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excoriator t1_j6ndcie wrote

Nick Nolte has looked like he's 80 for 25 years. It's amazing that he still gets work.


kornkid42 t1_j6ne13h wrote

Visited the park a few months ago, park was nice. Sidewalks around it were scattered with passed out bums though. Entrance to a fancy, white tablecloth restaurant, bum sleeping just off to the side. Entrance to our hotel, bums asking for cigarettes.


griffmeister t1_j6ne3eb wrote

Finding Forrester but it's music instead of writing


trolleyblue t1_j6nej60 wrote

Wow the amount of people who don’t realize this has nothing to do with Kyle Rittenhouse is staggering…


sloppyjo12 t1_j6ney1h wrote

Call this thread March 2020 cuz it’s about to get locked down any second


LuckyCulture7 t1_j6ngbs8 wrote

I love about 5 blocks away. Rittenhouse is a great place to go and it is surrounded by great restaurants. Also, Go Birds!


Leidrin t1_j6ngmle wrote

Or they could have picked a place that doesn't share a name with a violent white supremacist...

You know, like how entire religious organizations stopped using certain symbols because evil people had co-opted them?

It's a stupid choice to name anything "rittenhouse" in 2023, unless that's what you're going for.


Zeppo_Ennui t1_j6ngori wrote

The amount of you who doesn’t realize that a unique name thrust into the spotlight that has nothing to do with existing things with that unique name will now supersede it in thought is staggering…


Spartan117117117 t1_j6ngy03 wrote

His father and job were in Kenosha. But NO your "community" is only the zip associated with your ID?. I assume you side with the rioters who drove across State lines to riot burn and loot 😆

P.S. IDC if kyle drove from Maine. He was an armed non-aggressor until he was chased and physically assaulted by multiple rioters until forced to defend himself.. Sorry about your brother Joe Rosenbaum.. he will be remembered as a pedo hero

You can attempt charge him for transportation of firearm separately and see if it sticks. It didnt.. Did you watch the case?

Completely separate from the self defense encounter brought on by rioters and assailants that chase and attacted him while Kyle was running away yelling "friendly" before the shootings.

Not to mention the FBI Survalence drone footage that was hidden and edited that eventually help prove his innocence. President calling him a white supremacist with no evidence. Corporate media backing it all up. Sheep


Frampfreemly t1_j6nh53p wrote

Weird non-sequitur. The trial showed he was legally allowed to be where he was, that he was legally armed, that his life was credibly threatened more than once, and that his self-defense was measured and commensurate with the threats. I don't know what you're mumbling about regarding travel or history, but it's not relevant here.


kornkid42 t1_j6nhsd6 wrote

I walked around the area twice (day and night), same experience both times. My gf grew up in Philly, lived walking distance from the park . She has no desire to ever go back to center city after what we seen on our trip.


letdogsvote t1_j6ni3u4 wrote

Maybe, and bear with me now, if he doesn't go there or if he goes but doesn't bring a fucking rifle, none of this ever happens and two people are still alive and a third doesn't have a fucked up arm for life.

But yeah. Muh hero Kyle.


Frampfreemly t1_j6niak9 wrote

Continuing to slander someone after they've been cleared of wrongdoing is bullying. You actually find it funny to bully, though. What is funny is that you're trying to claim KR is an awful person when you're actively demonstrating yourself to be awful.


HistoricalUse9921 t1_j6nidd2 wrote

"I'm gonna bring my assault rifle to a protest I don't agree with and harass people until they attack me so I have an excuse to shoot them"

Is not self defense.

A bully being attacked by their victim is not defending themselves. The people of the protest were defending themselves from a murderous psycho child with an assault rifle.

You can live in whatever right-wing delusion you want, it won't change reality, and it won't make you a respectable person.
