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[deleted] t1_isxtcbh wrote

I'm from California. If you think this is just a republican're sorely mistaken


blackdragon8577 t1_isxzg0m wrote

Based on your activity in the r/MensRights and comments about veterans being the only group worth your volunteer time and how all women don't want sex from their husbands (just other people) and the way you justify using casual racism in your workplace, you seem to be more in the Republican camp. At the very least the viewpoints you express are not in line with progressive ideals.

It is pretty disingenuous to talk about being from California as if it is all progressive politics when you yourself are part of the regressive political mindset that is directly in line with the Republican thought process.

California has a bunch of Republicans and conservatives, which would include you if I had to guess based solely on the derogatory way you talk about women in society and the casual way you talk about how it is okay to use racist language in the workplace.

But you know what, maybe you are the one conservative that actually has some facts to back up the bullshit. What are the "problems" that Democrats are causing in California?


TiredIrons t1_isxv7rr wrote

You know we have republicans too, right? And that they control about 1/3rd of the state?


Mist_Rising t1_iszmvub wrote

>And that they control about 1/3rd of the state?

You realize that means democratic party has 2/3 which is super majority. A republican governor of such a state is virtually useless politically because they can override him/her.


TiredIrons t1_iszputc wrote

That has been only true very recently, and the (very poor) structure of California's Constitution makes changes difficult to enact.

The effects of GOP influence in hamstringing policy will be resonating for some time.


JamesR624 t1_isy7ycr wrote

Shh. You’ll always be downvoted if you don’t follow the corporate propaganda of “its this team vs that team”!

Most of the “intelligent” people here are just as gullible as the red hatted idiots they think they’re so much smarter than.


blackdragon8577 t1_isyfz6u wrote

Well, the insinuation you are making is that you are more intelligent than the other people in this thread.

And you seem to agree with the racist, mysigonistic guy you replied to.

So I would love to hear your take on exactly how Democrats/non-Republicans are messing up California in a way comparable to Florida and Texas.


JamesR624 t1_isyjk3y wrote

Ahh. The ol “uhh. Hes racist/insert-popular-phobe-here” argument.

You people are so deluded into the infighting the corporations feed you so they can keep robbing us all. Wow.

So apparently if you criticize both corporate entities that pretend to be political parties, you’re now being “racist”? Do I have that right?


blackdragon8577 t1_isyxr6r wrote

No. I glanced through that assholes comment history because something about his answer bugged me. He used his state of residency to try to make himself an expert on how well democrats are running different states. It felt strange to think about it that way.

It also turns out that he makes extremely hateful comments about women and casually drops excuses for why it's okay for him to say racist things to people he works with.

Did you really think that I just assumed that guy was a racist who hated women because of that one vague statement? It took all of two minutes of reading his comment history to determine whether I should put value on anything that guy said. Why do you think I listed such specific examples?

The bottom line is that you might not be an asshole, but if you find yourself agreeing with assholes then maybe you should rethink your position.

Look through that assholes profile and tell me whether or not he is the kind of person you want to agree with philosophically.

You also aren't giving any evidence to back up your claims. I asked you a question and you completely ignored it.

Now I ask you, do I have all this right? Am I off base on anything I am saying?


[deleted] t1_isypops wrote

California has been using the 3 strikes law still to the disadvantage of citizens. California has one of the highest prison populations.

Neither Republicans nor democrats have done anything to ease the prison population hardly, or the jim crow Era laws still associated with it.
