Submitted by AdhesivenessOwn6903 t3_113kg6w in newjersey

So I fucked up and got a ticket for careless driving and another one for speeding (75 in a 50). I was researching the laws a bit and got some conflicting information, is it likely I’ll have to do any jail time? I have to show up in court soon as well so any advice for what to wear or just general advice is appreciated.



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kzapwn t1_j8qq988 wrote

I really thought the body of the post was going to say “to paradise”

Get a lawyer, one of the ones who specialize in traffic stuff like this. They’ll get it knocked down to lesser tickets


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j8qz0s5 wrote

I've racked up multiple speeding tickets over the years (10) and honestly at the end of the day the towns and state just want you pay the fines because they want the money. So if there's a fine to be paid pay it then go take some defensive driving classes to knock down your points and behave yourself for the rest of the year. I also have one reckless driving ticket by that was because I drove on the medium in greenbrook on rt22 for a few minutes to get to my exit the judge just had me pay a fine


UncleEckley t1_j8rd5xy wrote

Wear a suit if you have one even if it’s just traffic court. If not, a shirt with a collar and the nicest pants you own. Always show respect in court, it goes a long way and you might get your tickets dropped down. Every question you’re asked, respond yes your honor or no your honor. I also agree with those who said get a lawyer if you can afford it. Most do payment plans.

Not trying to give you misinformation since I don’t know 100%, but I’ve never heard of anyone doing jail time unless they hurt someone or are a habitual offender so I wouldn’t stress about that.


Sn_Orpheus t1_j8rec7q wrote

The responses are all on point. Wear a suit if you have one or best clothes available. Be respectful to judge and all court employees. If there were mitigating factors, explain but preface explanation with "I'm not try to excuse myself, but just explain why I did what I did." If you were just being an idiot, well, perhaps say that this is not how I typically drive and I apologize to the court and the public. Do you have any other violations in recent years? If not, you can point to that as example of of driving habits. Look into driving schools for reducing points on license because it may be less expensive than your insurance going up (in response to tickets). Insurance rates may likely still go up, just not as much. I've never worked with traffic lawyer so don't have an opinion.

Re: jail time, you need to have done some serious shit to get jail time and unless you have multitudes of moving violations or negligently hurt someone while driving, it's verrrrry unlikely. If it you had f'd up that much, the cop probably would've taken you into custody right then. My bet is that they took off immediately looking to write another ticket.


LegitimateTax t1_j8riw0c wrote

Lawyer up, friend. It is worth the money.


drvic59 t1_j8rkmul wrote

Lawyer Up, see if you can take a defensive driving course. And stop driving like an asshole.


fidelesetaudax t1_j8rr69c wrote

No possibility of jail time. They just want cash. Like others have said dress and act respectfully. Ask to speak with the prosecutor and work a plea bargain. You’ll get pretty much what lawyers get without the added expense. Take a safe driving course to get the points off. And pays attention to what they teach you to avoid a repeat.


ManchuDemon t1_j8rsrcj wrote

So long as you have a clean driving history prior to this, you do not need a lawyer. Go in a suit and be respectful to the prosecutor and they will likely merge and dismiss one of the tickets, and possibly drop the rate of speed to a lesser offense. I've seen it many times.

This is all of course under the assumption you weren't a disrespectful asshat to the officer on the stop, in which case, get fucked lolololol because he probably indicated that on the comments of the ticket so you'll have no breaks coming your way.


AdhesivenessOwn6903 OP t1_j8rxc6k wrote

This my first ticket and first time being pulled over and I’ve never had an accident before, granted I’ve only been driving for 3 years. I don’t think I was rude to the officer I asked him how he was and said thanks and what not


JDS1980 t1_j8sbxh6 wrote

No jail time (this isn't Virginia), you may not even need a lawyer, when you go to court they will plea it down to "unsafe driving", which is a higher fine. But NJ insurers know this and will still jack up your next rate, they view the known unsafe driving plea as the equivalent of a 4 point ticket.

Invest in a good radar detector along with running Waze when you want to speed, if you have deeper pockets you can invest in a laser/lidar jammer system but probably not worth it unless you do a lot of parkway or turnpike driving.


Spectre_Loudy t1_j8sf745 wrote

Go to court, speak with the prosecutor and see if they lower the penalty/fee, if they don't knock it down just plead not guilty and get a lawyer.


Telnet_to_the_Mind t1_j8sf914 wrote

lol no way are you going to jail lol.. that's not even an option man unless you endangered someone physically. Just be honest, don't talk back, and if you have nothing else on your record you'll be fined.


ismokeweedle t1_j8sgd4h wrote

No you won’t go to jail lol you can get a lawyer to fight it for you they will knock it down to lesser charges. Lesser meaning “no point” tickets. These tickets will cost more but the important thing is to keep points off of your license as this will increase your insurance premiums sky high. You will save more in the long run taking the no point tickets. You could also try to fight it yourself, it’s difficult to do but not impossible and nj has set up a system online to appeal tickets


Gixxerfool t1_j8sguc4 wrote

Get a lawyer in the town you got the tickets in. I was about 30 minutes south of home and got a couple of tickets. Found a lawyer in that town. First thing he says, I know the prosecutor. That went a long way to helping me out.


Sinsid t1_j8spr0v wrote

Jail time? Wtf. Just go to court and pay the fine. Get a lawyer if you are concerned about this affecting your insurance rates. Especially if you have prior traffic issues. If this is your first time, I wouldn’t bother with the lawyer unless you really think your car insurance is going to sky rocket.

I got pulled over once. Long story, but I had snow on the roof of my car and the cops were running a campaign after a snow storm to pull people over. I had 3 possible tickets. Snow on the car (the whole point of the stop), expired license, expired registration. The cop gave me 2 tickets, snow and expired license. Both of these were mandatory court appearance. So I show up. I sit for 4 hours while all the people with lawyers get to go first. I watch people in court for stealing diapers from Target, etc. my turn comes, I go to the prosecutor table to arrange a plea before I go before the judge. You can accept the plea the prosecutor offers or take your chances with the judge. Taking your chances with the judge is assinine though. Anyways I get up to the prosecutors table and the prosecutor is like hey neighbor, he is the dad of one of my sons friends and lives a few doors down. He’s like don’t sweat it, gives me the plea deal. I accept. I got before the judge who reads the plea deal and does a double take. The judge is like wtf. Haha.

LPT: If you aren’t friends with the cops in your town, be friends with the prosecutors.


Funny_Breadfruit_413 t1_j8tfk4d wrote

I had the same thing happen on route 80. Go to court and ask to speak to the prosecutor. Just tell them that you're willing to plead guilty with no point for fine and taking a defensive driving course. It's gonna cost you, but if I remember correctly, it's like 5 or 6 points. Good luck!


twothumbswayup t1_j8tmfi7 wrote

my coworker got a speeding ticket and just did a zoom call. I was being nosey and listening in but certainly keep up the yes your honor, sorry officer and all that respectful business to keep you in good standings.


SayNO2AutoCorect t1_j8tz0uz wrote

If you got tickets, you aren't going to jail unless you fail to pay the ticket. You only have to go to court if you want to fight the ticket. You probably can't avoid getting points on the license.


saltrifle t1_j8ybqm7 wrote

Op lol, don't waste your fucking time pressing a suit to go to traffic court or prefacing the reason why you got the ticket, it's not going to help anything. Just get a traffic lawyer for the speeding ticket, they have a lot of relationships at the court that would be more favorable than you wasting your time in a suit nobody cares about. You will not get jail time unless you did some seriously egregious shit you're leaving out here. Get the lawyer, it'll probably be like $500+ or less it depends, they'll knock it down to very little points and sometimes no points at all. You save a day of PTO and go about your business, lesson learned. Afterwards, take a class and apply it to your insurance for credit. Done. Don't listen to the other's up to you though.