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munchingzia t1_j9q4yx5 wrote

why does the entirety of Wayne get the woods label? its just your standard NJ suburb.


sutisuc t1_j9q8j4s wrote

Honestly it’s worse cause there’s no central downtown, it’s just suburban sprawl divided by a bunch of shitty looking strip malls


StrangeMorris t1_j9t7m1x wrote

I grew up in Wayne and this is correct. From a town planning perspective it's awful.


mac_a_bee t1_j9qbevg wrote

> there’s no central downtown, it’s just suburban sprawl divided by a bunch of shitty looking strip malls

Downtown comprises the police station, library and Valley high school opposite the now-Whole Foods strip mall - but yes.


timetopat t1_j9qdefa wrote

I agree that it would be nice to have a walkable area to do stuff there like a Boonton or Teaneck or such.


ctannr t1_j9svcvm wrote

wayen is sneaky the biggest town in jersey while having nothing in it worthwhile


munchingzia t1_j9qae08 wrote

im cool with that ngl. its clean, quiet, and the houses are well-kept.

i live near the NY border. most places are like that here.

exception would probably be Norwood, Westwood and Ramsey.


sutisuc t1_j9qd6zn wrote

I mean if that’s your thing I guess but if I just want sprawling development I’ll go 30 minutes west to Sussex county and actually be surrounded by farms and woods not endless chain stores and highways.


WredditSmark t1_j9uvwg3 wrote

Yeah who wants anything to do or anywhere to go if you don’t have a car


sutisuc t1_j9uyo00 wrote

This is the mentality of so many jersey people unfortunately. No wonder our cities are in such crappy shape.