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seanwalter123 t1_j2eb86i wrote

Hopefully this starts a nationwide trend. I didn’t move to a nice town to fund other schools. Get a job like the rest of us, pay taxes like the rest of us, have descent schools like the rest of us. This robbing Peter and paying Paul bs on a national level has gone to far.


crenk3130 t1_j2ehdzt wrote

send your kid to private school then you peasant


seanwalter123 t1_j2eplm1 wrote

In turn I should be able to opt out of funding public education if that’s the attitude right?


crenk3130 t1_j2erftg wrote

yeah dude absolutely! however, since our public education system is fully integrated into the social services package that YOU receive as a resident of your town, state, and country, in order to not be a hypocrite you would also need to do some little things like stop using public roads, sidewalks and spaces, stop using emergency response services such as 911, as well as refusing delivery of any and all utilities, including cable and electricity.

if this is too burdensome for you i guess you could also establish your own sovereign state where public education isn’t offered.


seanwalter123 t1_j2esxle wrote

Damn that’s a good idea! I’ll start in Keene and work my way out.


crenk3130 t1_j2et56l wrote

sounds good governor brownback 🫡


seanwalter123 t1_j2eu84h wrote

2% actually, even more offended now! Didn’t government indoctrination teach you to not be such a racist bully?!


seanwalter123 t1_j2etkil wrote

I’m .02% African according to 23 and me. I take offense to this.


crenk3130 t1_j2eu8ct wrote

wow, you are quite literally too stupid to make fun of. Governor Sam Brownback is an actual person, a former governor of Kansas whose libertarian policies were so incredibly unpopular and destructive (they literally couldn’t even keep street lights on or cops on the payroll the state was so broke) that they were repealed less than 4 years after their introduction, and the state of kansas is still deeply in debt due to his policies.


crenk3130 t1_j2erswu wrote

also, asking out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on “right to work” laws?


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j2elipv wrote

Do you really not grasp how your kids 'descent schools' at the expense of the majority of the state having 'not descent' schools is going to eventually negatively affect you and your kids if you plan on staying in NH? Large pockets of this small state offering a second class education to kids who will become adults with poor educations translates into the state becoming an increasingly low economic area as a whole. That means less new business locating here to create enough 'descent' jobs, drops in property valuations, more crime, more untreated mental health and substance use issues, more money needed for social services, more homelessness, poor quality elderly and medical care, etc. If you're able to see beyond your immediate present, it directly benefits you and your kids to make sure other kids who will soon be adults running the economy and wiping your ass in the nursing home have a 'descent' education.


seanwalter123 t1_j2eqd0q wrote

MA is calling your name. Seems you invite higher taxes and socialism. Let the strong survive.


5teerPike t1_j2fuww2 wrote

MA residents just got paid by the state because of a surplus...


fatfuckery t1_j2eo1o2 wrote

> have descent schools like the rest of us.

The fucking irony! 🤣


ArsenalBOS t1_j2eifl8 wrote

Hopefully the school can teach your kids how to spell “decent” correctly.


seanwalter123 t1_j2epsqi wrote

Sorry I went to an underfunded school, if they were all privatized I would be on your level of grammatical corrections.


ArsenalBOS t1_j2er2c2 wrote

You went to an underfunded school and now you want to perpetuate that by reducing funding to poor schools? Really?


5teerPike t1_j2fuq8z wrote

One of the reasons kids drop out of school is so they can work to help support their families....


Sensitive_Weather_56 t1_j2egq4h wrote

We live in a nice town, and have really good schools and don’t think that we should be punished for that. We are perfectly OK with paying taxes. We saved up. We worked hard we moved to a nice town with great schools and a lot of resources for the kids. And a lot of really nice people in town.


smartest_kobold t1_j2eitp7 wrote

If a person can't afford to move to a good school district, do their children deserve fewer resources and worse schools?


Sensitive_Weather_56 t1_j2evryx wrote

Do we deserve to have our resources taken away??? No.


5teerPike t1_j2fvoqn wrote

Do you ever consider what's given instead? Or is it all about you?


fatfuckery t1_j2ennpz wrote

How exactly are you being punished for living in a nice town?


Sensitive_Weather_56 t1_j2evzdk wrote

Don’t take funding from our children.


fatfuckery t1_j2few5d wrote

No one is doing that.


Sensitive_Weather_56 t1_j2fff0z wrote

Why do you have such a problem with affluent people and towns?


5teerPike t1_j2fvuxt wrote

It's because of how you're deciding to represent them.

Edit: not to mention you're saying all this reprehensible shit on an alt.


5teerPike t1_j2fvtk6 wrote

That's what you'd be doing if you don't pay taxes that fund public schools.


crenk3130 t1_j2ehmhp wrote

damn sounds like you’re too poor to afford private school should have saved up more


Sensitive_Weather_56 t1_j2ex7s9 wrote

Hahaha jokes on you. My child goes to private school and our school is a 10/10. Sorry if you live in Manchester.


5teerPike t1_j2fvlyv wrote

How is more people being educated a punishment for you?