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themangastand t1_ja0mu2t wrote

How is this even possible. Get -40 here and our power grid is just fine


Rbespinosa13 t1_ja0tjhx wrote

Cause temperature isn’t the only factor. I’m lucky in that my area is with power, but the winter storm was a mix of high winds and fluctuations in temperature around 32 degrees Fahrenheit. So rain was coming down, turning into ice, and a few hours later it would freeze again just to melt later on. I’ve lived here for seven years and this was one of the worst one’s I’ve seen


zuuzuu t1_ja43ks6 wrote

I'm just across the river in Windsor and we had lots of outages, too. Enwin was on the ball, though. Power was back for most people in a matter of hours. Different story in the county - Hydro One is never on the ball.