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JunkMilesDavis t1_j38jcak wrote

I don't understand why these people take a job representing the citizens and then just decide not to do that in favor of their personal qualms, but keep up the good work. Go ahead and show us how devastating legalization has been everywhere else if you're going to defend it as a health and safety decision. Surely it's taking lives all over the place like alcohol does.


ninjamansidekick t1_j38na09 wrote

Its hard to believe but they do represent a good portion of the citizenry. A lot of the old timers have very strong feelings about the Devil's Lettuce. And its the old timers that usually vote.


D_Pow t1_j38qjuf wrote

A February 2022 poll by the University of New Hampshire found that 74 percent of Granite Staters support marijuana legalization. The old timers should stick to booze and let the rest of us smoke the devil's lettuce!


JunkMilesDavis t1_j38to18 wrote

You're right of course, it's just one of those rare issues where public opinion has probably shifted more than far enough to overcome the age difference in voter turnout. I won't be surprised if whatever eventually makes it to the ballot has enough unfavorable details intentionally written in to make different groups vote against it for opposite reasons.