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HappyFunNorm t1_jd4szu1 wrote

There's no way it's a way to get rid of some of the enemies of the LA cop gang. Oh, there's NO WAY they would do something like that... I'm sure it was all a total accident.


onarainyafternoon t1_jd57wo7 wrote

This is a terrible take. Police incompetence/laziness is an enormous problem, and accounts for most of the biggest problems we see with police organizations. Like, Police malice is a really big problem. But it pales in comparison to the incompetence and apathy many organizations exhibit. If you're a True Crime fan, you know how bad and rampant the incompetence can get.


Witchgrass t1_jd5dk0f wrote

I post this a lot but there’s a billboard in my town the cops put up that has a thin blue line and it says STOP THE WAR

As in stop the war against cops? You know, the armed branch of the state? Which makes all of the rest of us non leos (you know, the ones who don’t get paid vacation time for murdering people or shooting poodles) aggro enemy combatants I guess?

The billboard underneath that one is still available for rent and I’m still taking suggestions on what we should put there. It infuriates me every time I see it. My point is that cops absolutely hate non cops and that makes up the biggest part of their problem. 95% malice, 5% incompetence


Orngog t1_jd7i463 wrote



i_am_lie_bot t1_jd7qknr wrote

It’s a group of puppies with the caption we surrender.


TrueDove t1_jd7sg92 wrote

Have an arrow pointing up and a caption interpreting it.


"In other words: STOP trying to hold us ACCOUNTABLE for our actions."

Then, have a bunch of photos of innocent people wrecklessly killed by police.


jonathanrdt t1_jd8hoeb wrote

OP, if you do this, make sure a lawyer creates insulation between you and the billboard contract. If they paid for that billboard, they're going to work to discover who paid for its criticism.


MGD109 t1_jd5s8x2 wrote

I mean that's a terrible billboard and suggests your local police aren't particularly good.

But its kind of a reach to take that as evidence that all the cops throughout the country hate everyone who isn't a cop don't you think?

Still even if your right, how is that applicable in this scenerio? Everyone involved was also a cop.


Witchgrass t1_jd6a2ls wrote

You haven’t been paying attention


MGD109 t1_jd7itaf wrote

Oh trust me I have. I just feel that using a single billboard is a bit of a reach.

Their are far better examples that suggest its the case.


Northman67 t1_jd7rnvh wrote

You got a little boot polish on your chin there.


MGD109 t1_jd7s7y5 wrote

Right cause everyone who ever questions the logically fallacies must be part of the enemy.

If you must know I personally think the American police force is both institutionally and personally corrupt, racist, overpaid, overmilitarized and an embodiment of all the countries failures (or if your more cynical, a reflection).

I just don't think them putting up a billboard is the best argument you could make to prove it or that it has much to do with this story.


impy695 t1_jd5xcoo wrote

Yes incompetence is a huge issue, but there have also been a lot of stories recently about the problems with la cop gangs. An intential leak to intimidate people into not talking is a very real possibility.


dashinny t1_jd69fs2 wrote

There is a big issue with cop gangs in LA right now and the current head of the LAPD has actually made a force to combat these gangs. I would say the commenter is speculating, but he is right in that there is a issue with gangs in police


Grateful_Couple t1_jd5bsfu wrote

What you’re saying is definitely true. What he is saying has some merit too.


Saul_Firehand t1_jd4v5n9 wrote

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


AwTekker t1_jd567wl wrote

Malicious people love how popular this dumb idiom has gotten.


onarainyafternoon t1_jd58b3h wrote

Probably, yeah, because malicious people aren't that common. Most people fuck-up out of laziness or genuine incompetence; most people are not trying to deliberately hurt other people. They hurt people with massive incompetence and apathy.


TechFiend72 t1_jd5hoc2 wrote

I think police departments do attract more than their fair share of actually malicious people.


SixStringNascarFan t1_jd5mk96 wrote

The ones that aren't actively malicious dont make it through academy


TechFiend72 t1_jd64gp3 wrote

They don't stay that way. That is one of the sadest things about policing in this country is even people who go into with good intentions get corrupted by the system, and they either leave or convert.


mlc885 t1_jd7orko wrote

There is no way that it is more likely that this waa intentional and not a crazy mistake. Leak the information in a less public way and have the cops either moved, fired, or killed, and then it probably wouldn't even make the news.


Saul_Firehand t1_jd56qxo wrote

Tell me you don’t understand Hanlon’s razor without telling me you don’t understand it.


Daripuff t1_jddz3qc wrote

Problem is, once it becomes a pattern, stupidity is no longer an adequate explanation.


Saul_Firehand t1_jdi71z8 wrote

Because stupid can’t form patterns?

Animals can form patterns that harm others it doesn’t mean they did it out of malice.

Bad or stupid habits are easily formed.


Daripuff t1_jdiks9m wrote

And you’re assuming that malice can’t pretend to be stupidity.

If there’s pattern of “stupidity” that just so happens to benefit the “stupid”, it’s very safe to assume malice.


Saul_Firehand t1_jdj3srm wrote

That is literally the opposite of hanlons razor.

It is like you willfully ignore that and need to believe mustache twirling evil is why people do dumb stuff.


Daripuff t1_jdj5w7y wrote

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

A pattern of apparent stupidity that benefits the “stupid” is not adequately explained by mere stupidity.

The fact it benefits the “stupid”, and the “stupid” keeps doing it, despite the harm it’s going to others (because malice wouldn’t even be a question if there were no harm happening) is all the evidence you need to assume malice.

Even if they are truly ignorant of the harm that’s happening, willful ignorance is malice.

Additionally lying and claiming stupidity is a common defense for the malicious who get caught. The intelligently malicious will make sure that their actions can appear to be explained by stupidity.

No, the variables of “The stupidity is a pattern” and “The stupidity benefits the one being stupid” change the equation enough that you’re the stupid one if you think that “they don’t know that they’re doing, they’re just dumb” is sufficient explanation.


Daripuff t1_jddysmn wrote

A pattern of “stupidity” that benefits the “stupid” can be assumed to be malice, though.


[deleted] t1_jd5a50i wrote

They would've been much more surreptitious than "accidentally" releasing a list in this manner.


MGD109 t1_jd5suoa wrote

All 9,300 of them? If they have that many enemies how are they still alive.
