
lady_lowercase t1_ja43trn wrote

realistically speaking though, if the folks who consistently patronize the theater have bedbugs, what can the theater do? i'm a mechanical engineer, not a businessperson or investor or financially savvy in any way (nor do i know how to make business decisions)... what i want to ask without a thousand people jumping down my throat is: is this just the cost of doing business in richmond?


lady_lowercase t1_j8tz265 wrote

the funny thing is how you can always spot drivers on their cellphones. they're the ones going 5-miles-per-hour slower than the traffic in front of them while leaving a wide berth for their inattentiveness, and it's always some kid-looking dude who still dresses like he's trying to impress his friends from high school.


lady_lowercase t1_iuidn5k wrote

edit: if you're mad about tailgating, you need to aware of its root cause: the failure of slower traffic to keep right. here's a link to the virginia drivers' manual... page 16 under "changing lanes": [the] left lane is for passing only. i can't control every reckless asshole, but you bet your ass i'm going to move over and let them pass me on the left even if i have to slow down by 10-mph to match traffic on my right to do it. there's a reason highly-populated countries like england and states like new jersey implement rules like keeping [direction] except to pass. get mad if you don't know how to drive tho' <3

this is just my opinion, but after living in england for 3.5 months, i really believe there is no reason these accidents happen other than the failure of slower traffic to keep right. over and over and over again, i see a line of cars in the left-most lane, a single care-free and wholly inattentive driver in the middle lane, and no one in the right-most lane except the occasional truck. i cannot emphasize what a dangerous situation this creates. people need to keep right (except to pass) and allow faster traffic to pass them safely on their left. let law enforcement worry about those driving above the speed limit. and get off of your fucking cell phone!

for reference, england has 434 persons per sq. km.; and virginia has about 210 persons per square mile (or 82 persons per square kilometer)... furthermore, england's population is 56 million people and reported 1,558 automobile-related deaths in 2021... versus virginia with a population of 8.6 million people and 967 traffic-related deaths in 2021. in plain english for those of you that need it, we have 15 percent of their population but 62 percent as many traffic fatalities... that's disgusting.

seriously, drivers in this state (and country) need to start paying attention.

keep right (except to pass); use your turn signals; maintain your speed and safe distance between the vehicles in front of and behind you. learn to do more than read the road-signs and operate your vehicle; learn to fucking drive. there is no reason you should be on the road unless you can be attentive, alert, aware, and assertive.


lady_lowercase t1_itzu73i wrote

Reply to comment by popeboyQ in Thursdaily is here! by OopsImACrow

i am of the honest opinion that any stain with a predominantly red tone will do the trick. here's the project after several coats of stain in the dark walnut color (sorry about the lighting; it's a very consistent tone in person), but i have other pieces in the home that have that are more "espresso" than "brown".


lady_lowercase t1_itzimq1 wrote

i’m still looking for a small volume of any kind of red wood stain! less than an ounce would be more than enough, and i’d take it in a solo cup!

my fun weekend plans hopefully involve finishing this damn table.