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YawnTractor_1756 t1_jadglio wrote

Is it, though?

There are 21% of people under 18 in NJ which amounts to 1.85 million students.

Average tax bill is almost 10k, 2 households pay $20k per year on average. Take away police and fire and roads, and schools are getting around $15k per year from 2 households.

$15k/year is enough for an entry-level private school. 2 households should basically be providing enough through taxes for a single student private school per year.

There are 3.3 million households in NJ, the state as a whole should be collecting enough to pay entry-level private-school education for ~1.6 million students, or 85% of all students in NJ.

Do 85% of NJ public school students get entry-level private-school education? And if not, is it really worth every penny?