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coreynj2461 t1_j8tasup wrote

Selfish people like this can cost 1-5 cars not making it and have to wait another rotation. 1 second to realize its green, another second for someone to honk, one more second to move the car


Beans-and-frank t1_j8v2fed wrote

Tbf, at least in my neck of the woods, if they don't hit the gas within literally (the actual meaning of literally) it's common practice to honk within 0.5 seconds of the light changing. Now I learned to drive in Philly and they gave you 1-1.5 seconds before honking. It took a minute to get used to. Now, though, if you can't give me one second, I'm going to wait another second and a half and then roll really slowly.


Mercurydriver t1_j8stenj wrote

But...what if I'm on Reddit trying to make posts about how everyone else around me is a bad driver?


No_Variation_6639 OP t1_j8su2ub wrote

I know you've been yearning for reddit for the past 4 minutes since the last red light but enjoy the ride.


SexWithAnAvocado t1_j8tj84s wrote

If I see the person in front of me looking down when they are the first person in line at the light, I honk my horn immediately when the light changes. I don’t give them even half a second to realize. Especially a green arrow. Those are precious seconds for the line, guy.


Beans-and-frank t1_j8v2i4l wrote

If someone honks at me like that, I wait 1.5 Mississippis and I roll really slow. Like really slow.


mynameisntvictor t1_j8v3q2q wrote

Thata when i drive around your dumbass


Beans-and-frank t1_j8war75 wrote

I'll just slide over in that case and I drive an electric so my car is almost always the quickest off of the line.


mynameisntvictor t1_j8xjkhu wrote

Not when you react 1.5 seconds slow and decide to step on the gas 1.5 seconds later because you feel justified in your delayed reaction. Something tells me if you cant react to a light you aint moving quicker than my foot and steering. If you wanna drive slow like an ass hole you shoulda moved to Pennsylvania.


[deleted] t1_j8w713n wrote



MrCance t1_j8sx9ff wrote

I’ve noticed this happening a lot too. People don’t realize how quickly lights change.

Can’t help themselves.


SyndicalistCPA t1_j8tbccj wrote

Social media has shredded peoples minds so much that they can't wait at a red light without needing to distract themselves.


No_Variation_6639 OP t1_j8sxslq wrote

Protip: leave a car length gap in front of you so you can drive around them.


lady_lowercase t1_j8tz265 wrote

the funny thing is how you can always spot drivers on their cellphones. they're the ones going 5-miles-per-hour slower than the traffic in front of them while leaving a wide berth for their inattentiveness, and it's always some kid-looking dude who still dresses like he's trying to impress his friends from high school.


SmokePenisEveryday t1_j8ul0yo wrote

idk I've been seeing a lot of older people who should know better doing it as well.

Couple years ago at my old job, I was talking to a coworker about how we don't touch our phones while driving. He was worrying about his daughter doing it when a old lady piped up and said "We all do it, don't kid yourselves".


ohbigboy t1_j8uha60 wrote

Just followed an idiot with this exact description down route 9


qazxcvbnmlpoiuytreww t1_j8vbuxy wrote

its funny, all the offenders i see are on the older side. which surprised me because i expected younger people to do it more, but the number of times ill see some soccer mom or middle aged guy watching a show or straight looking down into their lap is disconcerting


daedalus_was_right t1_j8ummiv wrote

Someone else doing something wrong is not an excuse for you to endanger other drivers. Honk your horn, flip them off, tell them they should have been a blowjob, but don't drive like a shitstain just because someone else is driving like a shitstain


Wishilikedhugs t1_j8vp1zn wrote

For the love of God, don't do this. People leave too big of a gap as it is and it ends up blocking access to turn lanes when you're further back. Super annoying if you manage to get past it and see people leaving spaces between cars that you could safely parallel park in.


mrand01 t1_j8tf089 wrote

Light turns green, left foot on clutch, I'm being honked at already. Any other manual folks feel this?

Shouldn't have to feel like I have to do clutch dumps if I'm first in line, but sometimes it seems like that's where we're at lol


mpegfour t1_j8tpe4l wrote

I always watch the cross street light and when it turns yellow I get the clutch in and into gear.

What really annoys me is when the person in front of you starts rolling really slowly and doesn't accelerate, and you have to clutch in again so you don't hit them.


therealpetejm t1_j8u6ufl wrote

I feel your pain on this one, this plus lower back and knee issues are why I can't drive a manual car in NJ anymore.


SmokePenisEveryday t1_j8ulau1 wrote

I don't get those people. They do all this slow rolling and trying to time the light change.....just to not actually move right away when it does change lol


Award-Kooky t1_j8umpxu wrote

This is the worst. I remember when I was learning, this was one of the most common ways I’d stall out


sutisuc t1_j8trqo5 wrote

The worst place for it is Newark where the light doesn’t even change and they’re already honking at you


drwatson t1_j8utufu wrote

Yes, noticed this in Newark too. Light turns green, immediate honk. My reaction is to come off the brake but go reaaaaally slow.


Award-Kooky t1_j8um5mm wrote

Funny you mention this. Just today trying to get on a Rt1 ramp where I’m on a hill too. Light turns green, I press in clutch and hit the throttle before I start to roll backwards and get honked at in about ~1.5 seconds. Like dude, 👋


choirscore t1_j8tqx32 wrote

The amount of ppl I see on their phones in the metro area is baffling to me.


Admarie25 t1_j8uboiy wrote

Seriously! The amount of people I saw texting this morning alone is mind boggling.


SirMctowelie t1_j8tz7hc wrote

This infuriates me to no end. Why do you need to be on your phone at all while driving? What's so important to check at a red light?


nancymeadows242 t1_j8wdj1t wrote

Speaking of, have you noticed those folks at a red light rummaging through their car like someone dropped a live grenade in there? You have the steering wheel in front of you, based on the fact that you are on a public roadway, the pedals are there too. What else do they need so urgently while driving?


Swoah t1_j8tfues wrote

I swear on Route 9 it takes people 20 seconds to move after the car in front of them goes when it turns green


PickleLS10 t1_j8t2fkg wrote

I'm sorry, I was posting on reddit asking how to renew my license!


Luxin t1_j8uirkd wrote

Why do people think this is the MVC!


PickleLS10 t1_j8upjne wrote

Its because googling is really difficult these days.


coreynj2461 t1_j8wuh19 wrote

Its actually been so much better with appointments. I hope they never go back to walk ins


munchingzia t1_j8t8ev3 wrote

me arguing with someone on reddit while driving


nadeemon t1_j8u8pqm wrote

I see people on their phone while driving, going like 40-60 mph, wtf!!!


thistooshallpass11 t1_j8t2pcr wrote

I just had to honk at some idiot who was guilty of this. I was even extra patient giving him an extra two entire seconds before I'm the one who starts looking like an idiot for not honking.

Stay home and swipe up on your cell. One car usually turns left and it's only you because your an idiot.


IronSeagull t1_j8u8vvq wrote

I had one dude sit at a light after it turned green, so I honked after a couple of seconds. He still sat. Other people honked, he still sat. Light turned yellow, he still sat. Light turned red, he still sat. When the light turned green again everyone in line honked in unison, and he finally moved.

My car chimes when the light turns green so you can't miss it.


Squirt_memes t1_j8suiq4 wrote

How about if I just vibe out when the light turns and accelerate into the bumper of the person in front of me because the car next to me slightly rolled up and I hit the gas?

Does that sound like a good compromise?


Cr1m t1_j8tmsya wrote

Haha just yesterday in New Brunswick, I watched a guy at a red light get so fixated on his phone that he didn’t notice the light turned green for 10 seconds or so. Opposing traffic cautiously started making left turns since they couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t moving.


rondeuce40 t1_j8tu71d wrote

If you are at a red light intersection, you should be looking at the cross section traffic light to see when it turns yellow so you are ready to move when your light turns green. And yes, put the damn phone down. People got places to go and shit to do. It's not like we don't have a lot people living here or anything.


Handsome_fart_face t1_j8u0vr8 wrote

I’ve never noticed so many idiots on phones since I purchased a truck… scary.


katsuai t1_j8ue1p3 wrote

That's why I'm extra vigilant when I'm first in line; the lights around here are green for like 2-3 seconds.


Cheapfender t1_j8uqxyc wrote

I’d also like to add onto this: a little rain isn’t cause to drive like a 90 year old granny headed to church on Sunday. Hit the gas!!!


EngineSpecialist259 t1_j8upo0f wrote

Another reason I’m glad I take public transportation now.


fidelesetaudax t1_j8t3vgs wrote

Why? You in some sort of rush? S/ of course


CPT_Shiner t1_j8u5gb2 wrote

I always think of it this way: if I'm the first car waiting at a red light, it's my job to be the most alert and quick to move when it turns green. If I'm the second car in line, it's my job to give a little "wake up" honk if the car in front of me doesn't start going within a second or two of the green light.


hateriffic t1_j8urffj wrote

Would be nice to see those reds too. Since COVID everyone seems to think they have a 5 second grace period to keep blowing through the light


gotzot t1_j8v3en6 wrote

In my case, it's been trying to hit the gas with a 1 ms reaction time so the asshole behind me doesn't honk the second it turns green lol


SailingSpark t1_j8v8vnf wrote

I like it when you give a little "beep" and the person loses their shit because you dared honk at them.


SuperSimpleSam t1_j8wg4i5 wrote

Annoying part too is they leave a full car length in front and those in the jug handle don't have room to merge in.


Anxious_Web8787 t1_j8yy2se wrote

There should be an accepted public penalty for phone people - like a wall of shame with faces flashed nice snd big on billboards / people suck


thefudd t1_j8te3lw wrote

I just go around them


cnj_bro_86 t1_j8vtawu wrote

This just in... depart for your destination a few minutes early so you can make allowances for other drivers to be human


PM_ME_UR_MANPAGE t1_j8tqtso wrote

No fuck you. Welcome to Jersey bitch. <3
