
yankeeblue42 t1_itx534o wrote

How to know if you are self centered: you want to ban something other people enjoy because it smells slightly unpleasant to you.

Good God the entitlement non smokers have is insane.

For the record I've been to cities around the world (mainly in Asia) that smell like literal garbage. It's not the most pleasant smell but I'm not out there trying to ban their way of life


yankeeblue42 t1_itwbl7p wrote

See this doesn't have to go hand in hand. I'm calling bullshit here.

NJ is so anti smoking that they don't provide any opportunity to put the cigarette butts away. Guarantee you this would be much less of an issue if ashtrays and filters were more regularly available.

France and Japan encourage you to throw the butts in the garbage. Southeast Asia simply has ashtrays at every restaurant or bar table plus filters on hotel balconies. Much less butts are on the street because of it.

If the US implemented more of this, particularly Northern states like NJ, this would not be nearly as big of an issue.


yankeeblue42 t1_itw6gi4 wrote

The vast majority of what they're referencing is parents that smoke in their own homes and in the car with children. Not people standing in the middle of a public park or a cemetery...


yankeeblue42 t1_itw55qr wrote

In what way is it a nuisance to smoke? For fucks sake I am minding my own business and most of the time I am away from non-smokers when I do it. As long as we're respectful of other people's personal space and not blowing it in their face why is this such a big deal to smoke outside? It's not like the smoke even lingers outdoors nearly as much as indoors...


yankeeblue42 t1_itw09x0 wrote

It really shouldn't be banned anywhere outdoors. I mean come on... when we're outside there is plenty of space for the smoke to travel in the air away from people.

I actually hate that NJ is so strict with it in establishments. Down south like in Texas and Georgia it's perfectly acceptable to smoke in an outdoor bar. NJ won't even let you do that most of the time.

Stop this madness. Is it that big of a deal to let people smoke outside? There are parts of the world that still let you do it indoors and I have been there and applaud those places.

I get the issue with indoor smoking and air travel but outdoors, what is the big deal as long as somebody isn't blowing it right in your face?