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Wastesofa t1_itw9h5l wrote

I think a large issue that is being overshadowed by second hand smoke is the toxicity of cigarette butts. Often people will think "oh its just plant and paper, it'll biodegrade" and will just drop on the ground. Just like it does to your lungs, it leaches toxic chemicals and additives into the environment. A large part of the bands on smoking is for littering and environmental protection, not just smoking around others.

Edit: Perhaps the burden of smoking trash disposal should be the responsibility of the smoker, not the state. I'm sure there's plenty of portable personal ashtrays available on the market these days. Keep it in your ashtray and hold on to it until you do see a trashcan like you would do with EVERY OTHER PIECE OF TRASH YOU WOULD HAVE. I don't eat a candy bar and just throw the trash on the ground if I don't see a trash can. If you chose to smoke you have to take responsibility for your own trash. I don't think that's asking too much.


yankeeblue42 t1_itwbl7p wrote

See this doesn't have to go hand in hand. I'm calling bullshit here.

NJ is so anti smoking that they don't provide any opportunity to put the cigarette butts away. Guarantee you this would be much less of an issue if ashtrays and filters were more regularly available.

France and Japan encourage you to throw the butts in the garbage. Southeast Asia simply has ashtrays at every restaurant or bar table plus filters on hotel balconies. Much less butts are on the street because of it.

If the US implemented more of this, particularly Northern states like NJ, this would not be nearly as big of an issue.


whskid2005 t1_itwive8 wrote

That doesn’t track. How many people smoke in their cars and throw the cigarette out the window? Since they’re a smoker in their own vehicle, wouldn’t they know to have a trash bin in their car?


SailingSpark t1_itwrdld wrote

My late grandmother lived a mile from a traffic light. People would light up at the red and when they got to her place, throw the butt out the window. The first 8 feet of her lawn was nothing but cigarette butts. They were nearly impossible to get out of the grass.


Eveready116 t1_itx5p16 wrote

People just don’t really litter in Japan to begin with. Every time I visit I am hard pressed to find any spec of trash on the ground.

Every food/drink related establishment has ashtrays because it is frowned upon heavily to ash on the ground outside. There is also usually one of those ashtray stands so a group of people can ash their cigs there and discard the butt into the garbage under the ashtray. If there isn’t one outside an establishment, people use an empty beverage container that they hold in their hand. Butts don’t get thrown on the ground, always the trash can. People smoking in their cars typically have a drink bottle filled with a bit of water and store the butts in there and then discard later.


rxbandit256 t1_itwfwz3 wrote

While I disagree with the bill in the article, I don't want to foot your "proposed" bill because smokers can't properly dispose of their debris.


xXMcFuddyXx t1_itwhmlv wrote

No public trash bins then?


rxbandit256 t1_itwjijq wrote

No additional ashtrays/bins paid for by public money. It's not just the cost of the bin itself but then there's the cost of people to empty it, to pick up litter around it, to replace it when it eventually gets broken etc.


amozification t1_itwjymu wrote

Literally the same logic. “I don’t like people using so many plastic bags! Remove recycling bins so plastic bags go away!” ^i ^know ^nj ^doesnt ^allow ^plastic ^bags ^anymore


EatPrayFart t1_itxnfx2 wrote

I don't get it...You know you can't recycle plastic bags in any single stream recycling bin right?


breakplans t1_itwsxoz wrote

Is a filter those tall skinny stack things? Because I’ve seen enough of those just slowly smoldering all day long to know they are useless and gross. They make the whole parking lot or area smell bad if someone tosses a lit butt in there. You’d take any other garbage with you, take your butts too!


SursumCorda-NJ t1_itxqptr wrote

> I'm sure there's plenty of portable personal ashtrays available on the market these days

You are correct, there are. I've been using one for my public forays for years since I refuse to contaminate the environment.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_itwnzn8 wrote

Well, that's on tobacco companies to actually change the formula, so to speak. No reason a cig butt shouldn't be biodegradable. That goes for ALL single use plastic items. This tragedy of the commons is a grift to put all environmental concerns on the citizen, and not the multi billionaires that could actually do something meaningful.


DemonKingPunk t1_itxwekz wrote

There should be a federal ban on cigarette filters. They are what does the damage. Some of the first successful tobacco companies sold either filterless or paper filtered cigarettes.


bagless89 t1_itx3nr3 wrote

Race tracks?!??


jerseygunz t1_itx7tam wrote

The others you’ll probably be able to sell but good luck with that one haha


thugnificent856 t1_itwdq42 wrote

Soon every town will have one gazebo known as the designated smoking area which will be the only place to smoke in town. Just one gazebo always filled with people trying to avoid eye contact and the fact that the only reason they’re here is because of a bad health decision made when they were 17.


Linenoise77 t1_itwj9iu wrote

it sounds like those little glass rooms in las vegas and southern airports.


heardbutnotseen2 t1_itwjsx8 wrote

They could decorate it and bring food. It could become the it hangout in town.


Dicksapoppin69 t1_itzaigc wrote

Doesn't sound bad at all with that description. Because if we don't corral them somewhere, they just stand literally right outside an entrance/exit and the smoke always finds a way inside.

"Smokers have rights too!" Yeah, and none of them include triggering people's asthma, allergies, and stinking up the place while leaving your trash all over. Even when there's a disposal fixture right there next to you. You don't wanna get wet in the rain? Then bring an umbrella. Cold? Wear a coat.


moudine t1_itzggj1 wrote

Right? I'm pregnant and I hate walking into someone's cloud of smoke because they're standing immediately in front of the door


Linenoise77 t1_itvyciy wrote

Not a smoker:

I agree with boardwalks 100%. Six flags, Jenks, Seaside, etc already ban it in the amusements area. Meadowlands bans it indoors already, and i believe they have non-smoking areas in the outdoor section.

State stuff like historic sites? Again, pretty sure its already banned, certainly indoors.

Cemeteries? is this really an issue?


jimtow28 t1_itvz7w9 wrote

> Cemeteries? is this really an issue?

I would think kids might gather and smoke in cemeteries. I don't know, even that seems like quite a stretch, but it's all I can come up with.


Linenoise77 t1_itwj6bq wrote

do we live in a cheasy 80s movie?

Hey, Tony, me and Tony are headed to the cemetery to smoke


LordRaison t1_itwuul2 wrote

Do you think kids still don't do that? It's not really cigarettes anymore, but they still go to these places to smoke/vape nicotine and marijuana since they are usually out of sight and away from the adults responsible for them.


heardbutnotseen2 t1_itwjmvt wrote

Not a stretch. It’s actually really common. I’ve had to chase away a batch of teens smoking while sitting on my mother’s headstone.


StevieKix_ t1_itwotis wrote

New Jersey acting like they care about clean air and littering is comical.


samwiseganja96 t1_itwwo2b wrote

I'm glad to know almost all of my smoking friends will hold onto their butts until they can find an appropriate recepticle.


Imalawyerkid t1_itwhbw7 wrote

I don't know about all amusement parks, but Great Adventure has huddled you into smoking boxes for like a decade. And they were strict about it, my buddy was hanging out straddling the line and got told "inside or we are kicked out."

I once lit a cig 20 feet from the exit line on my way out of the park and had an employee yell at me, tell me to put in out, and follow me until I crossed the line... when magically it was fine to smoke there.


Linenoise77 t1_itwk269 wrote

was there last weekend. they still had at least one of those inside the park that i noticed. most of them though have signs up saying pretty much "we know this looks like a smoking area, but it isn't".

Anyway the one that they did let you smoke in was way off to the side of everything so i don't see an issue with that or feel like we need to take it away from smokers. They aren't bothering anyone, its outside, staff doesn't need to go near it, etc. Rather that then people trying to sneak smokes throughout the park and making a mess.


snarkicon t1_itvubqj wrote

It should be banned in all public places. If you want to kill youself, do It away from everyone else so we dont have to breath in your disgusting smoke


yankeeblue42 t1_itw4qiq wrote

This is a horrible take. Why should it be banned outdoors? It's an open air environment where it can be away from you...


AngelOfMath t1_itwf9yj wrote

Not everyone does it away from other people. There are many people, like myself, who have asthma and will have an asthma attack from 2nd hand smoke, even if it is outdoors. I cannot even tell you how many times I have had an asthma attack from people smoking right outside an entrance/exit to a building, walking around the boardwalk, etc.


You_Are_All_Diseased t1_itwa7nc wrote

Fuck your litter. It’s fucking gross seeing cigarette butts all over the street and even worse in nature. Just selfish assholes making a mess and throwing their trash all over the ground.


jawnlerdoe t1_itwfmo4 wrote

Fuck assholes who project individual issues and generalize them to an entire group of people.

Not every smokers litters you asshat.


Zaknoid t1_itwwwwh wrote

The amount of irony in this thread lol. So many people complaining about entitlement and not changing their habits for other people while they demand other people change their habits because of them aka other people.


You_Are_All_Diseased t1_itwj6bv wrote

Some (really most) do litter so literally anywhere it’s legal to smoke, there will be litter.


stateofbrine t1_itwkinv wrote

If every smoker dropped butts it’s be very noticeable. Instead these type of people will yell at the sky


jawnlerdoe t1_itwkuf7 wrote

Exactly. There’s tons of outrage here for no reason.

People just like raising there fists to make themselves feel better.


stateofbrine t1_itwm82e wrote

Exactly “I hate seeing litter” yea me too. Also unless they’re in the city, I guarantee they rarely if ever come across smokers. You shouldn’t shift policy because one day a year you get a whiff of an unpleasant smell.


rockmasterflex t1_itwp5yy wrote

How to know if you are self centered: you don’t notice that everything in a 20 foot radius of you smells absolutely disgusting because of the flaming tobacco you have in your mouth.

Would you feel the same way about your neighbors safely burning garbage in a fire pit in their own backyard?! ITS OUTSIDE IT MUST BE OKAY!


Focusun t1_itxb95e wrote

I agree, all perfumes must be banned!


yankeeblue42 t1_itx534o wrote

How to know if you are self centered: you want to ban something other people enjoy because it smells slightly unpleasant to you.

Good God the entitlement non smokers have is insane.

For the record I've been to cities around the world (mainly in Asia) that smell like literal garbage. It's not the most pleasant smell but I'm not out there trying to ban their way of life


Hand_Sanitizer3000 t1_itxmoi5 wrote

its not about the smell its about the fact that it literally fucking kills people. One group is saying "hey do what you want but don't have a negative impact on my life and health" and the other is saying "im entitled to a 10 minute break at work and if you dont like breathing in my disease causing poison just go somewhere else" and you think the former is the entitled one?


moomoomoo309 t1_itxkljs wrote

Secondhand smoke is bad for whoever breathes it in. Doesn't matter if it's "not that bad". The people breathing it in didn't sign up for it, they don't want to breathe it in, and shouldn't have to because of someone else's choice.


SursumCorda-NJ t1_itxrggs wrote

Now you know how those of us who despise marijuana feel. Ever since it went legal I can't drive anywhere without smelling that shit poisoning the air.


snarkicon t1_itw5ejg wrote

Because fuck your second hand smoke, that’s why


yankeeblue42 t1_itw5nzj wrote

Real intelligent take there. That's when you know you don't have a good reason to ban it in all public places


snarkicon t1_itw5y9u wrote


yankeeblue42 t1_itw6gi4 wrote

The vast majority of what they're referencing is parents that smoke in their own homes and in the car with children. Not people standing in the middle of a public park or a cemetery...


You_Are_All_Diseased t1_itwad5q wrote

Yeah I’m sure people love seeing cigarette butts all over grandma’s grave when they visit.


CrackaZach05 t1_itx1ops wrote

Are there butts on grandma's grave now? Also, who's going to enforce?


mykepagan t1_itwrae1 wrote

Do not smoke, have never smoke tobacco. I see no reason to make kaws against smoking tobacco stricter… I can’t recall the last time I even smelled tobacco smoke in a publuc place.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_itwni62 wrote

Lol, what a nothing burger, smoking is already banned at almost all of these places already. If it's not, most smokers aren't bands of sociopaths. We mostly keep our smoke to ourselves.


Ok-Philosopher9070 t1_itx0u50 wrote

This is ridiculous, and honestly is a huge step back in the context of legal marijuana. Fuck everyone who supports this bullshit resolution.


jerseygunz t1_itx7wtr wrote

Everyone vapes now anyway


JayMonster65 t1_itz88rg wrote

Yes, but in NJ, if you can't smoke there, you can't Vape there.

That was all thanks to one lawmaker who years ago thought she saw someone smoking where is was banned, complained to management about it, but was informed they were vaping. But she was not satisfied because it "looked like they were smoking" went back to Trenton and introduced a bill to add vaping to the "clean air act" (which passed)


ProofFeeling8600 t1_iu029vo wrote

Well considering secondhand vaping is also a thing I can get on board with that ban.


FartFragrance t1_ityyvzb wrote

We're getting a little crazy with all these smoking bans. I used to be a smoker many many years ago and I love the fact that we prohibit smoking indoors but I could care less if someone wants to light up when they are outside and not close enough to annoy anyone else.


Sussexed t1_itwk7zf wrote

Burial sites, are dead people now offended by cigarette smoke. This is what NJ state legislators are busy doing. $56,000 of debt per tax payer highest in the nation and this is how they spend their time. Next they will pass another spiteful gun law that does nothing to protect anyone and we pay them for this.


GooseNYC t1_itxiutj wrote

I quit smoking a few years ago but I actually don't mind the smell.

I guess it makes sense to ban it though, most people really seem to detest it. Racetracks though? Has this lady ever been to the Meadowlands? Ninety percent of the people are either tweaked or drunk, cigarettes are almost a necessity.


heardbutnotseen2 t1_itwj6h8 wrote

Please ban smoking on the boardwalks! The weed smell this past summer overpowered everything around it.


LiftCats t1_itwxu0g wrote

A ban doesn’t do much though when you can just refuse to give your name and walk away when caught.


njkl96 t1_itycogm wrote

It absolutely should be banned in cemeteries. Throwing cigarette butts on a grave is incredibly disrespectful to the dead and their loved ones. Last time I visited my grandparents’s grave I saw a cigarette butt on their grave and I’m still pissed about it.


Some-Imagination9782 t1_itwgnuw wrote

The state needs more smoking posts to dispose the buds…complete ban will not solve the issue…also smokers are addicted to nicotine some maybe offering free help will reduce the amount of smokers hence reduce the amount of buds scattered on the streets.


Linenoise77 t1_itwjosy wrote

The state regularly offers free nicotine replacement stuff. Its all OTC and pretty cheap compared to a pack of smokes or vape anyway.

I think we kind of hit critical mass on smokers where no matter what happens won't change their mind. I always knew it was bad, price and social stigma is what got me to quit, but some folks are more stubborn.

As much as i don't think its a good thing to promote or normalize vaping, and still think there are unanswered questions and other risks with that, i'd like to think we can find a quiet way to get these folks to switch just from a trash and second hand perspective.


johnniewelker t1_itwjioo wrote

Is weed included in the smoking ban?


kittykat5607 t1_itwupdn wrote

It’s been included in every smoking law so far so I’d think this is the same.


damageddude t1_itx9aoi wrote

As the years have gone by, and smoking became less frequent in both private and public areas, I’ve discovered my tolerance to second hand smoke has decreased (I grew up with a smoking father). While it doesn’t bother me, unless I am in an outdoor restaurant etc., I do notice the smell. As long as someone is not puffing behind me in a non-smoking area — let them kill themselves.


TheOkGazoo t1_itvusbv wrote

That's going to hurt medical marijuana patients


symitwo t1_itw3w2k wrote

If you need to smoke so much that you can't be in public, get edibles.

I'm not interested in breathing that shit in


kittykat5607 t1_itwuc2b wrote

Unfortunately that’s not always the best solution. If I’m in the midst of a panic or PTSD attack I can’t always wait the 2 hours for an edible to kick in when smoking or vaping can reduce symptoms in minutes or seconds. I do think there needs to be regulation and common sense courtesy to others but it does really suck for people that are genuinely disabled and aren’t always conveniently at home when symptoms flare up.


symitwo t1_itwuxfk wrote

OK so what did you do before it was legal?


kittykat5607 t1_itx9p4f wrote

I only just started using it this summer when I got my medical card so nothing. And I still haven’t smoked away from my home because the places I go have no smoking rules in place that I follow, but it would help my health tremendously if I was able to occasionally have a place I could go in those places and prevent me from dealing with needless terror and pain that I have to when I can’t use my most effective medication. I don’t think disabled people should be made to either stay in their homes or live in pain. I think there has to be a reasonable solution that allows people to use their medication and allows others to not be subjected to smoke if they don’t want to be. I’m not in disagreement at all about having no smoking areas just that a reasonable alternative spot should be available and you shouldn’t need to walk a mile to find a safe and legal place to smoke.


symitwo t1_itxa6rz wrote

I disagree. And it seems I'm in the mass majority

If your solution involves having me deal with your smoking, I'm not entertaining it


kittykat5607 t1_itxnp02 wrote

The fact that’s all you got from everything I said is very disappointing. And from every other comment you’ve made on here it seems like you just want to be angry about this, but not even consider other peoples feelings and opinions or any solutions. My whole point is I DONT subject anyone else to my smoke and have no desire to, just want to have places out of the way that are okay to smoke at without needing to go home every time.


SquirrelBoy t1_itwh116 wrote

Do you realize the significant cost difference, as well as the huge difference in how long different consumption methods take effect? It's not as simple as just switching to edibles.


symitwo t1_itwhidx wrote

I could not care less. Your problem represents an impossibly small percentage of the population, that has multiple avenues to explore


SquirrelBoy t1_itwhnju wrote

I'm just pointing out it's more nuanced than you're claiming.


symitwo t1_itwhydm wrote

It's not.

Take an edible, and figure out your own dosing and time tables. Or stay home.


SquirrelBoy t1_itwi38j wrote

Again, not that simple, Mr/Ms/Mx Know-it-all


symitwo t1_itwig4w wrote

Staying the fuck home is definitely that simple


bear_rando t1_itwj2pl wrote

Walking the fuck away from someone smoking is just that simple as well.


symitwo t1_itwj6en wrote

So is creating and enforcing legislation that makes it illegal to snake in public places


bear_rando t1_itwjtll wrote

You'll never take away my freedom to snake in public.


SquirrelBoy t1_itwip9l wrote

Oh, I forgot people with disabilities should hide at home and never be seen.


SquirrelBoy t1_itwipo8 wrote

Oh, I forgot people with disabilities should hide at home and never be seen.


TheOkGazoo t1_itw57on wrote

Sorry that you don't like the smell of freedom.


Maleficent_Kale7442 t1_itwd5wz wrote

Every day we lose a little more of our freedom....

and Im not even a smoker


vakr001 t1_itxih7r wrote

All for them banning it racetracks.


littlemonstru t1_itxk4n0 wrote

Former smoker/New Yorker: banning smoking in public places works and I’m (begrudgingly) very pro bans


malcontent254 t1_itzkhsg wrote

Feckless Phil Murphy and the nanny state legislature strike again !!!!!


doglywolf t1_itzscn9 wrote

Most those places other then race tracks already do ban it


awfulsome t1_iu7rfoi wrote

I'd rather they just jack the fines for polluting with butts through the roof. I don't mind the smoking outdoors, its the people littering.


yankeeblue42 t1_itw09x0 wrote

It really shouldn't be banned anywhere outdoors. I mean come on... when we're outside there is plenty of space for the smoke to travel in the air away from people.

I actually hate that NJ is so strict with it in establishments. Down south like in Texas and Georgia it's perfectly acceptable to smoke in an outdoor bar. NJ won't even let you do that most of the time.

Stop this madness. Is it that big of a deal to let people smoke outside? There are parts of the world that still let you do it indoors and I have been there and applaud those places.

I get the issue with indoor smoking and air travel but outdoors, what is the big deal as long as somebody isn't blowing it right in your face?


symitwo t1_itw42ak wrote

Imagine wanting to be Texas lmao

Fuck off to Texas then lmao


jawnlerdoe t1_itwg04u wrote

Imagine being an asshole who tells someone to get lost because they don’t have a coherent argument of their own.


symitwo t1_itwggtq wrote

Imagine actually thinking you need to prove a point to a smoker? Lmao


jawnlerdoe t1_itwgxy0 wrote

So smokers aren’t human beings?

You’re a shit person with a shit take who can’t even use a question mark correctly.


symitwo t1_itwhvcw wrote

To me? They're human, but their priorities are nowhere near important to me.

Same reason ya'll can't get transplants, mate. You make stupid choices. Get fucked


jawnlerdoe t1_itwi7jq wrote

The only thing getting fucked here is your singular brain cell failing to having a normal conversation.

I’m not even a smoker, but you’re too dumb to even realize how little sense you make 😂


yankeeblue42 t1_itw4eag wrote

I have... a few times actually... it's a nice state. Sorry I believe in the right to be able to smoke outdoors


symitwo t1_itw4l3g wrote

It's not a right. You're a fucking nuisance to others. And the mass majority of people want smokers to fuck off


yankeeblue42 t1_itw55qr wrote

In what way is it a nuisance to smoke? For fucks sake I am minding my own business and most of the time I am away from non-smokers when I do it. As long as we're respectful of other people's personal space and not blowing it in their face why is this such a big deal to smoke outside? It's not like the smoke even lingers outdoors nearly as much as indoors...


symitwo t1_itw5cuv wrote

Everyone can smell it, and you, from 100 feet away.


yankeeblue42 t1_itw5gus wrote

Everyone can smell bad hygiene too. Or bad food. Or sweat. Smelling bad isn't banned...


snarkicon t1_itw6cy4 wrote

My smelling your BO isn’t bad for my health. Me breathing in your second hand smoke is


Hand_Sanitizer3000 t1_itxnkr7 wrote

Yes it is that big of a deal. Name another bad health habit that kills innocent bystander causes diseases asthma attacks etc. So if i have asthma and smoking is a trigger i shouldn't be allowed to frequent outdoor spaces that may have some drunk asshole not being mindful or where the wind is blowing his smoke? If I have neighbors that smoke on their porch and i cant open my windows because smokes comes into the house are they going to pay my medical bills if i develop a condition due to their behavior? Do i not have the right to open the windows and not have to worry about whether or not the air is gonna give me an asthma attack in my own house?


Hand_Sanitizer3000 t1_itxmrvl wrote

They should ban 10 minute breaks for smokers at work next.


ProofFeeling8600 t1_iu01oei wrote

I would definitely support this. Nothing better than finding cigarette butts tossed onto the beach or somewhere in nature.


sparky1976 t1_iu03e49 wrote

Thank God I f****** hate cigarettes and the smell and how everyone who smokes thinks it's their god-given right to do it anywhere and leave their cigarette butts everywhere.


[deleted] t1_itvyvl3 wrote



Linenoise77 t1_itvzq0d wrote

I'm not against legal weed. I'm not a smoker either, but i did previously smoke. I'm certainly not militant anti-smoker, but i can probably smell a cigarette from a block away, because, damn i could go for a smoke......

ANYWAY, when i smell something these days its always pot.

Again, i don't have a problem with pot, but i wish folks would be a touch more discreet about it.

Smokers got the message years ago


AngelOfMath t1_itwfuce wrote

It's not just simply annoying. It is a medical concern for people with lung conditions, such as asthma.


SailingSpark t1_itwr41o wrote

I work in one of the casinos. We need a ban in those buildings.


SursumCorda-NJ t1_itxqhsl wrote

Ms Murphy can suck me off. Fuck you and your nanny state, social control bullshit. I pay my taxes and work my ass off, if I want a smoke while sitting at the park and relaxing I damn well will do it.


BoomTownRat71 t1_itx10wp wrote

Smokers cost out health systems billions of dollars a year. Any law that will promote smoking cessation is a bonus. .


FartFragrance t1_ityzb4d wrote

Overheating costs our health system billions of dollars a year too. I would even venture to guess that more people have diabetes and that is a larger drag on the health system than smoking.


jp112078 t1_itx5k2i wrote

Well, you could say that about overweight people or people that don’t exercise or anyone who drives a car. Once you eliminate smokers people will be on to the next group until we are all just eating the same thing and taking no risks.


BoomTownRat71 t1_itxb88k wrote

Data supports the cost related to smoking related illness. Obesity is a close second. It’s not about taking risks. It’s about the cost of that to society.


Chidoro45 t1_itzo26y wrote

Good, it’s time as being acceptable in public is long past.
