black_flag_4ever t1_jdh6koe wrote
>If you had that perspective — if your child or your mother or your uncle or aunt was being accused of something and an investigation ensues what would you do to protect that person? I know that a normal person would do anything in their power to do.
I’m guessing he didn’t stop to consider how corrupt this statement is coming from a sheriff.
89141 t1_jdhn32t wrote
Jesus Christ!
piTehT_tsuJ t1_jdjtq6x wrote
I don't think he had to worry about mugshots back then.
[deleted] t1_jdhj0x2 wrote
deletable666 t1_jdhwz35 wrote
> "Your eyes are opened more. It hurts me that I didn't have that deeper more personal connection to how those families felt earlier. They've asked me what would I do if it was my daughter. And I told them I know my kids. I know we would do anything to protect our kids. If my daughter was in a situation like that it brings more perspective to it, a more personal perspective."
Why cherry pick the relevant part out of it? You are upset that this sheriff now has more empathy? Do you want him to not stop the practice? He clearly admits that he now can more deeply understand what other families have told him.
black_flag_4ever t1_jdhy8j7 wrote
Because this is not true empathy. This is a law enforcement official stating that he will use his power as sheriff to tilt the scales in his family member's favor. That's a corrupt stance to take.
deletable666 t1_jdhyl8s wrote
> Your eyes are opened more. It hurts me that I didn't have that deeper more personal connection to how those families felt earlier.
He is admitting his mistake, and commenting on that. I just don’t know what else you want. Here we have a person who grew emotionally and also is making tangible changes to law enforcement around it and people are shitting on him. Do people want change or to be upset? I am confused here
black_flag_4ever t1_jdhzw6x wrote
My opinion is that he is not growing whatsoever. This is a PR cover story so he can make a change for his direct family member so that she's less recognizable for the jury and so that the jury won't see any photos of her in an orange suit. If he simply made this decision without a family member being involved I would buy it, but this I don't buy. I wouldn't be surprised if this policy change reverts the second this case is over.
deletable666 t1_jdi1eva wrote
Well the result is they don’t post mugshots anymore which is a good thing.
TheTabman t1_jdiaofi wrote
Yes, it's a good thing for everybody and I have seen nobody here denying that.
But this still doesn't change the fact the this Sheriff did not change course for everybody else - only when this concerned his own family.
And that is nepotism.
Marokiii t1_jdjn1q9 wrote
It's not nepotism. Nepotism is showing favor to friends or family where they are treated differently then everyone else. Since this change effects everyone it's not nepotism.
This is just corruption. He is using his position of power to change the rules so that a family member is saved from some embarrassment. Just because it saves some other people doesn't change it though.
alexbeeee t1_jdhzyjs wrote
The issue isn’t that he grew emotionally, I think everyone can get behind and support individual growth. The issue is the circumstance that caused the growth which is dishonest. It’s one of those situations where he’s not necessarily sorry for the actions but more so because he got caught. No doubt in my mind he’d do it again, and because of that should no longer be in a position of power to make those kinds of decisions if he can’t hold himself to the same standard he holds average civilians. If everyone could block a mugshot we wouldn’t have any out there at all
deletable666 t1_jdi1i01 wrote
No doubt he’d do what again? Make a positive change to law enforcement procedures??
alexbeeee t1_jdi5vqe wrote
Show nepotism to his family
Marokiii t1_jdjmo7h wrote
How about do the change AFTER the investigation into his daughter is done. If she's arrested then have her booking photo released.
This just reeks of him using his power to change rules when it suits his needs.
[deleted] t1_jdhzu13 wrote
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