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yankeeblue42 t1_itw55qr wrote

In what way is it a nuisance to smoke? For fucks sake I am minding my own business and most of the time I am away from non-smokers when I do it. As long as we're respectful of other people's personal space and not blowing it in their face why is this such a big deal to smoke outside? It's not like the smoke even lingers outdoors nearly as much as indoors...


symitwo t1_itw5cuv wrote

Everyone can smell it, and you, from 100 feet away.


yankeeblue42 t1_itw5gus wrote

Everyone can smell bad hygiene too. Or bad food. Or sweat. Smelling bad isn't banned...


snarkicon t1_itw6cy4 wrote

My smelling your BO isn’t bad for my health. Me breathing in your second hand smoke is