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maxhinator123 t1_iuoul81 wrote

A poll of 1500 people who weren't at work šŸ˜…


CosmicSurfFarmer t1_iuospcn wrote

538 has Hassan up by 2.8 points based on the average of many polls


SarahSuckaDSanders t1_iuos9oo wrote

Which polls?


RickyDaytonaJr t1_iuosibn wrote

St. Anselm, a private religious college that employs the founder of the Free State Project in a key leadership position, released a poll that had Bolduc up by 1 point.


Dramatic_Mechanic815 t1_iuosrmf wrote

Nice, sounds reliable and unbiased.

Edit: check for yourself their ā€œrigorousā€ polling history (or lack thereof) here before reading the misinformation below:


[deleted] t1_iuotha5 wrote



wegandi t1_iurnj30 wrote

And they say Democrats arent conspiracy theorists. Ha.


5nd t1_iuownwk wrote

St Anselm is rated very highly by 538 due to their rigorous methodology and accuracy.


Dramatic_Mechanic815 t1_iup7k4w wrote

Fact check: per 538, theyā€™ve only participated in the 2020 election and of that, only the NH governor, senate and house seats.

And they have a ā€œprovisional ratingā€, which 538 defines as, ā€œPollsters with a relatively small number of polls now receive a provisional rating rather than a precise letter gradeā€. So, Iā€™m not sure where your ā€œrated very highlyā€ comment is coming from because they hardly have a history of this.

Very weird this misinformation effort about St Anselm.


5nd t1_iup81ul wrote

5 out of 5 calls correct and their provisional rating can't be any better than it is.


Dramatic_Mechanic815 t1_iup8bfi wrote

hahah. 5/5 out of races that anyone couldā€™ve predicted. Give me a break. Also, their difference for NH Governor was huge. Are you on their board or something?


Peeeculiar t1_iuor8va wrote

Hey Siri - how do I get melted candle wax out of a leather recliner?


vexingsilence t1_iuosiol wrote

That guy will be lucky to live long enough to see Bolduc win.


every1getslaid t1_iuowy9d wrote

Iā€™m ok with scary polls like this, get the smart ones out next Tuesday!!


Wear_Overall t1_iuor40o wrote

What he's going to be is broke when Bolduc steals his social security.


BakedBeansBazar t1_iuosrak wrote

If we cancel social security, just think of how many more tax breaks R's can give to massive corporations!


Wear_Overall t1_iuoyco4 wrote

That's the plan. The republicans don't take corporate America's cock out of their mouths for a second.


mod-corruption t1_iup0t22 wrote

Iā€™m 29 and Iā€™d be pretty happy to stop paying into a Ponzi scheme that Iā€™ll never benefit from


BakedBeansBazar t1_iup2jhz wrote

Tell me you don't know what a Ponzi scheme is without telling me you don't know what a Ponzi scheme is.


wegandi t1_iurq9th wrote

SS is a pseudo ponzi scheme. They use the SS tax to pay recipients. Theres no SS fund. The best you can say is SS is mostly held (and props up) treasury bonds, that which isnt siphoned as general fund fungible money (which is vast majority). In that vein its pretty identical to a pyramid/ponzi scheme, however those schemes also require intent to defraud. I dont think SS intent is to defraud folks. Half and half.

The main problem with SS is of course its abyssmal failure. Rate of return over its lifespan is 1.5-1.9%, teetering on being under inflation over that timespan. Theres also fact SS is taxed as income, has onerous requirements (you cant work more than iirc 10-15 hours / make more than 15,000$/year and collect SS), isnt inheritable beyond your spouse, etc. Compared to Roth IRA / 401k, or traditional 401k that SS withholding is losing you vast sums of money.

Of course, because some people would not use that SS withholding to build their retirement, everyone is punished to SS misery and thats an inherent failure of socialism. Equal misery. SS is barely livable if that. An abject failure on all accounts. If you put that money into a Roth youll get 6-7% yearly return over its lifespan, tax benefits, if you die your family inherits, and so much more. Of course, the sensible option of letting people opt out, they cant do because SS requires workers paying tax to fund it. That SS that was withheld 12 years ago, 6 years ago, 3 years ago, is gone. Its a scam and I'd do anything to not have my money thrown away "for my own good".


mod-corruption t1_iupd54z wrote

Tell me you believe in failed government programs without telling me. Oh wait, youā€™re already crying about the idea of ending Social Security.


BakedBeansBazar t1_iuphryb wrote

I actually agree it's a failed system, I think there's just a way to go about it and not. We grew up knowing we would never see a cent of it, the older generation did not and is currently relying on it in many circumstances. However many of them are not at all, and are way better off than we are. It should be a circumstantial cut off, need based. Not just cutting the program all together. I know a lot of boomers that don't need it at all, I know a lot of boomers who do.


mod-corruption t1_iuxs5oa wrote

Okay, needs-based social security for the old people already relying on it. And then stop taxing people for it.


ryanpm40 t1_iurtchk wrote

Fuck Bolduc. Anyone who thinks that kids are peeing in litter boxes in schools are freaking morons.


Burger-King-Covid OP t1_iurvo0s wrote

Itā€™s been happening for years though when I was in kindergarten we had a class pet that was a cat and a couple kids peed in the litter box one time. It definitely does happen.


677536543 t1_iuorl5n wrote

He's not moving from his chair, I know that much.

