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V1198 t1_j95uxas wrote

Take a look at the funding. Yass, Mellon, Thiel. It’s a fairly open secret. And I’m all for freedom loving…but these guys are talking about seceding from the country. How’d you think that’s gonna pan out?


DisMuhUserName t1_j9aeqbw wrote

Look, maybe I'm wrong. Can you provide any proof that they're "funded by billionaires" besides you saying so? Something from a legitimate source, not one with a political agenda.


V1198 t1_j9afhfy wrote

That’s a fairly subjective criteria so I’d just suggest you Google the donor names and the organization at the same time and pick which source you’ll accept. Also keep in mind some of its nebulous as the powers that be have maintained a right to shielding us commoners from knowing who pays them off.


DisMuhUserName t1_j9dg8k2 wrote

What funding? You know, right? So just post a link. One single billionaire that’s on the record funding the Free State Project.


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j97aw9i wrote

This is my issue with them. I agree that taxes suck and most politicians are corrupt assholes. But what happens after secession? Then another group of corrupt assholes gets to make the rules? Except now the streets won’t get plowed.

Meet the new boss same as the old.

The free staters have a PR problem and they can’t even see it for themselves. They follow the same playbook as conservatives. Get elected to a position. Make it so that things don’t work well. Then stand up and say “look this thing doesn’t work well so we should get rid of it. “

They fly under the veil of liberty and freedom and the self righteousness is gross. Whenever it gets brought up in my family it is usually them saying that I just don’t understand.

What they don’t understand is that I caucused for Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 (in a different state) and I have changed my mind.


anarchir t1_j9blqqv wrote

We have well over 100 free staters elected right now. What part of the state is not working well that you'd like to blame on them?


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j9bshpg wrote

It’s hopeless to try and change each others opinions. Can we agree on that?

Gunstock. School boards. Zoning ordinances. Trash collection. Destroy it all because of your personal philosophies. I don’t think it will end well.

I don’t like the free staters and their mission. I don’t trust them.

Therefore….. I hate liberty and freedom and blah blah blah.


anarchir t1_j9gfqlj wrote


A ski resort owned by the state, freaked out when told they need to have more transparent finances and proper management, because they are millions in debt. Somehow that's the fault of freestaters because two of the people on the commission are freestaters? Remind me again why the state owns a ski resort?

>School boards

Take Croyden for example: Average schools are spending $9k/student. A freestater in Croyden tried cutting their $22k/student budget down to $10k. Still above average, and these are just elementary school kids in a one room schoolhouse, who despite high funding are having very poor scores. Somehow that's destruction by freestaters, even though it was majority NOT freestaters who voted in favor of it.

>Trash collection

You're referencing Grafton. Because lots of trash collection is privatized already, but there some local lady (not a freestater) was feeding bears like an idiot and therefore it must be trash collection problems caused by freestaters when the bear attacked.


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j9gl864 wrote

You are proving my point. Stop lecturing people. This is one more reason to hate free staters. You want engage in some deep philosophical debate over Reddit comment section. I have heard all those things before, this is not my first rodeo.

I have counter point ON EVERYTHING YOU SAID. But I am not going to engage with you. I don’t owe you any explanations and I don’t need them from you. The fact that you want to continue engage shows exactly what type of person represents the FSP.

Did you not read what I said? It certainly doesn’t seem like you did. It seems like all you want to do is lecture people, but what you don’t see is no one cares because no one’s liberty is in jeopardy. I have been down that road and back again.

Plus I can give you the libertarian argument FOR universal basic income and universal healthcare. (You read that right).

So congrats to you for being 100% right about everything and having the solution to all of the worlds problems.

I am just and ignorant leftist Marxist Leninist socialist that loves beuracracy and hates liberty and freedom.

Sound good?


anarchir t1_j9gpqdy wrote

Oh no, I want to comment in the comment area on a website. Such weird behavior to want to engage in discussions with other people in the appropriate place to do so.


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j9gu0e3 wrote

Congratulations. You are proving my point some more. I never said it was strange to want to comment that.I said I don’t want to engage with you in a philosophical debate here. Change the argument to what you want it to be about and you will always be correct.

You are of course 100% correct. Now walk away with win and be proud. Go educate the world.


anarchir t1_j9asss1 wrote

> Make it so that things don’t work well.

How's that working out for you? You think things are working better in Democrat or Republican controlled cities more? California or Florida?


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j9aup1b wrote

Swing and a miss. I dont belong to either party and you missed my point entirely. Nothing is perfect but….

I would much rather live in California over Florida.

I don’t like the humidity and I despise the right wing cancel culture in Florida.