Four_Duck_Snakes t1_j61lliz wrote
Terrible_Dish_9516 t1_j61lo0w wrote
Guardians of the Galaxy and the first Suicide Squad
CobaltoAzul t1_j61meb0 wrote
Limitless / Lucy
bluejester12 t1_j61mj9l wrote
I disagree on The Incredible Hulk being bad. That being said...
300 and Immortals
ZorroMeansFox t1_j61nh3t wrote
Here are two alien invasion movies featuring humans being "possessed" and controlled: The 5th Wave and the 1978 version of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers by Philip Kaufman.
VrinTheTerrible t1_j61o71b wrote
My friends and I did this with both Total Recalls (Arnold/Colin). It was a blast.
DreamerMMA t1_j61o9xc wrote
Mortal Kombat for good.
Street Fighter for bad.
VrinTheTerrible t1_j61oj19 wrote
Die Hard
Passenger 57
WhereIsThatElephant t1_j61rq60 wrote
Blade Runner (1982), followed by Jack And Jill.
as long as your friends are not suicidal.
NalonMcCallough t1_j61rw2g wrote
Passengers and Voyagers.
NalonMcCallough t1_j61rysi wrote
I'll let you figure out which one is good and which one is bad.
dreddllama t1_j61sl3t wrote
You’ve just made an enemy for life!
mikelogan1975 t1_j61v99p wrote
The Thing (1982) - followed by - The Thing (2011)
hodiggs1979 t1_j61vsdy wrote
Grand Canyon vs Crash
MovieMike007 t1_j61w4p2 wrote
Halle Berry's Catwoman vs Robert Patinson's Batman.
Lesty-88 t1_j622y7j wrote
The Prestige - The illusionist
kerpalot t1_j623oq8 wrote
Hey, The Spirit was good. Very underrated.
Four_Duck_Snakes t1_j62834t wrote
Dude, I don't know why either of us got DV both solid answers considering the concept provided.
243648endofgame t1_j62e9bs wrote
I like immortal and the first 300 I live 2008s hulk 2 lol
trylobyte t1_j62eojc wrote
The easiest one would be original vs remake. Try the original Korean Oldboy (2003) vs American remake Oldboy (2013).
optimusbrides t1_j61ljy8 wrote
The Spirit, only a cultured man would have this as a point of reference.
I don my cap to you.