houtex727 t1_je67sv5 wrote
The video to go with that.
ADarwinAward t1_je6j700 wrote
That cop repeatedly called the black man boy while he beat him. Klan with a badge.
be_steve_it_or_not t1_je750iy wrote
Some of those that work forces…
asdaaaaaaaa t1_je7dy66 wrote
Some? Unless I see entire departments standing up to denounce the actions of other officers doing shit like this, it's firmly all in my opinion. If someone I know did something like this, I would make it as clear as possible I am not affiliated with or support them. Or you know, a large part of my industry in this case.
NowAFK t1_je7zhnb wrote
steakius197 t1_je9oxgi wrote
Exactly! I get into a lot of arguments with people when I say there is no such thing as a good cop because if there was police brutality would not be an issue, crooked cops wouldn’t exist. My father was NYPD for 12 years then Nassau County PD for 10 and I tell him he was never a good cop. I’m absolutely sure he saw some foul shit committed by his “brothers” and didn’t say anything on more than a few occasions
DestroyedCorpse t1_je8rzkc wrote
Cops, clergy, & politicians.
[deleted] t1_jeadzdi wrote
This is the correct answer. A uniform deserves the reputation of the worst person you let wear it.
AgentQuadrant t1_je772zk wrote
are the same that burn crosses
BazilBroketail t1_je7esob wrote
You wear a badge, and you've chosen white.
[deleted] t1_je77zob wrote
[deleted] t1_je8b0ap wrote
songofdentyne t1_je84z7r wrote
eat the paste that’s for horses
[deleted] t1_je7ai3l wrote
PinkyAnd t1_jeaj5sd wrote
Do people really not know about Rage Against the Machine?
[deleted] t1_je77fkg wrote
[deleted] t1_je84npv wrote
[deleted] t1_je9745j wrote
[deleted] t1_jea579q wrote
Its_Nitsua t1_je824dj wrote
That’s a southern thing, not saying the dude isn’t racist but old heads call people ‘boy’ all the time I don’t think its an indication of their racial beliefs.
Also you don’t have to be white to exhibit the disrespect and inhumanity that many cops do, just a couple months ago we had 5 black cops literally jump another black man gang style to the point that he died.
sodo9987 t1_je854r7 wrote
It’s strictly a southern thing when they’re referring to people of color. Infantilizing them
ADarwinAward t1_je8ce28 wrote
You cannot possibly be that ignorant to think that it’s ok to call a black man in the south “boy.” Are you serious?
My southern father taught me that saying that was racist by the age of 5 or 6. I refuse to believe anyone living in the south is this uninformed and naive.
Just plain old gaslighting.
Alternative-Donut334 t1_je9nqkg wrote
Well this happened in Cleveland which is not in the south.
[deleted] t1_jeaj2u7 wrote
[deleted] t1_je6dq3n wrote
Actual__Wizard t1_je6ee0v wrote
Tasered him too, while he was unconscious, face down on the ground after being hit by a car.
[deleted] t1_je7teax wrote
EnvironmentalValue18 t1_je8nwpk wrote
He was also bleeding from the head - the officer himself said it and you can clearly see it as well. TBI at the least, maybe even a spinal injury and yet they’re jostling him about. Attempted murder.
sdrakedrake t1_je9njqs wrote
I remember when Michael Brown was shot and so many defended the officer saying he resisted. Going by this video, resisting means absolutely nothing to these officers.
Nothing is stopping them for lying (police hits guy w/ car). Any idiot who still takes that officers sides just needs to eff off
TrexPushupBra t1_je9ossj wrote
I had a friend call the police to report a break in to his house.
They showed up, beat him, and tried to charge him with resisting arrest.
Yes he is Black
[deleted] t1_je81222 wrote
[deleted] t1_jebdcvw wrote
CAPSLOCKCHAMP t1_je70f3m wrote
Police union says there is a perfectly good reason they don’t see an issue with a video of cops beating the shit out of a guy lying down with his arms behind his head: they are elected by some seriously entitled people
Early-Sun4910 t1_je9xzb5 wrote
I’m from Cleveland… nothing is going to happen to those cops. Even if they are fired they’ll be replaced by someone who does the same thing. The police have their own rules here, they themselves are a gang.
CAPSLOCKCHAMP t1_jea3ua5 wrote
I lived in Oakland. When we first got here the cops were literally passing around an underage prostitute https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/24/us/oakland-police-scandals/index.html
Unfortunately we also have the opposite happening to good oversight. We have an unelected committee firing good chiefs because they won’t erase their parking tickets. It’s like the fucking Wire over here https://oaklandside.org/2022/05/18/ex-oakland-police-chiefs-trial-revisits-bitter-conflicts-among-city-officials/
[deleted] t1_jea5l2k wrote
DanielleMuscato t1_jedhd7h wrote
You say "here" as though that's not true in every police department, though.
[deleted] t1_jea2czq wrote
docmedic t1_jeaqqvk wrote
Yup, my mom’s salonist always says she doesn’t see a problem worth addressing with police because of the thieves and riots.
Never mind that the cops would never respond to the salon in a timely manner should either happen.
[deleted] t1_je9b5wx wrote
Vegabern t1_je7g55l wrote
"Stop resisting". I'm sorry judge, the cops said the magic words, they must be found innocent. /s
Fuck all cops.
[deleted] t1_jea2ruv wrote
[deleted] t1_je6gpuy wrote
EnvironmentalValue18 t1_je8nt3d wrote
Holy shit… we all see police brutality but that was really awful to watch. Hitting people with a car and then tasing and jostling them about after an obvious head injury is very clearly attempted murder. I can’t even believe, with the prevalence of guns, more that act out like this don’t run into the wrong people at the wrong time.
These people should not only be thrown in jail, they should be stripped of the right to ever own a gun period. They’re not even human at that point and they’re a danger to the society they’re supposed to protect. Oh wait actually, SCOTUS ruled that they did not even have to protect so they just… serve? What are they serving? And why are there IQ ceilings (besides the bullshit retention excuse)? Why do we keep paying for their fucking assaults on our fellow citizens and human beings with our fucking tax dollars when they lose cases? We don’t bail out doctors who fuck up - they have malpractice insurance for that.
We’ve seen time and time again that they want the lowest dregs of society who just want to take out their aggression on others. These people don’t belong in society at all, they belong behind bars (at best…). Criminals with fucking badges and a license to kill is all these pathetic shit stains are.
houtex727 t1_je68exh wrote
Separate reply because don't want to taint that hopefully helpful video for y'all.
Yeah. I get their jobs are tough (Edit: see below), being as I have ridden along with my BIL police officer, and my brother's tales of his police work, but respect of suspects needs to be a thing, no matter how pissed off you are. What's worse is I can't know if this is taught to be this brutal and awful to others, or if they are just off the hinge and shouldn't have been police officers in the first place.
Edit: So the thing was more pointing to the fact that the tough jobs they do (and it is, do not think otherwise) causes stresses, and therefore anger, and therefore anger management issues, and therefore raging beatings and such ensue. Potentially, because it could be they are just assholes looking for a job that lets them be the true assholes they are. But anyway, the former was all I meant. That they were allowing rage to control them and that's wrong, obviously. Beyond that, shitting on my poor choice of words and assuming something else it pretty bad form, but that's reddit for you. Buncha Conan the Grammarians about, y'all need a new hobby. :p
SsurebreC t1_je692e2 wrote
> I get their jobs are tough
Let's say someone is working as a nurse or a care-giver and they beat up their patients. Not all of them but a certain amount. Say 5%. Should that person still be employed in that capacity? No. Should they be charged with abuse? Yes.
It's just that simple.
And the solution to this is also simple. Get mandatory malpractice insurance for the police like they have for those same nurses and surgeons. This insurance is what's used to pay out all the lawsuits that will be filed. A shitty police officer will have higher premiums and will ultimately be out of a job anywhere in the country rather than being protected now or moving to another department whlie keeping their job.
If police officers believe they're the military and it's them vs. civilians then they should then be required to follow the rules of engagements that actual soldiers do (and the related code of conduct) which is significantly harsher than what the police have now.
girlfreddyf t1_je6e8os wrote
Exactly. I can't understand those who back cops 100% no matter what they do.
deferens t1_je6zo77 wrote
Oh, I understand it alright. Those people who back cops 100% no matter what, got real, real quiet when a bunch of Black cops beat a guy to death.
Chance-Ad-9103 t1_je8hjsu wrote
Hierarchy is very important to a large subset of the population. It’s not what someone does, it’s who that person is that matters. These are police officers and that is enough to make there actions justified in the minds of maybe 40% of our country. Goes just the same for clergy, the wealthy, the military. This is how you can have a dyed in the wool small government conservative 100% pro police and military the two largest most active and shall we say hands on government organizations. It’s ridiculous.
Philo_T_Farnsworth t1_je6py0c wrote
It's interesting you use this example because I personally know someone who was convicted of a felony for assaulting a nursing home resident in their capacity as a caregiver. Evidently an old person got combative, things escalated, and it got physical. It was an open and shut case. That patient's senility cannot be seen as an excuse for what happened. A cop doing this should be subject to the very same justice.
SsurebreC t1_je6topo wrote
Exactly. I used my example because you can lose your cool trying to take care of someone. Caretaker fatigue is real and who suffers more than people whose entire jobs are doing that. But those people are still held to higher standards. Police officers should be held to even higher standards because they also have the power to end lives just because they lose their cool. So let's start with the same high standards to start and go from there.
DarthBluntSaber t1_je6l8fd wrote
Police forces seem to be trained more and more to view the communities they are supposed to PROTECT as if they the police are in some foreign land and they are their to keep the locals in line and like every citizen is a potential enemy.
_TheShapeOfColor_ t1_je6xm30 wrote
They're getting their training from lunatics like this.
They treat the general public as enemy combatants.
SsurebreC t1_je6m8nt wrote
That's why I wrote the last half because actual soldiers have better rules of engagements against even terrorists than police officers have against their own fellow Americans.
[deleted] t1_jebwz7a wrote
Milfoy t1_je8qyx2 wrote
If you think police unions are dreadful, just wait until you try and get a payout from a police insurance company!
Insurance is such an American solution to this problem. How about
- better hiring and training.
- mandatory bodycams subject to random checks as well as use as evidence.
- National register of officers and their records
- No ability to duck investigations by resigning and moving elsewhere.
- Payouts come directly from the police budget.
SsurebreC t1_je9hq0j wrote
It's an American solution to the problem because it's pretty clear that America and Americans don't really give a damn about life or we'd have better laws and policies in place that actually protect it. We'd have a Federal law that requires paid paternity leave, we'd have better healthcare that takes care of mothers and children during birth in particular, we'd have tax incentives for child care, better and safer schools, plus we wouldn't be sending kids to wars. But we don't. Because we don't really care.
As a result, we turn to the only god we currently worship: money. It's a shitty solution but it's at least one that's plausible enough to work.
[deleted] t1_jea7nog wrote
[deleted] t1_je6b2at wrote
Ok-Hunt6574 t1_je6t5t5 wrote
It's taught. It's the culture and history of police. When the elites need to put down the peasants they use the police. When they needed workers for the fields, they used police, when they wanted to criminalize sexual behavior, they used the police, lynch minorities, police, see the pattern?
Noisy_Toy t1_je816a0 wrote
It’s taught.
Patriot Act with Hassan Minaj on police training: https://youtu.be/km4uCOAzrbM
Icy_Comfort8161 t1_je7st5v wrote
I think it's more that narcissists self-select into the police force because they like the power and control they have over others' lives, and it makes them feel good about themselves.
[deleted] t1_jedhgzn wrote
AntoniusPoe t1_je8lkh9 wrote
I have every belief that this behavior is taught. Some, perhaps many, are drawn to this type of job for the power. But I have no doubt that the training drills in the "us vs them" and the "DO WHAT I SAY" mentality. The fact that they all believe that chanting "stop resisting" protects them like a shield while they beat and kick those who are down and subdued tells me that they are trained like this. Maybe I'm wrong. But I doubt it.
[deleted] t1_je6hpx7 wrote
88luftballoons88 t1_je7buew wrote
Conan the Grammarian…by Crom I am stealing this!
Suckerforbigboobies t1_je7zjlw wrote
Jesus fucking Christ that is gonna be yanked off of youtube
Albione2Click t1_je7y8lb wrote
Well, I guess I didn’t need to sleep tonight…. God damn it.
black_elk_streaks t1_je8n2bk wrote
Holy mother fuck.
[deleted] t1_je7zr24 wrote
[deleted] t1_je918t9 wrote
lod254 t1_jeacp3b wrote
How did this Footage not mysteriously go missing?
gallanon t1_jec36bv wrote
Per request, hijacking a top comment thread to post this link: https://www.change.org/p/united-states-supreme-court-end-qualified-immunity-45a5ea6b-28b8-4108-afc1-7e7477840660
BMFunkster t1_jedccyw wrote
Wow. I was expecting one incident, not a goddamn compilation.
[deleted] t1_je7rg1c wrote
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