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Kbts87 t1_jdjedp6 wrote

Okay let's summarize. OP:

*Writes an article actively bashing college students half his age because they aren't more invested in the town he lives in.

*Writes in a comment that he has dated some of those students, but it's not creepy because at the time he was only one decade older than them rather than two. (Clearly those relationships ended well if he goes on to write an article saying how horrible his ex's college peers are.)

*Ends the article by suggesting pregnancy and possibly abortion as a fun pastime.

*States in another comment that if one were to become baby trapped it would boost the townie population.

But that's funny somehow? Got it. You win. I get it, we find different things funny. You're allowed your opinion and I'm allowed mine. Clearly we're not going to see eye to eye on this, so please just stop. No need for the caps lock shouting. Just walk away.


catsmash t1_jdjhbg6 wrote

nobody was in here arguing about "whether Kbts87 thinks this joke was funny". nobody, in fact, particularly cares whether Ktbs87 thinks it's funny.

what we WERE arguing about, up until you very abruptly veered entirely from it just now, was whether he was "a 40 year old dude proposing that he get a 20 year old college student pregnant and baby trap her," which you insisted he was. aaand he's not. you were wrong. the end. the rest of this shit never entered the conversation. well, bye!


catsmash t1_jdjiqms wrote

so weird, it really was, and so was this in the comment immediately following that one:

***"***you don’t have to find it funny"


Kbts87 t1_jdjj4du wrote

And yet you felt the need to have this entire exchange about whether or not it was a joke. For someone who claims not to care if I find it funny, you've gone awfully out of your way trying to convince me it's a joke.


catsmash t1_jdjk6dh wrote

actually, super weird, i think you'll find that my concern, as repeatedly stated, was not and continues not to be whether you thought anything was funny, but was, and continues to be, based entirely around the fact that you were erroneously and repeatedly characterizing OP as some kind of predatory pervert targeting young women based entirely on your pretty severe misread of said joke, which is, hey, pretty fucked up of you, actually!


Kbts87 t1_jdjp01e wrote

I've made characterizations based on OPs written article and subsequent comments, which you're choosing to explain away, claiming it's a joke. You know, two things can be true at once right? If a misogynist makes sexist jokes, but prefaces everything with "guys it's a joke" would you still not call that individual a misogynist? Don't worry, that was rhetorical. No need to answer.

You're claiming I misread the joke. No. I just don't find it funny, and for some reason that really bothers you. But supposedly it doesn't. If it doesn't bother you, then stop commenting.
