pattydickens t1_j2568kw wrote
There are tons of great rock bands to discover, and it's probably easier to find them than any time I can remember. Just because stuff isn't Top40 or played on radio stations that run endless loops of the same 50 songs written 50 years ago doesn't mean it's not there. It just means you stopped looking.
pattydickens t1_j1owex0 wrote
Reply to comment by KiwasiGames in Solvents made from plants could replace the petroleum-derived solvents used today in organic solar cells and transistors. Compounds derived from eucalyptus and other plants are formulated into an ink for printing electronic components. by MistWeaver80
Pests become a factor as well. A lot of automobile manufacturers switched to plant based wiring insulation, and now mice and other rodents are known to destroy the wiring because of the materials being food essentially. I'm not pro petroleum by any means, but stuff like this seems to get overlooked until it's a big problem.
pattydickens t1_iy5ubri wrote
Reply to comment by signal_two_noise in Twitter searches for China protests bombarded by spam and porn, raising alarms among researchers | CNN Business by irkli
What else is there for someone with vast wealth to do but act like a pathetic little boy? /s It kills me how these idiots can't just shut up and enjoy a life that 99.99 percent of the world can't even imagine.
pattydickens t1_iwswtj3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Canadian scientists discover new COVID-19 variant in deer that may spread to humans by Memetic1
People are still being hospitalized at a much higher rate than car accidents yet you probably wear a seat belt and stop at stoplights right? Why is basic safety when it comes to Covid so hard for people to understand? Nobody is " freaking out" by practicing basic hygiene around a deer carcass.
pattydickens t1_iwdhsko wrote
What are the states going to do with the money? It's not like the states were the victim here.
pattydickens t1_iw9l45k wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Canada's Ontario to extend gas, fuel tax cut for a year by davidlee93
No, because the ownership would still be private, they would just have to pay their fair share of taxes and make sacrifices like any other patriotic citizen has for the last 100 years while they got subsidies and free infrastructure.
pattydickens t1_iw9ahhb wrote
Countries should cut gas taxes completely for consumers and make up the difference by taxing oil company profits while enforcing price gouging regulations. Let the rich shoulder the burden for a change.
pattydickens t1_ivin5l7 wrote
Last I checked there weren't any Chinese trucker convoys in Canada threatening to storm Parliament.
pattydickens t1_iujcnbs wrote
Reply to comment by PM_ME_UR_DIET_TIPS in High school football coach who led prayers on the field will get his job back by Radi0ActivSquid
Exactly. He played his grift as far as he could. Now that he can't get paid to speak at GOP rallies and be on talk shows he will go back to his day job.
pattydickens t1_j3xbxur wrote
Reply to comment by DeadwoodNative in Northern California sees more rain while the south dries out by bluelotus214
"With all the resources and technology and brain power" they should have been building desalination plants for the last 20 years.