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airbornemint t1_itryh7h wrote

For fuck’s sake, of course official vehicles are exempt. If they weren’t then a. There would be fewer parking spots available for everyone else and b. We’d have to hire more people to make up for the time they waste parking when their jobs take them to multiple high-traffic locations every day.

It’s the same if you work on an ambulance and you need to pee. You pull over in front of a fire hydrant and go to Starbucks, you don’t park a block away.


YankeeinNCandIhateit OP t1_its07a7 wrote

This vehicle is there every. Single day. All damn day. Illegally parked and partially blocking Orange St. The city has no problem illegally ticketing residents, but sees no issue with their own vehicles parked all day, every day illegally.


michael_ellis_day t1_itsdemj wrote

Wait...did this get reported on February 10, then acknowledged on October 19 and only investigated six days after that? If someone reports an illegally parked car and you go looking for it eight months later the chances are decent you're not going to find it.

I stopped using See Click Fix a long time ago because I found the interface too clumsy and frustrating. But I don't remember it being this futile.


andyman171 t1_itsewq7 wrote

What are the chances that new haven lost this vehicle?


Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_itsklh6 wrote

I’ve been yelled at for parking a cop car in areas marked no parking and I’ve also been yelled at for “taking up” marked spots in a cruiser.

Considering that parking is at a premium, especially downtown, I personally feel it’s better that city cars don’t take actual spots as long as they aren’t blocking traffic, crosswalks, etc.


numitoke t1_itsxuuq wrote

Just wait till you find out about Yale vehicles and city parking tickets...


YankeeinNCandIhateit OP t1_itt5npb wrote

There is no exemption for parking in areas that are clearly marked no parking. This isn't the case of a vehicle being in a legal spot but not paying the meter, etc. This is a case of a car that parks EVERY SINGLE FUCKING WEEKDAY illegally, directly in front of NO PARKING SIGNS, in an area with clearly marked lines on the road telling people NOT to park there. They then end up blocking part of the lane of travel since they aren't in any spot at all!

Show me an exemption in New Haven ordinances or state statute for this shit.


ChacarronandCheese t1_itukyu0 wrote

Lol this is such a busy street, what an entitled person! Even if they are 'exempt' this is completely ridiculous. This needs to be brought to the board of alders or the mayors office so this person can be punished for acting like a complete jerk and disrespecting communal space. Theres a whole parking garage they can use they dont need to park here at all


tholdawa t1_iturin1 wrote

If this is ongoing, send a picture to the director of parking and transportation (Sandeep Aysola) and a description of the problem.


hamhead t1_itwf09b wrote

Aren’t those spots off limits because they’re specifically meant for city workers? It isn’t a fire lane or anything.

Plus your attitude in the report certainly wasn’t going to go far.


youmustbeanexpert t1_iuaz760 wrote

Ah the outrage of the parking space nothing more smooth brained. Are you angry do you wish people followed the rules like you do? Shake your digital fist in the air and feel superior...ahhhh