Submitted by demidev3092 t3_z5xgeq in newhampshire

is it normal for a dealership to charge you 2x for a car inspection? my mothers car failed a few things, had these things fixed and brought back to dealership just for them to charge and fail her a 2nd time now w/new issues not stated prior? all in less than 60 day period



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goingTofu t1_ixz9nez wrote

I moved to NH from MA in 2019. First time I went to get my car inspected they gave me a huge list of things to get done. (The car was fine in MA). I got the things done on my own. Went back and they gave me a different list with 3 things that weren’t on the last list. I took care of those things and went a 3rd time. Got a new list of new things. Tried a different place and got a different list. I gave up. To this day I drive around every day with my rejection sticker. It’s a huge scam how NH deals with inspections.


RelativeMotion1 t1_ixzc0p5 wrote

This is wild. Was it just the 2 shops you tried?

I had the opposite experience. I had my wife take a car in that I knew needed a couple of minor things, and it got a sticker. Same thing with another car I did a few months later. This was at a VIP/Oreillys.


goingTofu t1_ixzpcc5 wrote

Yes, it was 2 shops. Meineke in Hudson and Zacks in Hudson


jgren91 t1_ixzrll2 wrote

I use to NH state inspect then I went to work in mass. My brother just had his car fail at zaks. They gave him a list of stuff to fix. He gave me the list and I bought all the parts and changed them. I would never have failed my brothers car for the things they did.


ifukkedurbich t1_iy0bj4i wrote

How bad of shape is the car in? I recently had mine inspected at the Meineke in Nashua and there were some borderline things (over $1k) but they passed it anyway. They just told me to spend the next year chipping away at the stuff here and there.


paraplegic_T_Rex t1_ixyv0xv wrote

Most places use inspections as a way to upcharge you for unnecessary services. Avoid places like dealerships or chains like VIP Tires. I went there and got failed for a BS reason. Went to a small gas station inspection place, passed in 10 minutes.


Conscious_Carrot7861 t1_ixzl0ii wrote

This. I had a car in for a free oil change (I'd won a gift cert at a church penny sale) and had an inspection appt lined up at my usual place for the next week. Chain place put the pressure on when they saw my almost- expired sticker. Mind you, they already had my car in the shop and the oil almost done at this point. I relented and then they failed it. There were borderline issues (your headlights are a little foggy) that they would've let go, except they DIDN'T LIKE MY LICENSE PLATE. Their words! They didn't like my state issued plate that I'd had for TEN YEARS. Fuck those guys! I refused to pay (they already knew the plate, headlights, etc when they convinced me to do the inspection) and I took it to my usual place who cleared the notes on the VIN and passed it, no issues. I won't give my exact plate but let's just say it's an acronym that says "hi officer!" I've had the plate now for almost 20 years and that's literally the only time I've had any problems from it.


jwd673 t1_ixyk16y wrote

Stay away from these crooks. Should be charged once, if it fails, you return after you fix what it didn’t pass for.


burglekut t1_ixyyxoz wrote

I dunno what some of these people are talking about I have never once been charged twice for a failed inspection unless you go to different places each time. It seems like they were also included in the inspection scams.


jenkemeater619 t1_ixzkkk9 wrote

The place I recently went to failed me for something so I fixed it and brought it back & they gave me my sticker free of charge. After seeing everyones horror stories I guess i’ll be sticking with that mechanic in the future


mike-manley t1_ixyotsn wrote

Be wary of the $15 inspection shops. They use that as bait and will fail your car under less than honest reasons.

YMMV, but the $45 - $50 shops I've used have never failed my cars. Of course I do keep mine well maintained too.


OldEnoughToKnowButtr t1_ixys4s8 wrote

Most shops I have dealt with will re-inspect at no charge. What were the items that failed the first time and the second time? Is it possible these items happened in the 60 days after the first inspection.

There is a reason these places are called 'Stealerships'... Lots of real estate, big expenses, need lots of $ to keep going, for many with older vehicles, not the best value.


NotARobotDefACyborg t1_iy13v02 wrote

My son-in-law is a mechanic, and he calls them 'stealerships' too. He works for one of the medium-sized chain auto shops and is very 'takes no BS, gives no BS' so customers love him, LOL.


Selfless- t1_ixykuwl wrote

I’ve never been charged for a reinspection from the same shop. At least three separate years in the past.


itsMalarky t1_ixywfhm wrote

They will usually re-inspect for no charge within 30 days. Don't think it's the law though --- it takes them time, it costs them money.


-Codfish_Joe t1_ixztz4v wrote

The reinspect is just cursory because they've already done the "real" inspection. You failed for bald tires? They'll just check to see that there are new tires on it and you're good.


figment1979 t1_ixyfiwn wrote

Very common for all inspection places, not even just dealerships. It's 95% a money-making scheme for the dealership/garage, and 5% for actual safety.

I would go to a local mechanic and not a dealership, at least you'd have a higher chance of them being honest with you about what it actually NEEDS for inspection (and if you say roughly where you're located, you might get some recommendations here).


NewPhoenix77 t1_ixzevto wrote

This. And I’d add to NOT get your vehicle inspected at a non trusted place BEFORE bringing it to a trusted shop. If the scam place marks the vehicle with bogus replacements needed, the trusted shop kind of has its hands forced if the rejection is already posted in the database.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_ixzh5i1 wrote

Yes, it is totally normal for a dealership to charge you for every inspection, pass or fail. If you fail and get the work done at the same shop that failed you, they usually will waive the second fee because they do not have to do a full inspection again, but if you take the vehicle somewhere else to get the work done, then legally, they have to perform a full inspection all over again and you will most likely get charged for that service.


JayBisky t1_ixzm92v wrote

A lot of it has to do with there not being a set price for state inspections. A place that charges 20 bucks is gunna try and dig around and find stuff to up charge you more than a place that charges 55. State inspection only need to be safety inspections but have turned into revenue generators


ifukkedurbich t1_iy0b1m6 wrote

Which is why we need state-run inspection stations. That way it's either pass or fail, without any conflict of interest.


JayBisky t1_iy0dki7 wrote

State run anything would just get backed up need 6 months just to book an appointment for a sticker lol


ttdonedidit t1_iy1agdf wrote

Although it’s only emissions, in nj it’s drive through state inspections and they have a camera so you can check busy level before you go. Never had an issue with waiting and I lived in a major city


Andtom33 t1_iy0cbnb wrote

No inspections but if you breakdown you have 2 hours to get off the side of the road


JayBisky t1_iy0dqmw wrote

No inspections but if it was determined your crash was because of an unsafe vehicle you’re 100% liable for all damages. That would get people squared the fuck away real quick


Andtom33 t1_iy0eo7m wrote

It's a catch22 like our insurance law.. only people i know without it are the ones who need it the most. Same applies here I'd bet.

But am small government guy so sucks either way.


Sylvio_ t1_ixywxa8 wrote

It depends - did they give her a rejection sticker the first time, or did they tell her it was going to fail and didn’t complete the testing so they didn’t have to issue a rejection sticker?


TheGrateKhan t1_ixyhzg3 wrote

I think anytime ive failed an inspection, ive had at least a month to get the issues fixed and reinspected without getting charged the inspection fee again. Small two person shops and big dealerships alike.

I couldn't find any information on the government websites or the NH safc3200 about if mechanics are allowed to double charge for an inspection but it definitely sounds a little less than reasonable considering its a reinspection and not an inspection at a completely new shop.

When it comes to finding new issues with the vehicle, it again sounds odd considering the sequence of events and the time period. However I've had a few vehicles where in a two or three month span, a couple parts failed in a row. It may be beneficial to have a separate shop or group take a look for your peace of mind; who knows if the first shop is doing something underhanded and if theyre doing it to other people too?


Cullen7777 t1_ixyniz5 wrote

It happened to me this year too. Only way to fix that is not to do business with the offending garage in the future


K3CAN t1_ixygus1 wrote

The fee is per inspection, pass or fail, so yes, that part is normal.

It's unusual to find new issues the second time around, though, since they're inspecting the same stuff each time. That said, it is entirely possible for something new to fail between inspections.

Regardless, I would go to another shop and have them take a look before she gives any more money to the dealership.


Corycatkeeper02 t1_ixyq7un wrote

Not entirely sure that’s true but I’ve only experienced a fail once so it could have been a different story but I failed for worn brakes I paid for the inspection $45 at a dealership and received the state documents stating I failed, I repaired and replaced my brake’s & rotors myself, brought it back for re inspection a week later to the same dealership, passed inspection, new sticker & documents stating I had passed. Walked to the counter, all set no charge due to the inspection was paid the first time I came in. Now I know that we are talking about NH but I’m a mechanic that works in MA and I know 100% sure that you only pay for one pass or fail as long as you return to the shop that failed you and I think you can only bring it to the shop that failed you do to the state not wanting you to shop around for a pass.

Edit: I also agree with you that yes I find it very suspicious to find problems the second time around when you fixed the problems outlined by the inspecting mechanic unless somehow one mechanic did the first and did not catch what the second found as an issue.


thread100 t1_ixzi1ul wrote

Inspections are done by humans. As much as you would expect all inspections to uncover the exact list of issues, on an older car with lots of borderline issues, it can be difficult. Find someone you trust to treat you fairly and not try to find business for the company.


Doug_Shoe t1_iy0jn0u wrote

It's is "normal" or common. Many of the shops these days will charge you for a re-inspection. You have to ask questions before you do business with them. Ask if they charge for a reinspection. Also ask about the time frame. You don't have forever to make the necessary repairs and get the 2nd inspection at no charge.

I don't know anything about your car, the situation, or the shop. However 60 days is not reasonable. I know you said <60 days, but 30 days would usually be too much time.

Another hint- Don't bring an old car to a dealership. There are also other shops that don't want to bother with old cars. They will just fail you perpetually until you go away. More honest shop owners will tell you.


roundeye2020 t1_iy14zr5 wrote

My wife's car failed for a chipped windshield. We were only charged the initial 55$ for the two visits.


Upstairs_Ear5488 t1_iy1ien5 wrote

If you take too long they will. A 60 day wait between inspections is reasonable for them to have to reassess the vehicle. A lot can go wrong in 2 months.


KiloCharlie11 t1_ixyktdw wrote

Is it normal to have a dealership charge for an inspection 4 months before your birthday, because that’s when you bought the vehicle, then make you come back and pay it again and inspect again in 4 months?


DaveLDog t1_ixylnz9 wrote

Yes, each inspection is for a different year.


KiloCharlie11 t1_iy0l1jl wrote

Twice in the same year with 4 months of each other? Not in any other state I’ve lived in.


DaveLDog t1_iy0mhbk wrote

Very possible if you take a moment to think about it. Lets say your birthday is in October, you buy the car in March, it has to be inspected for March to October, than it has to be inspected again in October to get though the next year. That's 2 inspections in one year is it not?


sweetnsalty24 t1_ixywedf wrote

With 4 months out, they should have given you next year's sticker. However, they may not have had it stock. A shop told me they didn't have the next sticker and to come back in a few weeks when they did have more. I was 4ish months out.


KiloCharlie11 t1_iy0labu wrote

That’s what I said. The dealership, Ira, said I had to come back.


sweetnsalty24 t1_iy0mb1w wrote

Strange. Fortunately my Subaru place does free inspections for life for cars you purchase through them.


Maldonian t1_ixz9zcf wrote

Was it exactly 4 months? Here's a 3-part answer:

1: Assuming the car is owned by an individual (not owned by a business), the registration expiration month is the same month as the car's owner's birthday.

2: The inspection also expires on the same month. So, suppose your birthday is 10 months from now, and you get the car inspected. It's going to expire in 10 months.

3: Now, to answer your question. Maximum for a sticker is 16 months. That's why I asked. If you went in for inspection 4 months and 1 day too early, your sticker will expire in 4 months. But if you go in 3 months at 29 days too early, then you should get a 6 months sticker. NOTE: Your exact birthday doesn't matter; only your birthday month matters.