Strength of Water




Gil37 t1_j6lk92w wrote

The Craft (1996)


Huevos___Rancheros t1_j6go0n4 wrote



Rx74y OP t1_j6hth62 wrote

Recommendations such as Mulan, where a female tries to be someone they aren't but discovers that being themselves is enough are exactly what I'm looking for.


verminbury t1_j6gottd wrote



Rx74y OP t1_j6gp3lj wrote

Tell me more. I've seen it on a few recommendation lists but don't know anything besides it having Winona (sp?) .


GoldStarGranny t1_j6grxto wrote

Heathers is a black comedy/satire from the late 80s, not all of the humour is acceptable by today’s standards, it made Christian Slater famous and propelled Winona out of child star into more adult roles.

Idk that it’s exactly what you’re looking for though. Winona plays a popular upper middle class girl (not zero by any stretch) who throws off the shackles of popularity and takes up with the new mystery guy at school. They plot revenge on bullies but it gets out of hand.


Rx74y OP t1_j6hrpt7 wrote

I'll check it but I'm looking for films featuring 0s that do something nobody expected or believed possible


googajub t1_j6grx9r wrote



Rx74y OP t1_j6gshb5 wrote

Seen it. Didn't like the religious implications felt that was unnecessary. Fun film I guess though


Iogwfh t1_j6gshjf wrote

If Wolf of Wall Street is one of your examples I would suggest Kick Ass

Otherwise there is Booksmart, Moxie, The Duff, Hunger Games, Mad Max Fury Road, Hidden Figures, Erin Brockovich, Jackie Brown, 9-5, A league of their own, Captain Marvel, Joy, Encanto, And if you don't mind an anthropomorphic cartoon Zootopia


Rx74y OP t1_j6gtgn6 wrote

Seen Hunger Games, Erin Brokovick, Mad Mad Dirty Road. Hidden Figures was great. Moxie-? Kick Ass was fun, but I don't like Nicholas Cage or Jim Carrey. Captain Marvel- ehh Booksmart- Didn't like it. A League of their own- think this is a baseball film with Tom Hanks Joy- Didn't have substance Encanto- Songs were annoying imo I don't vibe with anthromorpic stuff. Animated yes, that no.

I'm looking for a specific type of film. Another Easy A, but it can be more serious. It could be arthouse too but nothing graphic like I Spit On Your Grave or Ms45. It doesn't have to be serious or arthouse, it can be a comedy that enjoys itself like Easy A (as long as it has a heart of good), it can't play itself off as a joke.


Iogwfh t1_j6h35jj wrote

Well the closest I can think of is Moxie and The Duff, unless you are willing to broaden out to things like Ladybird, Ghost World, Real Women have Curves, The Edge of Seventeen, Eighth Grade, We Are The Best, Sunny


Rx74y OP t1_j6hrya3 wrote

Ladybird- Didn't like it Edge of 17- Good rec Eighth Grade- Fantastic rec

I don't know anything about the following: Ghost World We are the best Sunny


Iogwfh t1_j6icinc wrote

Since you don't know the other films you now should have plenty to watch 😉.


Rx74y OP t1_j6icnw3 wrote

Ghost World

We are the best



Rx74y OP t1_j6htcje wrote

I'd counter your Encanto rec with Raya and the Last Dragon. It didn't have insipid music, has great, action and realization from the lead female. That is the most important thing, realization from the female MC


Iogwfh t1_j6icdez wrote

Because you said you wanted zero to hero I wasn't sure Raya and the Last Dragon counted since Raya starts off as a warrior princess. If that fits what you are looking for then if you haven't seen it Brave would be of a similar vein.


Rx74y OP t1_j6id9hx wrote

Didn't Raya cause the calamity of her region and her her father killed? I'd consider someone that goes from a position of power (princess or a Wayne) and brings about ruin, loses all their family, or wanders alone to count in the vein of what I'm looking for. Whilst they might be honorary in name they still have a journey of realizing their potential


Iogwfh t1_j6iff23 wrote

I guess I would call it more a redemption story arc than a zero to hero story arc. The reason I chose Encanto was because her character started off powerless through no fault of her own and later realises her power that she can use to help her family. So to me that is a zero to hero story arc. But if the protagonist is the cause of the problem then the act of fixing the problem is the character trying to make amends which to me is more align with a redemption story arc.


vynz00 t1_j6gzoth wrote

Rachel Leigh Cook starred in a couple.

She's All That

Josie and the Pussycats


nishi-no-majo t1_j6h8f8p wrote

Whale Rider (2002).


Rx74y OP t1_j6hsoyh wrote


This is the kind of film I'm looking for


Jertimmer t1_j6hkidd wrote

Furie? Although technically, she isn't exactly a zero at the start of the film.