vitorgrs OP t1_ixjzu3n wrote
Minister of the Superior Electoral Court, Alexandre de Moraes condemned Bolsonaro's coalition for bad faith litigation, charges a fine of 22 million reais and BLOCKS and SUSPENDS funds from President Jair Bolsonaro's coalition parties.
The coalition parties are the Liberal Party, Progressists and Republicans.
Without the funds, these parties are basically worthless to elect new people. And even for themselves, since many of them receive a salary from the party.
UncannyTarotSpread t1_ixk3ef9 wrote
I just cackled, this is so good
SquidbillyCoy t1_ixkhbww wrote
Is that what it feels like for the good people to win?
Atheios569 t1_ixl16ll wrote
My anxiety over the past year has usually peaked with me saying, “I’m sick of evil winning.”
I’d say good is winning in this instance, and that feels fanfuckingtastic. Go Brazil!
[deleted] t1_ixllo3v wrote
Beagle_Knight t1_ixoshot wrote
Now they just need to start fixing the Amazon
imlazy420 t1_ixm8x2n wrote
Good people where? lula is just as horrible as bolsonaro if not worse.
Bryanb337 t1_ixmvmdc wrote
This should be good.
imlazy420 t1_ixn703a wrote
Are you really asking how one of the most corrupt politicians in history is a shitty person? One who will gladly fuck over the people for personal gain? He sounds nicer because he isnt stupid, he isnt going to ruin his reputation further like bolsonaro loves to do at any given opportunity. Hell keep on being a piece of shit like most politicians are, and if someone complains he'll offer the people crumbs, temporary solutions to keep em quiet like he always does. bolsonaro is a raving lunatic, lula is a conniving rat.
Bryanb337 t1_ixn7vun wrote
Are you really not actually responding? You have given no details on how he is worse, just a bunch of rhetoric. I'll wait for an actual explanation but I won't hold my breath.
imlazy420 t1_ixn80s1 wrote
...Wait you want me to explain why having a convicted criminal as a president is a bad idea? One who stole God knows how much and is surrounded by people like him?
Welp since you do, he should by all means be in jail for another decade, hes free on a technicality. He was convicted for money laundering and accepting bribes, not to mention he was arrested back in the 80s for a violent riot. Whether he was a violent maniac or a freedom fighter at the time is up to debate, both sides have reasons to lie.
How can you trust someone like that to run a country? Not to mention how many of his party are under suspicion of corruption and connections to drug trafficking. The whole thing stinks.
Between a violent fool who lashes out at his people and a criminal who uses them for his gain I prefer neither.
Bryanb337 t1_ixn8i2i wrote
I want you to give details of how he is worse. Actual details and explanations. You're beating around the bush speaking very vaguely about his political conviction. You haven't actually detailed exactly why Lula is bad and how he will be worse. The lack of detail leads me to believe that you're just basing your views on anti socialism propaganda and you don't really have a full understanding of either man.
But go ahead keep deflecting with your faux disbelief at me questioning your crap.
imlazy420 t1_ixn9j3y wrote
Edited the comment. I dont mind a lot of socialist ideas actually. I really like our consumer protection laws and especially our labour laws compared to what I hear from other countries. And boy does healthcare help, it is far from amazing but I has saved too many lives to count including mine and many of my family members.
I'm a firm believer the state and politicians should be managers serving the people. They're not leaders, they're representatives. Their job is to make sure the country develops well and the people are healthy.
However, I also don't like a lot of the more extreme ideas of socialism. As much as I hate how our own resources are harvested and then sold back to us, simply taking the companies and resources back can easily be abused and used to take away personal possessions and freedoms they have no business touching. It is a tough situation to balance.
ChallyPrime t1_ixoq64o wrote
Lula at least recognizes elections
Draughtjunk t1_ixl4qod wrote
Good people lol. There are no good people in that election.
Corruption through and through.
[deleted] t1_ixlyj1h wrote
[deleted] t1_ixk5wmw wrote
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