Submitted by DavidMalony t3_ycsv1t in news
[deleted] t1_itog9cu wrote
CleftAsunder t1_itoo97b wrote
Palestinian engagement is tied to the continued Israeli occupation of Palestine.
zxcvb94105 t1_itosiwb wrote
Palestine was never a nation. Jews and Arabs both lived in the Ottoman Empire region known as Palestine. There is no occupation against the pre 1967 borders.
What’s worse about this protracted claim is that it ignores that the WB was Jordan, Gaza was Egypt and hundreds of thousands of Jews were evicted, raped, murdered and stolen from in many Arab nations with no continued discussion of return. The same happened to Greeks, Turks and other peoples.
The world has moved on save the WB and Gaza Arabs. Egypt even joins Israel in the blockade agains Hamas. Fellow Sunnis. And Israel has repeatedly offered land for peace.
Instead the PLO, PA, MB, Hamas and Fatah (of a few political and/or terror groups) continues to push for genocide or eviction where the world moved on. The people have suffered while Abbas and Hamas pour money into Swiss accounts and Gaza is used as a human shield in poverty.
As to the current borders - Gaza saw all Israelis unilaterally leave in 2005. It could have been a new nation. For the WB, Arafat rejected peace as the loser of the 1967 war, yet he was given virtually everything desired except EJ. And now? Israel is stuck - the settlements are wrong, but Israel can’t unilaterally leave as Iran, Syria and Russia would likely create an internal conflict of Sunni vs Shia. Whatever remained would be hostile to Israel and a blockade would be impossible. Jordan doesn’t want the WB back.
Israel sees more animus from the UN and others in blatant bigotry. While far from perfect, it is the only nation that tries to protect enemy lives, warning before targeted strikes on Hamas, for example. Other combatants would carpet bomb and the world would move on in a few years; Israel has worked for peace for decades even after four multinational wars.
It is obtuse to claim Israel is occupier. It isn’t historically accurate and it ignores that Jews and Israel were there first. Selecting a preferential arbitrary point in time is disingenuous.
TraditionalGap1 t1_itot9wo wrote
Is attacking military targets really terrorism? We're always condemning them for attacking civilian targets, are there no valid targets for armed resistance?
zxcvb94105 t1_itovdns wrote
One example. 4,600+ Hamas rockets targeting Israeli civilians in the dead of night for a week. Without a strong defense, and interest in defending versus offensive obliteration, tens-of-thousands of Israel’s Jews and Arabs would have been killed.
Enough said.
[deleted] t1_itovhvt wrote
[deleted] t1_itoyu6d wrote
armchair_hunter t1_itozy45 wrote
>I'm not gonna waste my time refuting all your lies and will just leave this here >ISRAEL’S APARTHEID AGAINST PALESTINIANS
If you want refutations...
[deleted] t1_itp00u1 wrote
ATNinja t1_itp0dh9 wrote
I would say it isn't. But a terrorist organization can attack military targets and still be a terrorist organization for their terrorist attacks.
This organization is only a couple months old but has carried out attacks targeting civilians. So they're terrorists.
Anonymoustard t1_itp2wqi wrote
It's not a competition
bawng t1_itp6q4v wrote
But that is not what they said lead up to this.
LouPoh t1_itpcr1k wrote
Ok... but WHAT IF it was?
What do you think is worse?
Who wins this competition of "most evil fucked up opression by a goverment"?
Me personally I also have a hard time deciding.. and to be honest... both are pretty convincing in this category.
[deleted] t1_itphy8z wrote
[deleted] t1_itpi0we wrote
[deleted] t1_itpkcwk wrote
Thokaz t1_itpllp4 wrote
>The people of the WB deserve better than Abbas funneling money to a Swiss account.
Then why does Mossad make sure that those in power, stay in power? Why does Mossad beg its neighbors to keep sending rockets and money to Palestine?
[deleted] t1_itplrvc wrote
Blackgirlmagic23 t1_itpmul3 wrote
Reading the arguments that were used by the settlers to justify their right to push the folks already living there out is a wild journey that I wish more people would take.
[deleted] t1_itppiev wrote
[deleted] t1_itqlxf9 wrote
[deleted] t1_itqmjzh wrote
Bit-Random t1_itr1k9i wrote
Yeah, right, they probably do it for the lizard people and Martians to rule the planet.
LongShoeLace t1_itr33bf wrote
dude forgot the to add "terrorists" after Palestinians but it's ok. Israel bad, Palestinians good
[deleted] t1_itroc5y wrote
[deleted] t1_itrpnzi wrote
randymontana t1_itry6ov wrote
Per this article in the 6 years prior (2015-2021) 10,000 children have died in Yemen due to the conflict, also fueled by American support of Saudi Arabia.
Per this Wikipedia page, since 2012 (10 years) a total of 850 children have been killed in Palestine, and that includes deaths from Palestinian militants, not just IDF.
You're uh, wrong as fuck or at least willfully misrepresenting data.
Based on the social media presence of this issue, Arabs only seem to care about Arab children dying when its being done by Jews. While I agree with the pro-palestine movement, it seems to be rife with antisemitism and bad-faith actors like yourself that will prevent it from ever becoming mainstream.
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_its1zmn wrote
Youre right, they're very good at killing murderers that like to make human shields out of civilian centers like Nalbus. Its sad that Israel has to keep doing this. Meanwhile, the PA is continuing to protect terrorist groups in their own backyard.
[deleted] t1_its20pu wrote
The one that kills it's own citizens is worse than the one that shoots assholes
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_its24mo wrote
You mean the MURDERERS? Because that's who Israel is coming after - murderers.
[deleted] t1_its25s7 wrote
I heard you ate a baby last night so I say you're worse. I have a signed paper that says you did so in plain view in front of 50 witnesses
Prove me wrong or prove your statement correct
you can't do either
[deleted] t1_its2efw wrote
I'd say it's the Arab occupation of Israel
[deleted] t1_its4s8y wrote
[deleted] t1_its5086 wrote
[deleted] t1_its54pj wrote
FrostyWarning t1_its5g3h wrote
Wow he jumped straight into holocaust denial. I'd love to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not.
[deleted] t1_its5qcn wrote
[deleted] t1_its62nc wrote
And you ate a baby last night, that's just as much of a fact
[deleted] t1_its68es wrote
[deleted] t1_its6mif wrote
You did that too, you can't prove you didn't just like you can't cite any sources
[deleted] t1_its6okk wrote
Sayonee99 t1_its81bq wrote
Ok bud. Whatever gets you through the night.
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_its9l41 wrote
Speaking truth to the misinformed certainly helps me sleep better, yes
Sayonee99 t1_its9pcc wrote
Hope this helps: fuck zionism
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itsakwc wrote
I wonder why you're opposed to the Jewish people having a homeland...
Sayonee99 t1_itsb3bg wrote
Bruuhhhh this subject has been discussed and ignored by bigger people than us. Go out and get laid or something to put your mind at ease. Big Daddy USA won't let Israel down so relax, your favorite country isn't going anywhere.
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itscpc5 wrote
I'm not worried about Israel going anywhere. My concern is more towards you being against Jews having a place to call home.
Unless you didn't actually mean zionism and want to rephrase your earlier comment
FrostyWarning t1_itsctkb wrote
And Palestinians kill more Israeli children than any other nation. Your point is?
Sayonee99 t1_itsdld8 wrote
Wow you keep going like a bot. Being alone must suck.
DavidMalony OP t1_itsdwlw wrote
Give them a break, they've been walking all day to get to the pub.
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itsdzhr wrote
As much as I love the irrelevant insults and repeated attempts to redirect, I'd much prefer and answer to my question:
What do you have against the Jewish people having a homeland (zionism)?
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itsek1v wrote
Thanks for chiming into the conversation: what was the point of your comment?
Sayonee99 t1_itsf1mc wrote
>What do you have against the Jewish people having a homeland (zionism)?
Jewish people are lovely people and just as innocent as any other innocent human being. Why give them a homeland? What for? They came from europe when escaping the nazis, now thr nazis are gone. Why cant they go back?
Why do you support a nation state? Why only jews? Because you're one? Why are jews put above everyone else? Why do american tax payers have to literally fund a nation state?
Im about done with your stupidity and ignorance. May the jews of the world be safe along with all other innocent people from all backgrounds (even palestinian worshippers in aqsa mosque who are regularly targetted by the idf for praying...).
If zionism means the killing of innocent palestinians, then fuck zionism. If jews and Palestinians (muslims and Christians) can get equal rights and live peacefully, then im all for it.
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itsh19o wrote
> Why give them a homeland? What for?
Centuries of hate, bigotry and/or genocide towards the Jewish people from most countries. The Holocaust, the Gentlemens agreements, the Iranian Revolution, the Pogroms, the Muslim World Exile, the Spanish Inquisition... I feel like that's plenty of reasons.
> They came from europe when escaping the nazis, now thr nazis are gone. Why cant they go back?
Jews are originally from the Middle East. Also what's to stop something like the Nazis from coming back? Germany was a modern, tolerant country for Jews right up until it wasn't.
> Why do you support a nation state?
Because that's what most of the planet looks like
> Why only jews? Because you are one?
My being jewish doesnt mean i only care about jews. Careful, that was almost a strawman fallacy.
> Why are jews put above everyone else?
They aren't, I dont know where you're getting that from.
> Why do american tax payers have to literally fund a nation state?
Sounds like a question for your politician
> even palestinian worshippers in aqsa mosque who are regularly targetted by the idf for praying
For praying? Yeah gunna need a source for that
> If zionism means the killing of innocent palestinians, then fuck zionism.
Not what zionism means, here's the definition since you seem to be struggling: zionism
Ultimately it seems that you're not against Jews having a homeland (great! So you're not anti-zionist). You seem more upset at the consequences of zionism being applied in a specific case to a specific region. Very different. Like you hating oil stains, not oily foods
DavidMalony OP t1_itsia06 wrote
Are you still walking, or have you arrived
[deleted] t1_itsj8jh wrote
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itsjk8m wrote
Oh I made it... you moms house was a lot closer than I thought
Sayonee99 t1_itsl4z9 wrote
>Also what's to stop something like the Nazis from coming back?
Wow! Wtf did i just read... Holy shit can't believe you said that god damn. Ye we're done here.
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itslus9 wrote
Lol that's what sent you over the edge? Nazis still exist in most Western countries, especially in Europe and North America. You know that right?
So if they still CURRENTLY exist, what's to prevent something like Nazi Germany again? Hungary, North Korea, Myanmar and Iran are running a lot of parallels to the policy of 1930s-1940s Germany
DavidMalony OP t1_itsqwrc wrote
I thought only your mom gave out free drinks
[deleted] t1_itt4rdq wrote
[deleted] t1_itt4w26 wrote
[deleted] t1_itt4xbk wrote
[deleted] t1_itt4zvu wrote
randymontana t1_itwj0fj wrote
Yes they did.
[deleted] t1_itwk48i wrote
[deleted] t1_itzoo3n wrote
[deleted] t1_itzp3hv wrote
[deleted] t1_itzp7b4 wrote
[deleted] t1_itzp8ry wrote
zxcvb94105 t1_itoatr2 wrote
Altered headline.
IDF engagement is tied to the murder of an Israeli soldier.
The situation is unfortunate and tragic for the lives lost. We do need to ensure that folks are aware of the actions leading up to the article - in this case, a terror group shooting and killing Israeli soldiers.
The WB was rejected by Jordan post 1967 and Abbas and Arafat rejected peace back to the 1967 borders. The Arab world refused peaceful coexistence and continues to do so. While Israel has peace with Egypt and Jordan, along with normalizing relations with other Arab nations, the militant organizations in Hamas, Fatah, MB and their support in Iran and Syria are too interested in their selfish interests. The people of the WB deserve better than Abbas funneling money to a Swiss account.