
VaMoInNj t1_jckm87x wrote

Just went and double checked the county line, there is a little sliver of Monmouth County not included. Looks like the shore zone actually starts at Wilkson Creek, but most of Keyport is in the shore zone.

Here's the zoom in of the border on the Uber rate map. I (very crudely) drew in the Monmouth / Middlesex county line.


VaMoInNj t1_j9kf7nz wrote

I'm sure they are eventually going to expand Fresh again, but anything being announced this week isn't going to be a Fresh store.

I've shopped at an Amazon Fresh store, and they aren't that good. The Amazon Go convenience store concept is excellent, but the full grocery store isn't. Especially since it isn't just "walk right out" as they say. You still have to have your phone scanned out of the store by an Amazon employee at the exit before the exit gate will open. Add extremely high prices to that, and after shopping at one once, I have no desire to really go back to one.

Hopefully the expansion pause will let them figure out what they need to do to make it work.


VaMoInNj t1_j93jykx wrote

I switched last year and had a bunch of problems. I deleted the e-sim off my iPhone, and then re-added one from the mint app, no issues since.


VaMoInNj t1_j6fbwsb wrote

If it were a one off thing, I wouldn't think much of it, but over the last year I've had around 10 rides from terminals to the Marriott, and everyone said they called after waiting for a while.

I've also seen some people trying to cross Hotel Rd. to get to it after walking thru the terminal B lot. Wouldn't recommend trying that now, as it's a lot busier since the new terminal A dumps out onto it.


VaMoInNj t1_j6f9dqq wrote

Just be aware, the Marriott shuttle can be a little flakey. I drive Uber sometimes in the evenings, and on multiple occasions have gotten rides from the terminals to the Marriott and the riders tell me they had been waiting over 30 minutes for the shuttle.

That said, with a 2200 arrival, some of the off airport hotels (specifically the Wyndham Garden off the top of my head), will have already stopped their shuttle service for the night.


VaMoInNj t1_j6exmg8 wrote

>most, if not all car rental companies are outside of airport grounds, so you need to take their shuttle.

This is incorrect. Most car rental companies can be reached via the P3 station on the AirTrain. The only ones I know of offsite are Ace/Drivo.

The new parking garage they are building for the new Terminal A is going to have a car rental center in it as well that all the on-site companies will be moving to.


VaMoInNj t1_j3xk7v7 wrote

They are re-using batteries that have gone past their useful lifespan in cars as excess grid storage in California. Should be doing it everywhere.

I also think the power grid issue is overblown. As prices go down and once V2L and V2G gets introduced to more cars, I actually think EV's may HELP the power grid by being able to power houses during times of high usage. If you can imagine, in the summer, you're car charges to 80% overnight, you drive it back and forth to work, plug it back in to your V2G charger at home around 50%, and then if the grid gets stressed due to high usage, your house can move over to being powered by your car, and then once the grid demand wanes, your house switches back to the grid and your battery gets charged back to 80% for the next day.


VaMoInNj t1_j3xfepq wrote

It's always a timing / available appointment issue. She used to go to University Radiology in Elizabeth, but they were shutdown due to Ida's flooding. I think they just reopened.

She started going to New Brunswick instead because she could at least take a train if I wasn't available, but for this place, she will just have to go downstairs.


VaMoInNj t1_j2otpdx wrote

If you're in a building that gets GigXero / Newark Fiber, it would be the best option. Gigibit internet for $50/month. Otherwise, the best option would be Verizon Fios for speed.