
t1_ja4kgex wrote

Natural gas prices are massively off peaks from 2022. We’re at 2020/2021 lows now. Bigger issue at play here than commodity prices, such as how expensive it is to transport natural gas here to New England. Yet, politicians signed off on allowing natural gas plants without infrastructure to affordably transport it because NIMBYers are killing this state. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/hist/rngwhhdW.htm


t1_j7x3td3 wrote

You’re correct in some respects. This is usually when the government should step in to help make building affordable housing attractive and profitable, usually through tax breaks or subsidies. Unfortunately, Manchester isn’t exactly swimming in cash and neither is the state. And good luck proposing subsidies for affordable home housing with the diehard Live Free or Die-ers here. I’ve never seen a state try so hard to stay poor and starve its government.


t1_j7x2tbu wrote

Wealth brings investment (such as new housing…), tax revenue, etc. If people could affordably commute to Boston for higher wages, it would bring prosperity to Manchester, too. Simple economics. Have you tried to find a high wage “white collar” job in NH? Good luck. The few “job creators” that have made the news here in NH have been warehouses and distribution centers. Not exactly high wage.


t1_izeangh wrote

Yeah, I am angry when people are uninsured because my pregnant friend was hit by an uninsured driver and left out to dry for all her medical expenses as well as her totaled car. “I was insured just two days ago!” says every uninsured driver who wrecks.


t1_ivooeft wrote

I’d hope most rational voters would realize that inflation isn’t a singular U.S. issue and a global phenomenon due to a lot of very different and complex reasons that many would struggle to understand without a degree or formal education in macroeconomics.

If it was “Biden’s fault” (ignoring the fact the most stimulus and deficit — i.e., government spending — was during Trump’s admin in 2020), then that wouldn’t explain why inflation is global and even worse in many other countries like the UK.


t1_ivomvaz wrote

Reply to comment by in dear WMUR by

I doubt they have the “programming” capacity to do a balance of power for NH senate and house. Doubtful they have any sort of data scientist or even analyst on their payroll.

But indeed, a huge oversight by them. This reporting on NH House and Senate is useless without context.

I would also like to see a ward-level vote breakdown, but good luck with that when they can’t even do a balance of power visualization.


t1_ivodic0 wrote

Reply to comment by in dear WMUR by

WMUR has always been amateur hour. They get the new grads from college before they move on to a bigger station. It’s bloody awful on the weekend when it’s just the kids running the show.