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dojijosu t1_ivk8bmh wrote

Reply to comment by FreezingRobot in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed

Democrat here. This was your year, NHGOP. All you had to do was put up someone who didn’t look like he’d be at home on a street corner yelling about how the Commies are trying to corrupt his precious bodily fluids with 5G vaccines.

You didn’t.


ThunderySleep t1_ivk9q8p wrote

Democrats funded the maga candidate.

It's kind of been like a major national story..


dojijosu t1_ivkacqu wrote

Oops. Did they? Did they squirt some gasoline on the dumpster fire that is the GOP electorate?


ThunderySleep t1_ivkbgak wrote

I'm just pointing out how dishonest you're being in your comment. ...and now you're shamelessly admitting to it.


dojijosu t1_ivkccx0 wrote

Shamelessly? Proudly! You’ve cultivated your voters into mindless zombies. We just threw them a little fresh meat and they started eating themselves.


ThunderySleep t1_ivkcst2 wrote

I did? What?

You don't know anything about me. And you're proud you just lied, then admitted to it five seconds later? You don't really sound like you're in a healthy frame of mind.


UnfairAd7220 t1_ivkclfp wrote

It's how democrats roll.

Bolduc stands a good chance of winning. How utterly karmic.

Seems they should keep an eye on the flames in their own dumpster.


dojijosu t1_ivkjs2y wrote

I’ll say Bolduc is probably the least problematic Republican you had in that clowncar of a GOP primary. So net-gain if he does win. But I really don’t think he will.


lMickNastyl t1_ivld6vn wrote

They did, but they didn't vote for him. If he is a good candidate then that should be a net positive for bolduc.


ThunderySleep t1_ivlvl9m wrote

It is a positive for Bolduc, why wouldn't it be?

I think you're missing the point.


lMickNastyl t1_ivlwn33 wrote

No, I know what you mean.

I could also have put it that it is a net positive for the GOP not just bolduc personally, if he is a good and electable candidate.


ThunderySleep t1_ivlwu1l wrote

Yeah, that's the possibility of it backfiring, which I do think is a serious possibility.


lMickNastyl t1_ivlxd5w wrote

Oh it definitely has the possibility, and it has in special runoff elections already. Tomorrow we will find out if this ballsy strategy paid off or blew up in their faces.

My prediction is that there will be instances where it does blow up but there will be more on average where it worked.

But maybe tomorrow I sound stupid.


nhbruh t1_ivke3j2 wrote

Can you share a source for this?


ThunderySleep t1_ivkgkiw wrote

You'll have to find a way around the paywall, probably. Bolduc's one of the candidates they've done this on, dumping $3.2 million on ads to enhance his campaign during the primary.

I trust most people would agree WAPO's at least not a conservative source. I've heard the story talked about by people all over the map, I'm pretty sure including places like TYT which I think everyone will agree is left wing (criticizing the establishment for it), as well as Jimmy Dore which people might disagree on how left vs right he is (he sure likes to state that he's a progressive), and of course conservatives freely talk about it.

My take on the overall criticism of it is people on the left think it's playing with fire and a betrayal to their base. People on the right find it dirty and some are crossing their fingers it backfires on them.

Personally, I hope most people would agree that's it's dirty and not healthy for democracy, regardless of whether they support these candidates or not.


nhbruh t1_ivkxt6h wrote

Thanks for sharing, it was an interesting read.


GARGLE_TAINT_SWEAT t1_ivlb5j8 wrote

WAPO is owned by Jeff Bezos, its a rag.


ThunderySleep t1_ivluxr4 wrote


The point is this is a known major story. I chose a left leaning source because this is reddit, and the point I'm making is this story is a thing, and not some right wing conspiracy.