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Regayov t1_ja08o5e wrote

It snowed more in SoCal yesterday then in most of NJ all winter.


Smacpats111111 t1_ja08snd wrote

This happens and has happened every winter


fizzy88 t1_ja0chfp wrote

It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey. It snowed more in Southern California this winter than New Jersey.


TimSPC t1_ja0laxt wrote

Still 23 days left.


Dead_Mans_Toe t1_ja0vrll wrote

Yikes. I miss the days when it actually snowed in the winter.


My_user_name_1 t1_ja0yfe7 wrote

I live in AZ. We just had a blizzard on Wednesday.


Sundrift688 t1_ja11cq3 wrote

Where I live in NJ we got NO snow so far.


burner456987123 t1_ja1f9t7 wrote

Weather here is more like North Carolina now. It sucks.


coreynj2461 t1_ja1giq2 wrote

Last gasp will be Monday night. March trending warmer sadly. Hopeful next year well make up for this mostly no show winter


urbjam t1_ja1ks6s wrote

El Niño, it’s Spanish for

the Nino


sutisuc t1_ja1o67d wrote

Incorrect. Sussex county has gotten a decent amount of snow. Still NJ.


whiteKreuz t1_ja1twti wrote

There can officially be no complaining about winter weather in Jersey anymore.


Upper-Discount5060 t1_ja1wg36 wrote

Jersey is the new Cali and also the new Hollywood! And still Jersey too!


FrannyBoBanny23 t1_ja2tj2k wrote

It’s ok guys. I have 2 bags of salt and my snow shovels by my door and my blower is on standby. As long as I don’t put everything back in the garage we’re good to go. You’re welcome.


kendrickislife t1_ja2w62d wrote

You can blame me because I bought snow tires for the first time last year 😅


klitchell t1_ja37pti wrote

I moved to the Vegas area recently, it snowed 3 times here, lol


bros402 t1_ja39ykd wrote

My dad bought a snow blower in July - he's sorry for making it so there's no snow.


TheDevils-GrimReefer t1_ja3epry wrote

Hmmmm. We must be the new Southern California, and they are the "New" New Jersey . I swear I seen this somewhere before. (South Park episode of West New Jersey)


VelocityGrrl39 t1_ja80gue wrote

La Niña has been in effect for over a year. It affects global weather patterns for the whole year, not just the winter, lol. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s not what’s happening.