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Nexis4Jersey t1_j0alewk wrote

If they're pulling out of a bus stop on the side of the road you have to yield to them, it's state law, and it's on the back of every bus. With the lanes being narrow on the older highway/road network, it's hard in some areas to stay in the lanes, but this also applies to car drivers as well.


discipleofsteel t1_j0b8cgc wrote

You also get what you pay for. High stress, high liability job. I imagine the good drivers are going to haul something more lucrative than the bus-fare paying public.


BoujeeMomme t1_j0bodu0 wrote

Those little private mini buses that goes up and down Rt 4 from the GWB to God knows where are simply the worse !?!?!

I seriously think they got these drivers and didntneven bother checking if they even had a driver's license ?? They're always pulling out of the stop without looking or going 20mph in the middle lane of rt 4 wtf 🙄


newwriter365 t1_j0bygzd wrote

They take a bunch of cars off the road. If they want to move 40 - 60 people around in a vehicle that's the length of 4 cars, using the left lane, let them.


sovinyl t1_j0c0k5b wrote

Especially!..the drivers that drive the smaller buses. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen these little buses cut people off, speed, run a stop sign, run a stop light, not yield…with passengers! 🤦🏻‍♀️


BoujeeMomme t1_j0c12w2 wrote

Whenever I see these mini busses I stay clear of them as best as possible. I'd speed up to pass them and would never drive besides one of behind one ummmm no fucking way !!!!!

I've seen them stop on a dime and suddenly veer to the right when they realize they're about to pass the busstop where 4 people of waving at him to pull over 🙄????