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Ok_Nobody4967 t1_ivch74z wrote

I would certainly one for Bigfoot than that jerk any day.


Hutwe t1_ivcnxyn wrote

He’s got my vote! I’m writing him in whenever somebody is running uncontested


kberson t1_ivcvyr7 wrote

Didn’t know he’s registered!


figment1979 t1_ivcyo94 wrote

Honest politicians are kinda like Bigfoot, legend has it they exist but nobody has actually seen one in real life.


dont_think_outofstep t1_ivdcz6s wrote

"I appooved this message, it is. I like happy smoke it is. Thank you. It is."


Royal_Gur_2651 t1_iveeotm wrote

And I keep telling my brother-in-law he’s dumb and Bigfoot is fake. I owe him an apology, and Bigfoot gets my vote


beyond_hatred t1_ivf1b4w wrote

So fake. How is Bigfoot supposed to come up with the state filing fee? He lives in the woods.


[deleted] t1_ivftxja wrote

Bigfoot would do a better job that these pea brains


Hextall2727 t1_ivg0bfj wrote

There's a sign across from teh road to Lowes/Walmart in Epping that has a guys name and "I bought a sign!" Good shit.


Parzival_1775 t1_ivgfzng wrote

Ridiculous. Everyone knows that Chris Sununu is a myth.


Boa3134 t1_ivhipce wrote

He got my vote lmao 🤣


widget_fucker t1_ivhx8a4 wrote

Bigfoot’s got no chance. He wants to put a limit on hunting rifle capacity.


dont_think_outofstep t1_ivlaqdx wrote

the people who get it, get it. the people who don't, don't. I met Beet. I worked with a guy who had a tape archive. I've made top ten wack pack lists and had heated debates on them. I have unironically listened to Jackie's Jokehunt and Riley Martin. It's a scene and I love it. The fuckin E show... the list goes on