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sndtrb89 t1_iujacnk wrote

the supreme court sucks


PM_ME_UR_DIET_TIPS t1_iujb8l6 wrote

He never lost his job in the first fucking place. He just stopped showing up.


BackyardBoogie420 t1_iujc6ke wrote

what happened to seperation of church and state? are we now under the christian taliban?


sigh2828 t1_iujc93s wrote

These dude has gop political career righten all over him


thefunivehad t1_iuje7f3 wrote

There are literally billions of people in poverty around the world and you’re wanting god to make this football coach’s career successful? Why would god give a singular fuck about this guy’s career?

Spoiler alert: If god existed he wouldn’t care at all.


lolbojack t1_iujekc8 wrote

Another win for American Jesus. Blessed be.


cremaster_shake t1_iujeo69 wrote

He was literally forcing children to listen to him pray, infringing on their civil rights. It wasn't a free speech case. He's not even a genuine Christian; he's just a right-wing agitator. The school and community are debased by his presence.


SweetCosmicPope t1_iujf32o wrote

Went to a small high school in Texas and they would hold prayer at the pep rallys and the coaches would make us pray before games. And you'd better believe they forced you to do it. If you raised enough of a fit about your rights you could get out of it, but you'd be paying for it at the next practice, and the coach may even bench you for the game. Not to mention that you'd get yourself ostracized from your peers.


TopSign5504 t1_iujfjic wrote

What happened to freedom of and freedom from religion? This is not right.


SweetCosmicPope t1_iujfk14 wrote

I would love nothing more than an activist coach to start doing this and citing the previous ruling as precedent for his right to lead those prayers. Hell, part of me wants to apply for a high school coaching job and take up Islam just so I can do this.


lucifer-ase t1_iujfqjv wrote

I find it sad to see that a adult would lower themselves to force prayer on young people. Its even sadder that nobody (e.g. parents ) stood in their way. Most religious people are indeed sheep that seek shelter, comfort and safety in the flock.


TopSign5504 t1_iujgx3i wrote

Yeah, - Freedom from someone else's religion in a public school funded by taxpayers from different elections. Political religious bullshit. Have the coach say prayers in all 3,000 religions - that's fair.


Aggravating_Head_60 t1_iujhwua wrote

He started off praying alone. Gradually players joined him. The whole issue was the school didn't want him praying on the field and tried to get him to either wait until every last person left or to go somewhere secluded and pray alone.

It was established during the suit that no one was forced or coerced into participating.


Chippopotanuse t1_iujka9b wrote

If I lived near there I’d pray on the sidewalk in front of this guy’s house every day.

With a megaphone.

And I’d pray that god tell him to go fuck himself for using high school kids as a shitty prop for his persecution complex.

What’s he gonna do? Sue me and claim I can’t pray in a public space?


slightly-cute-boy t1_iujo9k7 wrote

Doesn’t matter. If you wanna talk about your personal morals, go to your therapist. If you want to talk about whether or not this is legal under United States law, talk to me. Under US law, he held a significant position of power over them, and that’s all that matters.


Lily_Loud_Cat t1_iujodyk wrote

If a brown man laid out his prayer mat and practiced his Islam-based faith on the 50-yard line, five times per day, you and the rest of your ilk would be okay with that, right?

After all, he would be practicing his free speech and Constitutional Rights to practice a religion.


2ndtryagain t1_iujogmw wrote

Because if they did their play time could get cut, I went through the same thing in Missouri 20+ years ago but the school nipped in the bud and fired his ass.

The fact is that people that believe in god should actually want religion as far away from goverment as possible. It never ends well for when the two are mixed, when you let the Courts into your religion, you are opening a can of worms that history shows ends with death.


davidwb45133 t1_iujoj4u wrote

Teacher here. Anyone who works with teens knows the overwhelming power of peer pressure. Then stir in the potential disapproval of an authority figure, especially if it is one you respect. Top it off with the fear you might lose your starting position or fall even further out of favor with the coach. Few teens could withstand all that.

Anyone who thinks these prayer sessions is voluntary with no coercion knows nothing about teens and has forgotten their own teenage years or - as in the case with the SCOTUS - willful liars and hypocrites.


redpaloverde t1_iujozce wrote

Just as an aside. It always crack up when people think God gives a shit about your silly little sports team.


HiHiHiDwayne t1_iujpkc4 wrote

Theocracies typically fail miserably.


SmokeysDrunkAlt t1_iujq9bd wrote

I got curious, and the best I could find was this USA Today article since it included the most details. Seems to be a he said/she said situation at least in the forced to pray part. I'll highlight the important parts from the article below.

On the school's side:

>They said they heard from players' parents who were concerned their children felt compelled by peer pressure to participate.

On the coach's side:

>He said he never asked and pressured anyone else to pray with him.

I could see it go either way unless there is more information from parent/player testimonies to tell us just how voluntary or pressured the sessions were.


kwangqengelele t1_iujsj69 wrote

They did more than just that. They fabricated parts of the case to make their argument.

Which they didn’t even need to do. They coulda just said “fuck the libs” and it would have had the same support.


Ithurtswhenidoit t1_iujsqjk wrote

It was ignored by the court that people were being forced. The whole matter got brought up because several players complained that they were being compelled to pray or face consequences. When the school reacted by telling him he had to pray privately so the students would think he wanted them to join he made an issue of it to make money. He posed for a prayer shot in front of the court. He is a joke. His own holy book condemns public prayer. He was never fired, he was placed on paid leave for the two weeks left of his employment then never replied like he had to every year as it is a seasonal position. He still has not tried to return to work because he is touring conservative events for money spreading the lie that he was fired


Ithurtswhenidoit t1_iujtcew wrote

I live here. If he comes back and keeps praying on the field I will be going to games and participating in the prayer events. I don't think they will appreciate the gods I am praying to or how I do it but he'll man. Religious freedoms and all


Helenium_autumnale t1_iujtyq7 wrote

Oh, this tiresome peacock. Doing exactly, with his nationwide tours and speeches about his terrible tribulations as a Christianity Christian, what Jesus said NOT to do.


SmokeysDrunkAlt t1_iujv6e3 wrote

The only problem I would have with it is using the field in such a way that it could be perceived as school sponsored. So anything that could be seen as attempting to gain an audience for his beliefs, then the school has a right to be concerned. If he's just praying for his beliefs and offering players to join without wanting to make a big deal out of it, then I personally see that as acceptable. I really don't know one way another about the context to know which is the case here though.


hitman2218 t1_iuk2i3p wrote

So he’s done with his victory lap on the conservative media tour?