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t1_isxzg0m wrote

Based on your activity in the r/MensRights and comments about veterans being the only group worth your volunteer time and how all women don't want sex from their husbands (just other people) and the way you justify using casual racism in your workplace, you seem to be more in the Republican camp. At the very least the viewpoints you express are not in line with progressive ideals.

It is pretty disingenuous to talk about being from California as if it is all progressive politics when you yourself are part of the regressive political mindset that is directly in line with the Republican thought process.

California has a bunch of Republicans and conservatives, which would include you if I had to guess based solely on the derogatory way you talk about women in society and the casual way you talk about how it is okay to use racist language in the workplace.

But you know what, maybe you are the one conservative that actually has some facts to back up the bullshit. What are the "problems" that Democrats are causing in California?