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[deleted] t1_jdhlt1k wrote


howsyourdayoff t1_jdhtmy4 wrote

India is trying to be best friends with Russia. It's disgusting.


Lumpy-Ad-2103 t1_jdi1jon wrote

I’ve heard some interesting perspectives on the whole India buying Russian oil thing. It seems to have been a strategic option to allow Russian oil to continue to get into the international supply chains (so as to not drastically impact overall supply/pricing) while also drastically reducing the amount of money that Russia makes off of it.

At this point Russia is essentially losing money on every barrel of oil it sells to India.


howsyourdayoff t1_jdi4pd4 wrote

...While innocent Ukrainians are still dying, being tortured, raped and traumatized. Fuck that. India is wrong in this situation and should be held accountable for it or at least Ukraine's allies should cut them off from everything they need. Fuck their stance on this.


Lumpy-Ad-2103 t1_jdl0anv wrote

This isn’t just India’s stance. It’s a loophole that was more than likely intentional.

One of the key points of this strategy is that we can’t afford for ~10 million barrels of Russian oil to leave the market without serious consequences. On top of that much of Russia’s oil would likely be shut down for years if they have to turn off production. This would result in substantial rises in energy costs, huge energy shortages in many developing countries, massive supply chain disruptions and, possibly most importantly, would likely drive a huge wedge into the coalition that is supporting Ukraine.

I don’t know if this is the best option available, but there are so many consequences to just shutting them out that I don’t think that’s the best option either.


Aeiexgjhyoun_III t1_jdqyszx wrote

Start by cutting off the U.S for all the support they've given Saudi Arabia in their war on Yemen, or is it only western lives that matter?


[deleted] t1_jdicl5f wrote



howsyourdayoff t1_jdics98 wrote

Stop lying or listening to trash propaganda from Russia


[deleted] t1_jdigfzi wrote



howsyourdayoff t1_jdih023 wrote

What does being white have to do with it? Russian media is literally dictated and directed by Putin himself and with how pathetic he is as a leader, he wants all the people watching Russian media to be given talking points that make Russia always look like they're in the right and doing good things. Media should show both the good and the bad- you know FACTS. Showing facts isn't propaganda. It doesn't sway one way or the other.


Odd-Employment2517 t1_jdjjbnc wrote

You men russian nazis? Wagner groups founder and leader has SS runes tattooed to his neck. Wagner is at least 40x larger than the Azov battalion was (1000 personnel)


CrashB111 t1_jdjythb wrote

Suck it Ivan.

Do you honestly expect anyone to believe your lies? Or do you get paid per post regardless?


[deleted] t1_jdim6m2 wrote



Lumpy-Ad-2103 t1_jdl05cm wrote

One of the key points of this strategy is that we can’t afford for ~10 million barrels of Russian oil to leave the market without serious consequences. On top of that much of Russia’s oil would likely be shut down for years if they have to turn off production. This would result in substantial rises in energy costs, huge energy shortages in many developing countries, massive supply chain disruptions and, possibly most importantly, would likely drive a huge wedge into the coalition that is supporting Ukraine.

I don’t know if this is the best option available, but there are so many consequences to just shutting them out that I don’t think that’s the best option either.


imtourist t1_jdlajmw wrote

This might sound unpopular to a lot of people however it is the right thing to do. Having that much oil go offline for years would be a major economic shock to the world and would actually endanger ongoing military and humanitarian support for Ukraine.


_neutral_person t1_jdigf0m wrote

The oil pipelines from Russian to India can only send but so much oil. India and Russia could improve the infrastructure to allow for more oil sales but it would cost money, time, and india would have to start right now because Russia could collapse before it is built making it useless.

India is trying to become a world power. They see removing the USA as the world dominate power as key to achieving this goal. Supporting Russia is part of the plan as any nation in BRICS in theory should be doing. At the same time the consequences of such action should be realized as well.


watcherofworld t1_jdiq5nd wrote

>They see removing the USA as the world dominate power as key to achieving this goal.

Absolute Reddit moment.


CrashB111 t1_jdl4cvb wrote

Especially cause India definitely hates China more than they'd have any desire to "replace" the US.


Red_Meridian t1_jdkz37z wrote

Hate to tell you, but “BRICS” are not an alliance, it was created by Goldman Sacs as a developing market ETF.


Zonel t1_jdkbwwn wrote

There isnt a pipeline russia to india. The oil goes by tanker ships.


Lumpy-Ad-2103 t1_jdl13nb wrote

The majority of new oil imports to India are actually going by tanker from the Baltic ports. This is all of the oil from West of the Ural Mountains. That is the oil that lost its European markets and had to find a new buyer.

India has no interest in “removing” the US as a dominant power. India is part of “The Quad” and their geopolitical goals seem to be fairly aligned with US interests in south east Asia/south China sea.


[deleted] t1_jdiql5w wrote



imtourist t1_jdlazqd wrote

First of all the decision by India to buy Russian oil is mainly economic although it is tacitly approved by the US and the rest of the west. There is an independent undercurrent here though and that is to drive wedges like this in the world order in order highlight the importance of India. The country's collective self-esteem is partially driven by what was in the rear view mirror but now more so to better industrialize and gain respect (e.g. a seat on the security council).


MeatsimPD t1_jdid1ft wrote

India tries to stand apart from all the major powers/blocs: US, Russia, EU, and especially China. It doesn't want to be best friends with any of them nor enemies, even regarding it's territorial disputes with China is pretty passive.

"Non-alignment" has been India's foreign policy strategy for decades


ogipogo t1_jdijxln wrote

They're playing both sides so they always come out on top. 🙄


SuperstitiousPigeon5 t1_jdipr18 wrote

In some cases the victor remembers those who ride the fence.

Azrael : No, I was an ARTIST, STUPID! I WAS INSPIRATION! A muse has no place in battle!

Serendipity : So after the fallen were banished to hell, God turned on those who wouldn't fight, and Azrael was sent down with the demons.


Serendipity : Something he considers a GRAVE injustice!

Azrael : Ah, come on! Don't tell me you NEVER questioned the judgement, Serendipity.

Serendipity : No. It never bothered me. So you were an artist! Big deal! Elvis was an artist. But that didn't stop him from joining the service in time of war. And that's why he's The King, and you're a schmuck.


howsyourdayoff t1_jdiegq0 wrote

Is that why they still have a caste system?


Rayden-Darkus t1_jdiie7l wrote

What the fuck does caste system has to do with anything ?

r/PeakWest material right here


Out_and_about_home t1_jdit23s wrote

Remember the genocide in Bangladesh which was supported by U.S. and when India tried to stop it then U.S. threatened to declare war on India but Russia supported India in liberation of Bangladesh? U.S. may forget but India certainly remembers its allies during crisis.


[deleted] t1_jditwxf wrote



Out_and_about_home t1_jdpnejx wrote

Funny you say this but no step was taken by anyone to actively stop this genocide. All they care about is placing nukes in Ukraine to deter Russia. Let's not try to act like any one has a moral high ground here.


proud_NJITstudent t1_jdl6b9w wrote

Yeah that’s why US and Europe buy their oil from Saudi Arabia where they’ve been slaughtering people in Yemen for years. Only because brown lives are seen as less important.


[deleted] t1_jdqucnn wrote



[deleted] t1_jdquoaw wrote



Aeiexgjhyoun_III t1_jdqz9ur wrote

Yes it's bad. Let's start with the genocide of Yemenis by Saudi Arabia which the U.S is supporting.