Submitted by t3_11r7quy in newhampshire

16+" in Goshen, near the backside of Mt. Sunapee right now. A lot less in lower elevations.

What are you guys seeing?

Edit: family in Goshen lost power. And

Edit 2: Mt Sunapee lost power and is closing for the day.



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t1_jc70dn4 wrote

As of 30 minutes ago, 12" on our hilltop, 1300ft of elevation, west of Concord. Power keeps going on and off. The poor generator is confused.

ETA: we're up to 15" now.


t1_jc71cgx wrote

Steady but not insane snowfall....wet slushy, about 2-3" Ossipee


t1_jc71nlg wrote

Inland rockingham county 5”, heavy wet and sticking to everything. Power on but a lot of flickering going on.


t1_jc71wey wrote

10:00am in Hudson, NH - I’d say it was around 5”-6”.


t1_jc71xel wrote


Portsmouth, coming down as snow but the ground is still warmer so nothing sticking yet.

Exeter, kinda dicey.


t1_jc767hr wrote

Got about 6 on the back steps in Manchester but it’s still coming down pretty steady. No lost power


t1_jc77hnx wrote

We have less than a dusting in Meredith. We've had mostly flurries off and on.


t1_jc78bro wrote

~4 inches of cement in Tamworth so far. Some trees are really loaded.


t1_jc7aced wrote

I drive Uber a couple times a week... and before the last storm picked up three guys at walmart and brought them to a hotel. while chatting, they said they were line workers flown in from Utah in preparation for power outages. They had already been there a couple of days and it was a couple of days until the storm was supposed to hit.
As I dropped them off, I told them that I hope they didn't have anything to do until they left. they laughed.


t1_jc7aknb wrote

about 6" of heavy wet stuff in Lee. The wind is starting to pick up and and blowing the snow stuck on the trees. I expect power to go out sometime this afternoon with the wind and heavy snow.


t1_jc7dv3w wrote

About 6" in Milford, of heavy wet stuff. A lot of the roads aren't plowed yet. It took me 30 minutes to get from the oval to the Merrimack Outlets, and by the time I got there, work (in Manchester) said don't come in.


t1_jc7h2iw wrote

Anyone know why google maps says 93 is closed by the Hooksett tolls? I can’t find anything online and I’m curious.


t1_jc7kb1r wrote

Sounds like I chose a good time to take a vacation in Texas


t1_jc7lm1s wrote

About 8 inches and no power in Walpole, with blizzard conditions still going strong. Thank goodness for charged battery banks and the resilience of cellular infrastructure.


t1_jc7npfn wrote

Somersworth/Roch border as of 1:15 we have about 7-8 in, powers flickered a few times due to heavy branches rubbing against the lines.


t1_jc7qzfd wrote

Minimum of 8” just SW of Concord, and the projected total keeps going up.. girding up to snowblow the driveway before it’s like.. 10 feet deep.


t1_jc7v3zx wrote

Is it super heavy snow out by Sunapee or is it starting to become lighter? I think I’m going to make the trek there for some shredding tomorrow. Their website says they should be good to go tomorrow but until they get power back I’m skeptical


t1_jc88hcq wrote

I’m here in Lempster and at the moment (in my yard at least) we are at 23 inches. Weather report says another 12 inches in the next 24 hours.

Initially I think it said 12-18 inches today, yet here we are…


t1_jc88o1g wrote

Currently 33 inches in Lyndeborough and still snowing. Note I'm at 1350 ft ASL.


t1_jc8av24 wrote

Do you know if Bristol got a lot? I know Meredith is also off exit 23 just the opposite direction. I have a project i am working on in Bristol just trying to get an idea of how much snow I may need to move…