Pherllerp t1_j8ul4gy wrote
You could have passed a grow.
dirty_cuban t1_j8una5v wrote
You sure it wasn’t like an actual skunk that got run over near that spot on the highway?
AppealPuzzleheaded33 t1_j8ung9n wrote
How high were you that you forgot you were smoking?
[deleted] t1_j8uo33t wrote
OkCaterpillar7596 t1_j8uor7z wrote
It always smells, can confirm
Educational_Paint987 t1_j8upqb2 wrote
Garden state mate 🤙🏼
cerialthriller t1_j8uq0kn wrote
It’s probably a skunk
ctiger12 t1_j8uqebf wrote
Same question
greasyminkey t1_j8uqy1f wrote
You really can’t be this dumb smh
[deleted] t1_j8us2gm wrote
[deleted] t1_j8us6m6 wrote
Jimmytowne t1_j8ut4fg wrote
Sometimes a skunk or even coffee can produce similar smells
speaster t1_j8utmpm wrote
It’s me sorry
phillybilly t1_j8uw3h4 wrote
It’s coming from inside the house
Stund_Mullet t1_j8uw63v wrote
Someone in front of you is probably vaping while driving.
Aggressive-Project-7 t1_j8uxrbg wrote
Dude...You must have farted ;)
murphydcat t1_j8uxt2h wrote
The massive refinery along exit 13 in Linden is now refining weed for NJ’s dispensaries.
Scroll-ie t1_j8uzuya wrote
ThatsNotFennel t1_j8v01ak wrote
It's from one of the grow warehouses or dispensaries. In South Jersey you can smell it driving up 42 towards 295 (Curaleaf location) if the wind is right. Smells like straight bud - not smoked weed, but actual weed.
EstateOutrageous8399 t1_j8v2oz3 wrote
ROFLMAO... Go get drunk 🥴
mulder406 t1_j8v46nr wrote
No f in way
alohabruh732 t1_j8v4oa4 wrote
bitstream_baller t1_j8v7x7d wrote
big world, lotta smells!
reeny706 t1_j8v7xz4 wrote
It’s like, the old days when 15W smelled like butterscotch. Every exit has its smell
pkpeace1 t1_j8vfa3q wrote
Weed smell? Billy Strings is in AC this weekend…
Amdamici t1_j8vgyld wrote
Lol OP forgot skunks exist
Chuck1705 t1_j8w0z6d wrote
Am I the bnly one concerned that OP's weed smells like skunk??
SMODomite t1_j8wb22r wrote
Weed smelling like skunk isn't a bad thing
Whiskey_Fiasco t1_j8wcvhd wrote
Did you check your passenger seat?
BigDomSr t1_j8wd9nf wrote
Just breathe deep and enjoy!
BoomTownRat71 t1_j8wj8rv wrote
Bad catalytic converter.
Sevven99 t1_j8wjf5t wrote
I thought I was just imagining it, that my coffee was a little weedy this morning.
outcome--independent t1_j8wmcbg wrote
Batteryman202 t1_j8wnhj9 wrote
Wild Garlic plants smell just like weed
thisnewsight t1_j8woe9m wrote
For it to be a grow operation, the acreage of outdoor flower grows would have to be massive. And they don’t grow this time of year. They’re nearly identical to tomatoes in that sense. Can’t smell anything that FAR with indoor farms.
It is a skunk.
Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_j8wr52u wrote
Decomposing road kill smells like weed to me sometimes
CiNNAMONSANDERS t1_j8wt7d0 wrote
Have you heard of a skunk?
ThatEcologist t1_j8wveym wrote
Lowkey weed smells like skunk. So it could have been that not weed.
o_liv_abuse_hole t1_j8x1g33 wrote
Reliving the old days, eh?
NotsosmartamInow t1_j8x86dh wrote
It might be a skunk, my mom who has never smoked always complains how a skunk is passing by our house. There is no skunk, our building doesn't let you smoke inside so our neighbor smokes their weed in front of their door and it blows to our balcony which we keep the door open to.
Bamaji1 t1_j8x9s47 wrote
It’s on its way to being a world class facility.
MrRob_NJ t1_j8xh3yf wrote
The Burnpike and the Garden State Sparkway🔥🔥🔥
VeterinarianCapable9 t1_j8xlpqg wrote
My wife is always asking me about the phantom smoke we encounter on the roads. Her two newest favorite questions to me are, "do you smell that?" And "where's it coming from?" Like I'm in the cipher
Dizzy_Area_4743 t1_j8xncjr wrote
Smells like a big outdoor grow in the area. Inquiring minds would like see the crops, where was it?
Automatic_Bandicoot5 t1_j8xnrd6 wrote
that’s most definitely a dead skunk
Chaiteoir t1_j8xyu5b wrote
They could call the strain Bayway Diesel
voxangelikus t1_j8y35g2 wrote
There’s one area (I95 S to 80 E) where I get the weed smell every fucking night when I drive home from work. The again on 80 out by Garrett Mountain. It’s mystifying
baseballfan77777 t1_j8y4q7f wrote
IF you were on the turnpike someone probably ran over a skunk lmao
mndrull t1_j8yjnw6 wrote
Caponeloco00 t1_j8yly7x wrote
They growing it in NJ now , a lot of dispensaries.
birdwothwords t1_j8yx5jv wrote
Ran over a dead skunk?
Surfiswhereufindit t1_j8z4qgv wrote
Was this your first time on the Turnpike ?
thebearbearington t1_j8z9ie0 wrote
Who cares? That chump going 60 in the middle lane is holding everyone up and needs to move over!
[deleted] t1_j8zcyi2 wrote
Bellabird42 t1_j8zrn61 wrote
In this case, it probably was skunk. But an anecdote for you: I lived in SF, waiting for the bus. It’s at the light, about to turn left and then pick us up at the corner. As it’s idling, I smell weed. Ok, not too weird, it’s SF. Light turns, bus starts to accelerate through the turn and holy Christ, the weed smell is stronger! Then the doors open and the entire bus smelled like that stinky green bud. Amazing. I’m still convinced that I pretty much always had a partial contact high while living there
Historical_Effort_93 t1_j9061ba wrote
Did you "eat" the smell? It was a skunk
seniorscrolls t1_j91ax7j wrote
If you have a majority of drivers smoking weed which wouldn't surprise me then you will have a lot of weed smoke to enter the car. A lot more people smoking weed now than ever since it's legal.
Chuck1705 t1_j91dsk9 wrote
You're smoking bad weed...
[deleted] t1_j9320bd wrote
I'll miss New Jersey like you wouldn't believe. #HomeForever
_intrepid_traveler_ t1_j93u26y wrote
You know how I be.
gracious201 t1_j942e1f wrote
Roasting and brewing coffee can smell like weed. I think i have picked up the scent driving on that highway too. I am pretty sure there is a coffee roasting facility in the vicinity.
donaldapplecore t1_j8ujqm6 wrote
My bad