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t1_jb2m6d9 wrote

Parker's Maple Barn in Mason/Brookline has a gift shop - plus you get a good breakfast. Browse the gift shop while waiting for your table. 😀


t1_jb2enjp wrote

Since it's off season for the summer tourist shops, it may be more difficult to find in many areas.

Sometime country style stores have NH items. The Black Moose in Windham, and I am sure Portsmouth has some stores if you google it.


t1_jb2dhdk wrote

Breweries tend to lean fairly New-Hampshirey. Maybe try 603.


t1_jb2kftj wrote

In the merrimack outlets there's a NH store...pretty awesome


t1_jb2vvx6 wrote

There is a store in the "Mall of New Hampshire" (Manchester) that is all NH. Local crafters rent space and the store sells it. So, you're supporting NH people when you buy there.

(It's just outside the Best Buy entrance from I side the mall.)


t1_jb2ea4u wrote

When my son moved out of state I decided to get him some NH and UNH (his alma mater) tee shirts and such. The best selection and size options were at Walmart. I’d check there first you may be surprised…


t1_jb2kmwt wrote

We don't have "souvenir " specific shops like other places. But every "touristy" thing has its own gift shop full of NH branded stuff. Lots of it is closed this time of year so you have to pick the indoor spots that are open year round. Kellerhaus, fun spot, children's museum in dover. See science center in Manchester, the aquarium next to storyland. Odiorne point. also almost all the gas stations have something with "live free or die" written on it


t1_jb2y6qw wrote

I see it’s already been recommended once, but the Hooksett rest stops on either side of 93. There’s a convenience store in there with lots of souvenirs.

To avoid the toll, the northbound one has a back entrance accessible from Route 3A.


t1_jb32972 wrote

I recommend maple syrup. We have a lot of great producers. Also have some local chocolatiers.


t1_jb4608e wrote

Ocean State Job lot usually sells NH t-shirts.


t1_jb6a3wc wrote

Check out all the new stores in lancaster. All these new tourist trap bullshit stores showed up.