
piTehT_tsuJ t1_j5nd2xs wrote

I loaded cargo for Emery Air in the early 90's. Two shifts a day, there we're many ways to get hurt or killed if you didn't pay attention. In the summer it was hot as fuck and the jet exhaust would make you dizzy. In the winter it was colder than fuck and trying to stay warm on the tarmac was almost impossible. The noise is pretty insane as well. I wore some pretty good hearing protection and backed that up with ear plugs. Spooled up at idle on the tarmac near a DC-8 you couldn't hear shit hand signals and knowing what was going on around you and why was vital for your safety. At times it was a fun job and others miserable, but I guarantee one thing, I was always aware and respected those engines when they we're spooled up. I made a very large arc around the front and never even thought about walking behind them. Watched a single DC-8 engine suck a huge puddle off the tarmac 10' to 15' in front of it one night and it was one of the craziest sights. It also showed me why you don't walk in front of an operating jet engine. Unfortunately this person made two bad decisions that night, one that killed them. Getting knocked on your ass by the exhaust should have been the moment they realized it was time to move away from the aircraft, maybe she was concussed and disoriented after going behind it.


piTehT_tsuJ t1_j1x46f0 wrote

It should be, as it would most likely remove the need for mining cobalt here on earth. Cobalt being mined with hammers and chisels in the Congo. And with our reliance on recharggable batteries and the things operated by them and the fact its only going to increase dramatically as the world goes wireless.


piTehT_tsuJ t1_iz3h2bt wrote

Actually called a company today that manufacturers some of our outdoor buildings. They make literally every part other than insulation and bolts fastners. All metal panels, frames, floors and doors. Have been working with them for 8 years. Supervised their company comtractors install them. Today I called their tech support to find out how much their 10x20 units weigh empty as to figure out what size equipment I needed to move one. The tech support lady insisted over and over they only make doors. I even pointed out the website even shows they produce the entire structure. Long story short... I found the installers number and got the info.


piTehT_tsuJ t1_iybj7tb wrote

One thing I learned after my first son was the difficulty in understanding hurting and or killing children. Before him I didn't have reference to the love a human could feel from their own child doing something as simple as laughing, crying or how they light up when they see you after being away. Those moments are what now make me understand why no parent should outlive their child. Whatever depravity drives a parent to harm their own child is undoubtedly some deep dark terrifying shit. The poor little guy definitely didn't and couldn't have done anything to deserve his fate.