
Solid_Information_66 t1_jcgjao3 wrote

When I was younger I took a Bible study course with some friends (as a way to hang out with them more, not because I actually believed in God or wanted more religious education).

I will never forget listening to one passage where these townspeople watched an Angel fall to earth and they hunted it down to this old man's property. The old man, wanting to protect the Angel, offered up his daughter to the townspeople, telling them they could basically use her for all their sexual gratification instead of the Angel. The townspeople passed on that offer and instead chose to repeatedly sodomize the Angel.

If you needed a more perfect example of the Chritians in their prime, that story was it right there.


Solid_Information_66 t1_jbni3zm wrote

>Meanwhile no money goes towards helping New Hampshirites with mental illness

Or towards the homeless. Or the children in the care of DCYF. Or to DHHS to help struggling families. There are probably 1.5 million other things that money could have been spent on instead of protecting us from CANADA.


Solid_Information_66 t1_j9xyxpe wrote

I will be honest and tell you that I don't think a petition is going to do anything. There is a cut off for a reason and if they make an exception for you, then they have to do it for everyone. It sucks, I know. My youngest has an October birthday and missed that cut off date by a week. She started kindergarten at 6 and loves that she is one of the oldest in her class!


Solid_Information_66 t1_ivg3v77 wrote

Buy a newer home and put it right where my old home is, set up trusts for my kids to receive money once they've reached 25 and then set myself up with a yearly allowance that would cover my basic cost of living and any vacations I'd want to take that year. Then I'd go back to work and just keep doing what I've always done.


Solid_Information_66 t1_iuiusqq wrote

Is pulling the plug on a person declared a permanent vegetable also murder? Or is that a compassionate release from the world? I mean that is a living person with friends and family, a career, bills to pay etc. They've got a lot more to lose by ending their life than an underdeveloped fetus does.

Also no woman gets to their 8th month and wants to terminate their pregnancy. Those that have to do it in order to save their own life. And its not something they will ever forget or truly emotionally heal from. No person should ever be punished or looked down upon for exploiting the most basic of self preservation instincts. If your house was on fire, would you just sit and accept the flames, or would you fight like hell to get out?


Solid_Information_66 t1_iu5hasp wrote

Your use of the word plebs tells me that you're probably guilty. That being said, when I lived in Concord I caught one of the parking enforcement officers writing me a ticket before my meter expired. When I asked why she was writing me a ticket when there was still time on the meter (about 3 minutes) the response was 'Well, I didnt think you'd be back before it ran out". I made her tear up the ticket before I go in my car and drove away.