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5nd t1_j03s92y wrote

PS how is this the town council's problem?


LackSufficient7852 OP t1_j03ubym wrote

The well is 1000 feet. It’s the town councils problem because they were introduced legislation three years ago to require that wells are properly functioning before selling a house. They voted against it and the developers are knowingly selling bum homes and the council will verbally abuse anyone who says otherwise. Guess they are getting some kick backs from the developers. These are $750,000 homes, its not nothing.


gman2391 t1_j03xw2h wrote

Holy shit thats a deep well


WapsuSisilija t1_j04a30f wrote

I had the same reaction. That's the deepest well I've ever heard of.


Environmental-Job515 t1_j046dlq wrote

Don’t badmouth anyone to anyone, including your town officials, the builder, his subs, real estate people anyone! Don’t name names verbally or in writing. Your lawyer will appreciate this and you wii not be at risk when your sued for defamation. Let your lawyer speak for you!


Lords_of_Lands t1_j04fxm6 wrote

> We did ask about the well before closing but the information we were given does no match what we bought.

Do you have that documented? If they knowingly lied to you your lawsuit should be easy.

> When we talked to the developers we were threatened with lawsuits if we spoke publically and one of our neighbors started getting death threats.

Classic intimidation. That's when you know you have a case. But you also need to make sure you're not saying anything you can't prove.

As everyone else said, contact a lawyer and make sure you keep records of all the communication you've had with everyone. If a lawyer seems too difficult to start out with, contact a real estate agent from a different town and ask them to review your paperwork.


Loosh_03062 t1_j03xkef wrote

That doesn't make it the problem of the *board of selectmen* (If you're going to grouse, at least learn what you're grousing about). None of them are obligated to vote for any legislation. Failing to check that the plumbing was working before taking the keys may work against you, but as others have said: lawyer up because you may have cause of action against the developer. You could also talk to the town's well water committee, which you'll find if you do the search referenced in an earlier comment or go to the town's web site.


Snails2300 t1_j04l2o2 wrote

Someone in the town planning board/dept approved an occupancy permit for these houses. You need a working water supply and septic/sewer to obtain an occupancy permit. If you are on town water and dont pay your bill your water gets shut off they can eventually pull your occupancy permit and condemn your house for health violations. I would get a copy of the occupancy permit from the town and potentially inquire with the board of health.


LackSufficient7852 OP t1_j04i9lm wrote

They have a responsibility to their constituents to pass laws that ensure access to clean safe water


Loosh_03062 t1_j05a81l wrote

Under which statute is the select board *required* to pass that particular ordinance, or liable for your builder's malfeasance? Where in the town charter do you find mention of making sure wells are functional?


Artvandelay2019 t1_j041c1k wrote

If you can afford a 750,000 home, is 35k really that much to have them fix it?


nhbruh t1_j04247t wrote

This logic is hilarious. To what end?