
t1_j9szs7l wrote

i've been on a search for good bbq in jersey, and it's pretty sad up here. the best spot i've had within a half hour drive of you is Bailey's in Blauvelt NY. Bomb up 287 and it's right by the Palisades Mall.

i still think i make the best ribs around over in Caldwell...I've had people begging me to start selling them lol


t1_j9svyfw wrote

shit fucked me up hardcore back in the day. only like 1/3 of people get the bullseye rash, and ticks usually bite where you can't notice them.

also the standard generic "western blot" test that most dr's give is trash....i tested negative like 3x. u gotta get ur serum sent out to special labs and see what bands you have on the spectrum


t1_j9sggk3 wrote

Reply to comment by in Awful design flaw at EWR by

lmao have u tried to drive to it before the new signs? it was a single 2x1' tiny sign on the left before terminal A. It was easier to just follow the signs to the Mariott. No one actually knew about the cell phone lot until a few years ago. My friends/family used to just do laps around the loop for a fuckin hour like talladega lmaooooo


t1_j1n77ux wrote

when i lived in rural CT, i found a few decent italian joints....i'm sure they're not heavy hitters but they were definitely delicious:

Portofino's (NB/Berlin).
Amici's, Maxamilla (Avon).
First & Last (multiple locations).
Pizza: Angelina's, Luna's (WH).