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so_it_goes90 t1_ivyj513 wrote

I know it’s a bit of a tangent, but why don’t we start school later? It tends to have better results for kids anyway


Loosh_03062 t1_ivyunox wrote

The arguments I've heard usually revolve around how much it'd mess with athletics schedules and filling of part-time jobs.


Azr431 t1_ivz0o8n wrote

Because we do everything backasswards in America


redditthrower888999 t1_iw0ts6h wrote

We aren't the only ones changing clocks in the spring and fall.


Azr431 t1_iw2nbz3 wrote

This was about sending kids to school way too early in the day


OccasionallyImmortal t1_ivz9a4w wrote

Schools start early so parents are able to get them there before they get to work. Of course, we could also start work later. That would lead to getting home later which then absorbs any extra daylight due to DST and we're right back where we started.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_ivyzlgg wrote

My kid starts school at 8:20 am. She has to be at the bus stop that early because of the number of kids that require the bus to transport them to school because their parents have to be at work between 6-9 am. Pushing the start time of school back helps no one.
