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ForkShirtUp t1_j6iyp8w wrote

I thought the ET knock-off was this movie Paul Rudd keeps trying to promote on Conan O'Brien


Weirdguy149 t1_j6izyz1 wrote

That's Mac and Me, the longest and strangest McDonald's commercial in cinematic history.


VoliBeast t1_j6k1clf wrote

What was the other movie that was a Coca Cola commercial, cause every scene had the Coca-Cola logo in the background.


BondageKitty37 t1_j6kc5ya wrote

Mac and Me was also a Coca Cola commercial, since that was all the aliens could drink. Coca Cola even saved the adult aliens from dying


cbbuntz t1_j6kj0d0 wrote

Didn't Mars refuse Spielberg regarding using M&Ms? Probably one of the worst business decisions ever.


rick_blatchman t1_j6kvfkc wrote

Yeah, they thought that E.T. looked ugly and repulsive. They ended up kicking themselves while the Reese's folks danced in a rainstorm of money.


leg_day t1_j6kj4zv wrote

If you haven't caught the 2018 revamp of Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Netflix, Season 12 Episode 1 is about Mac and Me.

> Wow, this is like a Pixar film! In that it exists, and has a title!


shf500 t1_j6k5ivr wrote

I remember this movie coming out in theaters. Did Nukie have a theatrical release?

Also, did parents buy/rent their kids Mac and Me or Nukie thinking "it's the same thing as E.T. All movies have the same quality, right?"


SandmanAlcatraz t1_j6j1aoi wrote

That's Mac & Me, which is also an ET knockoff.

ET was popular enough to have multiple knockoffs, which isn't uncommon.

Take these Star Wars knockoffs for example:

MST3K had an episode with yet another ET knockoff: 1983's Pod People (also known as Extra Terrestrial Visitors or The New Extraterrestrials)


opiate_lifer t1_j6jmg27 wrote

FWIW Battle Beyond The Stars is a ton of cheesy fun! Not even so bad its good, its just fun and enjoyable.


psdpro7 t1_j6lj84r wrote

MST3K has done three ET knockoffs now, "Pod People, "Mac & Me," and just this past year "Munchie."


jpj007 t1_j6mki7m wrote

Munchie is an insane fever dream of a movie, but it's not an ET knockoff.


go222 t1_j6o1rxh wrote

Battle Beyond the Stars probably got made because of the success of Star Wars, but the story is a rip-off of Seven Samuri. Other movies that borrowed from Seven Samuri include

-The Magnificent Seven (and rides again)

-Bugs Life

Given how good some of these are and how poor Battle Beyond the Stars is, it depends on quality which is a rip-off and which are just remakes.


jumpyg1258 t1_j6k1dcy wrote

There's different levels of quality when it comes to 80's movies featuring friendly alien hanging out with kids. You have your top tier with "E.T." then you have your middle ground with "Mac and Me" and then you have the bottom of the barrel with "NUKIE".